Offline Vouchers are usable items that allows you to leave a copy of your character on the map to either sell or buy items when you're away. The shop you created will remain even if you leave the map or disconnect. The only time your shop will be closed is if your items sold out, met your purchase limit, server went down or if the voucher has expired. Each account can only utilize one of each voucher at once, meaning one merchant and one shopper, although the voucher is sharable amongst characters in the same account, it will not be usable if another already exist.
Offline Vending will have a timer to denote how much time remains on the shop
*iRO custom, the vouchers in other servers only last 1 day
How to Obtain
Consignment Merchant Voucher and Personal Shopper Voucher can be obtained through opening [10Day] Premium Subscription, doing quests or by purchasing them with zeny. To obtain through quest or zeny, go to Alberta Merchant Guild alberta_in2019.
Department of Employmen offers 3 difficulties of quests, completing them will reward you with a Voucher corresponding to the difficulty you have picked.
You will be able to pick between a Merchant Voucher or a Shopper Voucher upon completion.
There is a 7days cooldown before a character can repeat any of the quest.