Einbech Dungeon 3

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Talk to Train Station Staff at einbech231272 to move to the next map. To access the dungeon you need to go to Einbech Dungeon Entrance at einbech138252. Then head to Einbech Dungeon F2, the portal to the 3rd floor is located at ein_dun0216250.

Note: You need to be level 180 to access this dungeon.

F3 Dungeon Entrance

Daily quest

You have 5 available quest to help you level up faster. Talk to Intern Researcher Sally einbech143244.

You have 6 options to choose and hunt:

  • New Poison Gas Research
  • Unusual Mineral Research 1
  • Unusual Mineral Research 2
  • Abyssmal Research
  • Mine Bug Research
  • Why do you work this job?

The last option is to close the chat. You can do all the hunting at once.

New Poison Gas Research

Einbech Dungeon 3
Base Level: 180
Hunting: 20 Poisonous
20 Toxious
Base Experience: 27,512,240 Base EXP
Job Experience: 19,258,560 Job EXP

You are requested to hunt 20 Poisonous and 20 Toxious.

Unusual Mineral Research 1

Einbech Dungeon 3
Base Level: 180
Hunting: 20 Green Mineral
20 Red Mineral
Base Experience: 27,836,640 Base EXP
Job Experience: 19,485,600 Job EXP

You are requested to hunt 20 Green Mineral and 20 Red Mineral.

Unusual Mineral Research 2

Einbech Dungeon 3
Base Level: 180
Hunting: 20 White Mineral
20 Purple Mineral
Base Experience: 27,838,400 Base EXP
Job Experience: 19,486,880 Job EXP

You are requested to hunt 20 White Mineral and 20 Purple Mineral.

Abyssmal Research

Einbech Dungeon 3
Base Level: 180
Hunting: 10 Abyssman
Base Experience: 6,938,800 Base EXP
Job Experience: 4,857,160 Job EXP

You are requested to hunt 10 Abyssman.

Mine Bug Research

Einbech Dungeon 3
Base Level: 180
Hunting: 10 White Porcellio
10 Jeweliant
Base Experience: 13,854,240 Base EXP
Job Experience: 9,697,960 Job EXP

You are requested to hunt 10 White Porcellio and 10 Jeweliant.


Image Name Level HP Def Mdef Base Exp Job Exp 100% HIT 95% Flee Size Element Race Spawn
20592.png Poisonous 188 2,407,086 248 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? Medium Ghost 4 Formless ein_dun03
20593.png Toxious 188 2,407,556 254 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? Medium Poison 4 Formless ein_dun03
20602.png White Porcellio 188 2,403,326 200 69 ?? ?? ?? ?? Small Earth 4 Insect ein_dun03
20594.png Green Mineral 190 2,435,702 287 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Neutral 4 Formless ein_dun03
20595.png Red Mineral 190 2,435,702 287 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Neutral 4 Formless ein_dun03
20596.png White Mineral 190 2,436,177 293 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Neutral 4 Formless ein_dun03
20597.png Purple Mineral 190 2,435,543 285 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Neutral 4 Formless ein_dun03
20603.png Abyssman 190 2,428,577 197 67 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Neutral 4 Brute ein_dun03
20598.png Jeweliant 191 2,445,656 252 71 ?? ?? ?? ?? Medium Neutral 4 Insect ein_dun03
20600.png Jewel 192 100 504 71 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Neutral 4 Formless ein_dun03
20601.png Jungoliant
197 37,847,096 345 90 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Neutral 4 Insect ein_dun03

Obtainable Equipment

You can exchange advanced equipment from the drops given by the dungeon monsters.


Abyssman and Jewel may drop the following 5 ores:

Additionally, Jeweliant and Jewel may drop the following ore:

This ore will give you at random one of the 5 ores above.

Additionally, Jewel may drop the following ore:

This ore can be used later with the Dynite Exchanger.

Dynite Exchanger

You can refine ores to Dynites and exchange Dynites to equipment, accesories and modification permits.

Talk with Field Supervisor Elmen einbech149257 to refine ores or exchange equipment.

Refine Dynites

You can combine each of the 5 ores to make 1 dynite. You enter the desired amount of Dynite to craft in one go.

Dynite Shop

You can exchange 75 Dynite for Accesories and 30 Dynite for Modification Permits.


The following is the list of available accesories that can be buy from Field Supervisor Elmen.

Name Type Description
32248.png Safety Pendant R [1]
Accessory (Right) A medal awarded to those who ensured the safety of the Einbroch mine.

Only a few have been awarded this rare medal.

All Stats +5 and increased ASPD (ASPD +5%).

+ 32250.png Safety Epaulet R [1]

MaxHP +10% and increased ASPD (ASPD +15%).

