Verus City Daily Summary

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Verus City Daily Summary
Base Level: 140
Item(s) (Consumed): 713.png 10 Empty Bottle

11597.png 30 Metalbug

Hunting: 10 Recon Robots

15 Explorer Robots
15 Repair Robots
30 Green Cenere
30 Repair Robot Turbo

Quest Prerequisite(s): To Phantasmagorika!
Base Experience: ??
Job Experience: ??

Note : There are total ?? daily quests in Verus City. Purpose of this page is combining all of them into one walkthrough guide.

  1. Take 713.png 10 Empty Bottle and 11597.png 30 Metalbug in your inventory.
  2. From Eden Dungeon Warper, select "Juperos" and warp through to the dungeon.
  3. Immediately enter the portal to your right.
  4. Talk to 'Guide Elisha' yuno_fild07216157 and "Say your name." then say yes.
  5. Talk to 'Police Chief Kesler' verus04133212 and ask "Is there anything I can do to help?"
    1. Talk to 'Police Officer Pitts' verus04202258 and offer to help.
      1. Find "Thicket" NPCs which sometimes give 6754.png Gathered Herb. Gather 10.
      2. Talk to 'Police Officer Pitts' verus04202258 to deliver the herbs.
    2. Travel one map north and talk to 'Police Officer Gerev' verus0311636 and offer to help.
      1. Find Doom Trap NPCs called '???' like this verus0312736 and disarm 10 of them.
      2. There is no progress counter. Keep going until it says "You disarmed all the traps you had to."
      3. Travel one map north and talk to 'Police Officer Gerev' verus0311636 to complete this task.
    3. Talk to 'Police Officer Salgran' verus0336113 and offer to help.
      1. Locate 10 stationary "Illegal Promotion" and defeat them. You should see a progress counter.
      2. Talk to 'Police Officer Salgran' verus0336113 again to complete this task.
    4. Talk to 'Police Officer Seidan' verus0381241 and offer to help.
      1. Find '???' NPCs from before to receive 10 stones. (You cannot bring stones in from outside this quest)
      2. Talk to 'Police Officer Seidan' verus0381241 again to complete this task.
  6. Talk to 'Police Chief Kesler' verus04133212
    1. Ask "Is there anything I can do to help?" to receive EXP and a 23-hour cooldown.
  7. Talk to 'Ian Atnad' verus04144193 twice. Once to end cooldown, and again to begin the new daily quest.
  8. Talk to 'Commander Louis' verus04144193
    1. Select 'Cleaning the Tunnel' and 'Monster Subjugation' twice each. Once to end cooldown, and again to begin the new daily quest.
  9. Talk to 'Commander Arquien' verus04144193
    1. Select both 'Research facilities Memory Records and 'Laboratory Memory Records' twice each. Once to end cooldown, and again to begin the new daily quest.
  10. Travel to the tunnel ver_tunn1335
    1. Defeat 10 Recon Robots.
    2. Start receiving 6749.png Power Control Device automatically.
  11. Return to the map north of Verus City and find 'Machinist Lloyd' verus03103177
    1. Talk to Lloyd twice. Once to end cooldown, and again to begin the new daily quest.
    2. Click on the nearby Machine Remnants to collect 10 Enriched Energy.
    3. Talk to Lloyd again to complete this task.
  12. Defeat 15 Explorer Robots and 15 Repair Robots in Verus Center Square.
  13. Keep fighting robots until you have 20 6749.png Power Control Devices.
    1. It's ok if you have more than 20. Ian Atnad will take your whole supply every time.
  14. Travel one map north and talk to Krotzel verus027931
  15. Collect 5 Memory Records from the Strewn Paper.
  16. Talk to 'Photo Journalist' Sunny Kim verus02134169
    1. "Ask if safe" and "Is there anything to help with?"
  17. Use Record Piece from yesterday.
    1. Refer to Verus City Record Piece for detailed instructions for this part.
    2. Exit memory here: un_bk_q9787
  18. Travel to un_bunker97169
  19. Collect 5 Laboratory Memory Records 'Under desk'
  20. Exit building at un_bunker9789.
  21. Find 'Lame Journalist' Trapp verus01172146
    1. "Ask if safe" and "Is there anything to help with?"
  22. Speak to 'Exhausted Journalist' Grylis verus0141103
    1. "Ask if safe" and "Is there anything to help with?"
    2. Talk to Grylis again (Is there anything to help with?") to give 11597.png 30 Metalbug and receive EXP
  23. Defeat 30 Green Cenere
  24. Defeat 30 Repair Robot Turbo
  25. Talk to 'Lame Journalist' Trapp verus01172146
    1. Ask "Is there anything to help with?", receive EXP
  26. Talk to Photo Journalist' Sunny Kim verus02134169
    1. Ask "Is there anything to help with?", receive EXP
  27. Talk to 'Ian Atnad' verus04144193, receive EXP
  28. Talk to 'Commander Arquien' verus04144193
    1. Select both 'Research facilities Memory Records' and 'Laboratory Memory Records' to receive EXP and new record piece.
      1. Do not use record piece until 22-hour cooldown period is over.
  29. Talk to 'Commander Louis' verus04144193
    1. Select 'Cleaning the Tunnel' and 'Monster Subjugation' to receive EXP
  30. Talk to 'Police Chief Kesler' verus04133212
    1. "I brought Doom Tokens" then "Give Doom Tokens" to convert character-bound Doom Tokens into 22611.png Packing Envelopes