Template:Monster Table

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Indicates whether the table should be sortable, e.g. yes, anything else indicates otherwise.
Indicates whether the table should be collapsible, e.g. yes, anything else indicates otherwise.
The monster data that the table will have. It needs to come formatted as MediaWiki table cell syntax.

To make your life easier it's recommended to use it with Template:Monster_Row being passed to the data parameter.



{{Monster_Row|id=1002|name=Poring|hp=55|level=1|def=2|mdef=5|basexp=111|jobxp=111|hit=290|flee=191|size=Medium|element=Water 1|race=Plant|map=prt_fild08}}
{{Monster_Row|id=1031|name=Poporing|hp=489|level=30|def=36|mdef=17|basexp=111|jobxp=111|hit=290|flee=191|size=Medium|element=Poison 1|race=Plant|map=pay_fild04}}
{{Monster_Row|id=1096|name=Angeling|hp=19,800|level=77|def=72|mdef=238|basexp=111|jobxp=111|hit=290|flee=191|size=Medium|element=Holy 4|race=Angel|map=pay_fild04}}
{{Monster_Row|id=1388|name=Arc Angeling|hp=25,100|level=84|def=92|mdef=81|basexp=111|jobxp=111|hit=290|flee=191|size=Medium|element=Holy 3|race=Angel|map=yuno_fild04}}
{{Monster_Row|id=1582|name=Deviling|hp=16,890|level=66|def=67|mdef=70|basexp=111|jobxp=111|hit=290|flee=191|size=Medium|element=Dark 4|race=Demon|map=pay_fild04}}

will result into:

Image Name Level HP Def Mdef Base Exp Job Exp 100% HIT 95% Flee Size Element Race Spawn
1002.png Poring 1 55 2 5 111 111 290 191 Medium Water 1 Plant prt_fild08
1031.png Poporing 30 489 36 17 111 111 290 191 Medium Poison 1 Plant pay_fild04
1096.png Angeling 77 19,800 72 238 111 111 290 191 Medium Holy 4 Angel pay_fild04
1388.png Arc Angeling 84 25,100 92 81 111 111 290 191 Medium Holy 3 Angel yuno_fild04
1582.png Deviling 66 16,890 67 70 111 111 290 191 Medium Dark 4 Demon pay_fild04

See Also