How the Airship Works Quest

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How the Airship Works Quest
Base Level: 60
Item(s) (Consumed): 2 Prickly Fruit and 2 Will of the Darkness
Base Experience: 200,000
Job Experience: 10,000

1. Board the International route airship (Izlude to Rachel to Juno) (use a Kafra Warp to Izlude, or take the International Boarding route at the Juno airport).

2. Talk to the Captain, Tarlock (airplane_01 238 154) and ask "How does the airship fly?" Pester him once more. Tarlock will ask if you really want to know, answer yes. Then he says it's top secret and only tells you if you help him.

He then says he has a brother who also is an Airship Captain, Ferlock. Because they work in different airships, Tarlock asks you to deliver a letter to him and get his brother's reply. You receive Tarlock's Letter.

3. Board the Domestic route airship (from Juno to Lighthalzen to Einbroch to Hugel) and find Air Ship Captain, Ferlock (airplane 236 163) (you can switch between the two routes at the Juno airport without having to pay the boarding fee a second time). After you give him Tarlock's letter he tells you his brother has borrowed something from him and apparently has lost it.

Ferlock shows you the letter that says "The one who brought you the letter will find it for me. Don't reply to me if he refuses to do so".

Ferlock tells you those items were 2 Will of the Darkness and 2 Prickly Fruit and the monsters that drop it can be found on Tarlock's Airship.

  • Note: If you already have the required items in your inventory, you can skip step 4 and proceed straight to step 5.

4. Go back to International route airship (Izlude/Juno/Rachel) and wait patiently on the deck. Eventually, you will hear an announcement.

  • Note: This happens at a random rate and if you are unlucky, there is a chance that it might not happen for days.

After this announcement, half of the mobs are killed by Captain Tarlock and will drop nothing. You should try to kill the monsters as fast as possible.

  • After 4 minutes, another announcement is made. If you don't clear the monsters by that time, they will die (With no items). Gremlin and Beholder can also be found in Rachel Sanctuary dungeons after completing the Rachel Sanctuary Quest.

5. After collecting the items, go back to the Domestic route Airship (Juno/Lighthalzen/Einbroch/Hugel) to find Ferlock and Give him the items. He gives you Captain's reply.

6. At the International route Airship (Izlude/Juno/Rachel), give the letter to Tarlock. Talk to him until he finishes reading the letter. He finally gives up his secrets about the airship.