In Need of Cocoa Bean
- Talk to Chocolate Factory Owner Prontera16398.
- He will asks for 20 Stolen Cocoa Beans, which is dropped from Sweet Drops roaming all over Rune-Midgarts.
- Return to him and he will give 10 Sweets Festival Coin as a reward. He will also give the Chocolate Delivery daily quest.
Chocolate Delivery
- Talk to Chocolate Factory Owner Prontera16398.
- He will asks the player to make chocolate delivery to 4 different cities: Geffen, Payon, Aldebaran, and Prontera. The location of the delivery site will be shown on the mini map. The player will be warped straight to the next city after successfully delivering the chocolate.
- Return to him and he will give 20 Sweets Festival Coin as a reward.
Lovely Candy Basket
- Go to North Prontera and talk to Garnish Lorenzo prontera151311.
- Agree to get some items to help her son Mascar impress a girl.
- Return with 3 Throat Lozenges, 5 Candy, and 5 Candy Cane to receive 10 Sweets Festival Coin.
Candy and Candy Cane can be bought from Elin alberta117135 by giving her the following items:
Sweet Temptation
- Find Man with Struggle at the south gate of Morroc morocc14331.
- He wants you to hunt 5 Sweet Drops.
- Return to him and collect 5 Sweets Festival Coin and 5 Cookie Bag.
Lucky Sweets
- Trek over to Geffen's Bounty Boards and talk with Miss Fortuna geffen7881.
- She is an unlucky girl and wants to try eating some lucky candy.
- Bring her 1 Lucky Cookie, 1 Lucky Candy, and 1 Lucky Candy Cane to receive 5 Sweets Festival Coin and 3 Cookie Bags. You can obtain the required items from opening up Cookie Bags.
Cookie Bag Drops
Sweets Festival Coin can be traded for rewards at these places:
- Sweets Shop Clerk Mimi prontera113103.
- Sweet Shop Employee Ed geffen59165.
- Sweet Shop Allen payon160126.
- Sweets Shopkeeper Hans aldebaran169183.
Sweets Festival Coin Amount
[Named] Handmade Chocolate
Chance at any above item or 100 Coins