Cooking Quest

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Cooking Quest
Base Level: 50
Item(s) (Consumed): Food Creation Items
Item(s) (Not Consumed): 1 Chef Hat (Must be able to equip it)
Quest Reward(s): Access to level 1-5 Cookbooks
Purchasable Outdoor/Home Cooking Kits

1. Enter the Prontera castle (located top center prontera). Inside, go forward into the main banquet hall and head north west through a passage to the kitchen, in there you should find many chefs on the left and 3 NPCs, "Charles Orleans", "Girl holding a cat", and "Madeleine Chu" on the right.

Madeleine Chu will give you the quest. Charles Orleans will teach you about cooking your first food. Once you complete the quest, Chu will sell you cooking kits and Orleans will lend you cooking manuals.

  1. Talk to Madeleine Chu prt_cas329206.
    • Out of the three options it gives you, chose "I want to learn how to be a cook". Madeleine will ask you to speak to her master. In order to show your enthusiasm, you will be asked to wear a Chef Hat.
  2. Wearing the chef hat, talk to Charles. After talking to him, he will chose a random level 1 food to make. He'll tell you the ingredients for this food, and you'll need to bring them to him.
  3. After bringing him the required items, you'll make your first food item together. Unlike with normal food creation, this attempt will always succeed. He'll give you the food item that was created. You may use or vend it, but you should hold onto it for later use in this quest.
  4. After you're done making the food, return to Madeleine. Madeleine will let you have his copy of the Level 1 Cookbook, and give you 10 Outdoor Cooking Sets.
    • Note: Players are advised to keep this copy of cookbook safe. Because Charles Orleans will only exchange books 2-5 only if you return the previous borrowed cookbooks.
  5. Now that you have a Level 1 Cookbook, you'll be able to make food items on your own now. Madeleine will sell you Outdoor Cooking Sets for 500z, but still won't sell you any Home Cooking Sets.
  6. This time, you will need to ask them if they want to see your cooking. You will be asked to create one of each kind of level 1 food (Look in your cookbook for recipes). A set of ingredients to attempt every item in cookbook 1 includes:
    • 5 grasshopper's leg
    • 3 old frying pan
    • 2 cooking oil
    • 10 nipper
    • 10 green herb
    • 1 yellow potion
    • 5 grape
    • 3 red potion
    • 1 honey
    • 10 spawn
    • 1 squid ink
    • 1 bag of grain
    • 5 yoyo tail.
    If the attempt to create food is unsuccessful, more ingredients will be needed to re-attempt those foods.
  7. Once you're done, bring Madeleine your foods that you've made. You can use the one you created with Charles as one of these foods. Madeleine will package these foods in a "Bundle of Food", and you'll need to bring it to her friend Chulsoo in Payon.
  8. Deliver the bundle of food to Servant (Chulsoo) in Payon (208, 127), and select the option "Actually, Madeleine sent me...". Doing this quest will close off the other options presented by Chulsoo and they will no longer be accessible. Therefore, you may choose to try Chulsoo's other options before selecting the Madeleine option.
  9. Return to the Prontera cooks. Madeleine will give you 10 Home Cooking Sets. At this point, Madeleine will allow you to buy Home Cooking Sets for 1000z. They're a bit pricier than regular cooking sets, but the higher success rate makes them more useful.
  10. Talk to Charles once again. Charles will now let you swap his cookbooks with your L1~L5 if you help him with some items he needs:
    Note: Charles will only talk to you if you have chef hat equipped.

The quest is complete at this point. If you want access to higher level sets or cookbooks, you'll have to find them from monsters.