Juice Ingredients

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For a list of other NPC made items, go to Item Mixing.

  • See: Juice Quest for how to begin. This must be done on every character that wants to make juice.
Juice Type Ingredients NPC and Location Map Location
531.png Apple Juice
512.png 1 Apple
1093.png 1 Empty Potion Bottle
3 Zeny
Marx Hansen
Inside Payon
(payon_in03 188,146)
532.png Banana Juice
513.png 1 Banana
1093.png 1 Empty Potion Bottle
3 Zeny
534.png Carrot Juice
515.png 1 Carrot
1093.png 1 Empty Potion Bottle
3 Zeny
533.png Grape Juice
514.png 1 Grape
1093.png 1 Empty Potion Bottle
3 Zeny
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Item Mixing Juice Ingredients • Potion Ingredients • Dye Ingredients • Tame Ingredients • Headgear Ingredients (Headgear Quests) • Pet Equipment • Counteragent and Mixture Quest
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