IRO Updates

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This page presents statistics on iRO Updates, mostly having to do with the intervals between them and the dates they were implemented.

Update Files B/N<ref>Taken from "Main" Update file to "Main" Update file. (I.E 868 2005-06-03data_90NEW_eng.gpf to 893 2005-09-15data_Ep10_eng.gpf)</ref> Time B/N Patch Server (Days) Official Sakray (Days) Official Mains (Days)
8.X-9.0 23 71 56 56
9.0-10.1 24 104 112 105
10.1-10.2 43 145 154 154
10.2-10.3 35 182 168 189
10.3-10.4 36 140 133 112
10.4-11.1 19 104 112 126
11.1-11.2 35 137 140 126
11.2-11.3 54 210 203 203
11.3-11/11/2008 64 199 224 210
Avg 33.625 143.5555556 140.2222222 141
Recent Avg (10.4-11.1 to 11.2-11.3) 36 150.3333333 151.6666667 151.6666667

