Dye Ingredients

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For a list of other NPC made items, go to Item Mixing.


Dye Type Ingredients NPC and Location Map Location
975.png Scarlet Dyestuffs
507.png 30 Red Herb
973.png 1 Counteragent
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
3,000 Zeny
Java Dullihan
Inside Morroc
976.png Lemon Dyestuffs
508.png 30 Yellow Herb
973.png 1 Counteragent
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
3,000 Zeny
982.png White Dyestuffs
509.png 30 White Herb
973.png 1 Counteragent
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
3,000 Zeny
980.png Orange Dyestuffs
507.png 20 Red Herb
508.png 20 Yellow Herb
973.png 1 Counteragent
974.png 1 Mixture
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
5,000 Zeny
979.png Green Dyestuffs
510.png 5 Blue Herb
511.png 20 Green Herb
508.png 20 Yellow Herb
973.png 1 Counteragent
974.png 1 Mixture
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
5,000 Zeny
978.png Cobalt Blue Dyestuffs
510.png 20 Blue Herb
973.png 1 Counteragent
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
3,600 Zeny
981.png Violet Dyestuffs
510.png 10 Blue Herb
507.png 30 Red Herb
973.png 1 Counteragent
974.png 1 Mixture
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
5,000 Zeny
983.png Black Dyestuffs
507.png 30 Red Herb
508.png 30 Yellow Herb
511.png 30 Green Herb
510.png 5 Blue Herb
973.png 1 Counteragent
974.png 1 Mixture
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
7,000 Zeny

Counteragent and Mixture

Note: You need to complete Counteragent and Mixture Quest first in order to create these.

Item Ingredients NPC and Location Map Location
973.png Counteragent
971.png 1 Detrimindexta
970.png 1 Alcohol
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
3,000 Zeny
Inside Geffen
974.png Mixture
972.png 1 Karvodailnirol
970.png 1 Alcohol
713.png 1 Empty Bottle
4,000 Zeny