Direction of Prayer Daily Quests

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These quests arrived with the Direction of Prayer Episode 18 update on iRO. These quests can be done daily to receive Amethyst Fragment that can be used for new equipment and enchantments, as well as Gray Wolf Village Reputation.

Gray Wolf Village

Oz Labyrinth 1F (170lv)

Direction of Prayer Daily Quests
Base Level: 170
Item(s) (Consumed): None
Hunting: 20 Ash Toad
Quest Prerequisite(s): The Labyrinth and the Merchant
Base Experience: ~8,729,760 Base Exp (at Base Level: 176, Server: +200%, Equip: +73%)
Job Experience: ~6,000,000 Job Exp (at Base Level: 176, Server: +200%, Equip: +73%)
Item(s): 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment
Quest Reward(s): 30 Reputation
  1. Speak with Imril wolfvill143113.
  2. (Oz Labyrinth 1F (170lv)) Travel to Oz Labyrinth Floor 1 and defeat 20 Ash Toad.
  3. (Oz Labyrinth 1F (170lv)) Return to Grey Wolf Village and speak with Imril to receive 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment and 30 Reputation.

Oz Labyrinth 2F (200lv)

Direction of Prayer Daily Quests
Base Level: 200
Item(s) (Consumed): None
Hunting: 20 Hot Molar
Quest Prerequisite(s): The Labyrinth and the Merchant
Base Experience: tbd Base Exp
Job Experience: tbd Job Exp
Item(s): 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment
Quest Reward(s): 30 Reputation
  1. Speak with Imril wolfvill143113.
  2. (Oz Labyrinth 2F (200lv)) Travel to Oz Labyrinth Floor 2 and defeat 20 Hot Molar.
  3. (Oz Labyrinth 2F (200lv)) Return to Grey Wolf Village and speak with Imril to receive 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment and 30 Reputation.

Gray Wolf Forest Hunting

Direction of Prayer Daily Quests
Base Level: 170
Item(s) (Consumed): None
Hunting: Total 30 from (Ashring, Ashhopper, Grey Wolf)
Base Experience: tbd Base Exp
Job Experience: tbd Job Exp
Item(s): 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment
Quest Reward(s): 30 Reputation
  1. Speak with Camper gw_fild0132101 and choose Make Grey Wolf Forrest safer and accept.
  2. ([Daily] Gray Wolf Forest Hunting) Hunt any 30 monsters in Gray Wolf Forest the return to Camper to receive 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment and 30 Reputation.

Water Purification

Direction of Prayer Daily Quests
Base Level: 170
Item(s) (Consumed): None
Quest Prerequisite(s): Water Purification
Base Experience: tbd Base Exp
Job Experience: tbd Job Exp
Item(s): 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment
Quest Reward(s): 30 Reputation
  1. Speak with Budan wolfvill103230.
  2. ([Daily] Water Purification (1)) Travel to Rachel and speak with Salesman rachel103141 and choose Buy a Holy Relic to purchase the Water Filter for 550 Zeny.
  3. ([Daily] Water Purification (2)) Travel to Gray Wolf Village and click Water Container wolfvill104235 and receive a Bucket of Purified Water.
  4. ([Daily] Water Purification (3)) Speak with Budan to receive 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment and 30 Reputation.

Shortage of Supplies

Direction of Prayer Daily Quests
Base Level: 170
Item(s) (Consumed): 999.png 1 Steel, 1000406.png 10 Very Unusual Crystal
Quest Prerequisite(s): Where is My Home
Base Experience: tbd Base Exp
Job Experience: tbd Job Exp
Item(s): 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment
Quest Reward(s): 30 Reputation
  1. Speak with Ezekiel wolfvill171253.
  2. ([Daily] Shortage of Supplies (1)) Hunt Gray Wolf outside of the village and have 10 Very Unusual Crystal drop to your inventory.
  3. ([Daily] Shortage of Supplies (2)) Speak with Ezekiel at his original location and give him 1 Steel and 10 Very Unusual Crystal and receive 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment and 30 Reputation.

An Unexpected Shepherd

Direction of Prayer Daily Quests
Base Level: 170
Hunting: 20 Ashring
Quest Prerequisite(s): There are no evil beasts in this world
Base Experience: ~15,538,248 Base Exp (at Base Level: 176, Server: +200%, Equip: +73%)
Job Experience: ~6,000,000 Job Exp (at Base Level: 176, Server: +200%, Equip: +73%)
Item(s): 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment
Quest Reward(s): 30 Reputation
  1. Speak with Scania wolfvill117119.
  2. (An Unexpected Shepherd (1)) Click or walk near Grass gw_fild01138105.
  3. (An Unexpected Shepherd (2)) Defeat 20 Ashring then click or walk near the Grass at the original location.
  4. (An Unexpected Shepherd (3)) Speak with Scania at his original location and receive 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment and 30 Reputation.


Observing Atmosphere

Direction of Prayer Daily Quests
Base Level: 170
Quest Prerequisite(s): Observing Atmosphere
Base Experience: tbd Base Exp
Job Experience: tbd Job Exp
Item(s): 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment
  1. Speak with Junok rachel155236.
  2. Speak with 6 civilians (marked on your minimap) randomly given by the quest (there are 10 in total).
    • (Conversation with Rohi) Speak with Rohi rachel10072.
    • (Conversation with Skuain) Speak with Skuain rachel159173.
    • (Conversation with Senado) Speak with Senado rachel19030.
    • (Conversation with Isira) Speak with Isira rachel88151.
    • (Conversation with Dina) Speak with Dina rachel240182.
    • (Conversation with Hari) Speak with Hari rachel21252.
  3. (Completed Opinion Gathering) Speak with Junok and receive 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment.

Foraging Practice

Direction of Prayer Daily Quests
Base Level: 170
Quest Prerequisite(s): Foraging Practice
Base Experience: tbd Base Exp
Job Experience: tbd Job Exp
Item(s): 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment
  1. Walk near Abused Child rachel17279.
  2. (Abused Child) Speak with Abused Child rachel18180.
  3. (Business Plan) Speak with Mejai rachel70135.
  4. (Foraging Practice (1)) Speak with Mejai and choose Manager, please proceed.
  5. (Foraging Practice (2)) Click For Practice Half Flower, and choose Cut at 20° angle, then 4 leaves, then Pour 30 ml., then Add 6 grams..
  6. (Foraging Practice (3)) Speak with Mejai and receive 1000405.png 3 Amethyst Fragment.
  • Note these methods are unverified for IRO but on KRO are used for the daily quest:
    • Near Rocks - Cut at 40° angle, 2 leaves, Pour 50 ml, Add 2 grams.
    • On Flat Ground - Cut at 30° angle, 4 leaves, Pour 40 ml, Add 4 grams.
    • Near Trees - Cut at 20° angle, 4 leaves, Pour 30 ml, Add 6 grams.
    • Near Water - Cut at 10° angle, 8 leaves, Pour 20 ml, Add 8 grams.