This quest or event is currently not implemented.
If it becomes available again, this notice will be removed.
Thanksgiving Event (2009/11/24) ~ (2009/12/08)
Base Level:
Item(s) (Consumed):
10 Meat, 2 Yam, 5 Raw Fish, 20 Potatoes, 5 Milk, 5 Pumpkins, 10 Carrots, 1 Alcohol, 3+ Iron Ore, 15+ Trunk, 2+ Iron Hammer, 1 Nut Shell Hat, 5 Grapes, 3 Apples
Base Experience:
Job Experience:
3 Yggdrasil Berry and 5 Speed Potion
Event Notice
- In Payon, speak to Mr. Brando (payon 190, 314) and offer to help him. He asks for 10 Meat, 2 Yams and 5 Raw Fish.
- Raw Fish can be purchased from the sushi chef in the Amatsu bar either individually or in sets of 10 pieces.
- Receive 104,616 Base EXP and 105,230 Job EXP.
- Speak to Mrs. Brando (186, 300), she needs materials for her mashed potatoes. She asks for 20 Potatoes, 5 Milk, 5 Pumpkins and 10 Carrots.
- Speak to Grandma Vira (180, 322) to try and get her to take her medicine, she needs some Alcohol.
- Kipp (190, 304) requires 3+ Iron Ore, 15+ Trunk, and 2+ Iron Hammer.
- Speak to Cherice (200, 306), she needs 1 Nut Shell Hat, 5 Grapes and 3 Apples.
- Return to Mr. Brando, he thanks you for your help.