Clients and Patches

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Here you can find the current iRO Full Client, along with previous patches and a link to the official patch server.


iRO Clean Client

  • iRO-Client-Feb-20-2025
    • Instructions: Download, extract, run Ragnarok.exe from any folder directly. No need to install.
    • Last update: Feb 20, 2025 by Pingaify

iRO Wiki QoL Patcher

  • iROWiki-Patcher
    • This patcher constains all the QoL updates that has been forgotten by iRO.
    • Maintained by FishDeity and Pingaify.
    • Installation Instructions:
      1. Download and extract the files into your RO folder.
      2. Before anything else, always update the game using the main patcher (Ragnarok.exe).
      3. Once the update is complete, run our patcher (RagnarokWiki.exe) to apply additional patches.
    • Future Updates:
      1. You do not need to download the files again.
      2. Simply skip Step 1 and proceed with Steps 2 and 3.
    • Troubleshooting:
      1. If you accidentally update in the wrong order, follow the Guide:Repatch to restore the correct patch sequence.
      2. Use the previous patch number from patch3.txt to update the wikip.inf file, then proceed with the RagnarokWiki.exe patcher.
    • More details/needing help about this in iRO GRF Edits Discord

EAC Troubleshooting

You may need to install EAC to play properly. To do this, download the following file: EasyAntiCheat_Installer Already included in the latest client

  • Go to your RO Game folder.
  • Navigate inside the EasyAntiCheat folder.
  • Decompress the both .bat files inside that folder. Like the example picture at the right.
  • Open with Admin mode the eac_installer.bat file and let it finish. It does a full and clean install/repair of EAC.
    • If this doesn't works, then try using the eac_installer_alt.bat file.
  • Once it's done, play the game normally.

If you are facing the following errors:

  • BSOD errors
  • EOS_Sessions_InviteFailed or EOS_NoConnection

Following this guide from the game forum. EOS-EAC Troubleshoot

Previous Patches

See this page.

iRO Patch Server