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iRO Chaos
Hammer Fall.png This user plays a Blacksmith.
Wizard.jpg This user plays a Wizard class character.
1551 Bible.png This user loves smacking around dem bitches and hoes with this here bible!
714 Emperium.png This user is guildmaster of the Cursed guild.

Main Characters-

vivi-shadowmage, a 97 Wizard (contact me if you want a party!)

Ryukage695, a 74 FS Priest

Der_Zerstorer695, a 79 Agi Knight.

I lead the guild "Cursed", which was once rather active, but i stopped playing for a period of 1-2 months twice, both times most people in the guild quit either the guild or RO. I am looking to rebuild the guild however so, if you are active, friendly, and dont mind helping people out (those who actually deserve it instead of acting like assholes), then contact me if you want to join!