+ 32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1]

MaxHP +10%, Variable Cast Time -15%.

+ 32250.png Safety Epaulet R [1] or 32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1] + any Einbroch Weapon

Fixed Cast Time -0.3 sec.
After-cast delay -7%.
DMG -3% from enemies of all sizes.

Defense: 10
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
Jobs: All Jobs
32249.png Safety Pendant B [1]
Accessory (Right) A medal awarded to those who ensured the safety of the Einbroch mine.

Only a few have been awarded this rare medal.

All Stats +5.
Variable Cast Time -5%.

+ 32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1]

MaxHP +10% and additional Variable Cast Time -15%.

+ 32250.png Safety Epaulet R [1]

MaxHP +10% and increased ASPD (ASPD +15%).

+ 32250.png Safety Epaulet R [1] or 32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1] + any Einbroch Weapon

Fixed Cast Time -0.3 sec.
After-cast delay -7%.
Magic damage -3% from enemies of all sizes.

Defense: 10
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
Jobs: All Jobs
32250.png Safety Epaulet R [1]
Accessory (Left) An epaulet awarded to those who ensured the safety of the Einbroch mine.

Only a few have been awarded this rare epaulet.

ATK +5%.

Defense: 10
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
Jobs: All Jobs
32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1]
Accessory (Left) An epaulet awarded to those who ensured the safety of the Einbroch mine.

Only a few have been awarded this rare epaulet.

MATK +5%.

Defense: 10
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
Jobs: All Jobs
Weapon Enchantment

Einbech weapons can be further enchanted using Modification Permits that can be buy from Field Supervisor Elmen.

Both permits are consumables that will give a set of three random enchants to a single Einbech Weapon, one enchant for each of the three slots of enchants available.

If the enchants are not up to your liking, a new permit can be purchased and used to reroll a new set of enchants.

9514.png Physical Modification Permit
First Enchant Second Enchant Third Enchant
  • Hit 5 ~ 35
  • Flee 7 ~ 35
  • ASPD 1 ~ 2
  • ASPD% 5 ~ 10%
  • Increase critical damage 5 ~ 20%
  • Increase physical damage to [any element] enemies 3 ~ 20%
  • Crit 2 ~ 10
  • Increase physical damage to [any race] enemies 3 ~ 20%
  • Increase physical damage to normal enemies 3 ~ 20%
  • Increase physical damage to boss enemies 3 ~ 20%
  • Ignore physical defense of [any race] enemies 3 ~ 25%
  • Ignore physical defense of normal enemies 3 ~ 18%

9529.png Magic Modification Permit
First Enchant Second Enchant Third Enchant
  • Matk 5 ~ 45
  • Matk% 1 ~ 10%
  • Heal effectiveness 3 ~ 25%
  • Reduce variable casting time 5 ~ 10%
  • Flee 7 ~ 35
  • Increase magic damage to [any element] enemies 3 ~ 20%
  • Crit 2 ~ 10
  • Heal effectiveness 7 ~ 25%
  • Reduce variable casting time 5 ~ 10%
  • Increase magic damage to [any race] enemies 3 ~ 20%
  • Increase magic damage to normal enemies 3 ~ 20%
  • Increase magic damage to boss enemies 3 ~ 20%
  • Ignore magic defense of [any race] enemies 3 ~ 25%
  • Ignore magic defense of normal enemies 3 ~ 18%

Exchange Dynite Equipment

You can exchange 50 Dynite for a random weapon equipment.

Name Type Description
1867.png Safety Knuckle [2]
Knuckle Originally made to ensure safety for the workers of Einbroch,

it was modified for use in battle with various attachments since it offers excellent durability.

ATK +10%.
Knuckle Arrow damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +40.
Increased ASPD (ASPD +15%).
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Knuckle Arrow damage +15%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +15% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 210
Weight: 180
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Sura Classes
2058.png Detecting Staff [2]
Two-handed Staff A detector used to find special minerals in the Einbroch mine.

Since it was added with an effect that boosts the wielder's magical prowess, many have used it for a purpose different from its original use.

MATK +330.
MATK +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
MATK +60.
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Fire Magic damage +15%.
When dealing magic damage, create a chance to gain 20% bonus Magic damage on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 180
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Warlock Classes
13346.png Grinder Huuma Shuriken [2]
Huuma Shuriken A grinder used in construction sites around Einbroch.

People often use it for another purpose due to its excellent portability and cutting force.

ATK +15%.
Swirling Petal damage +15%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +60.
Variable Cast Time -15%.
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Swirling Petal damage +20%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +20% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
Swirling Petal cooldown -1 second.
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 280
Weight: 180
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Ninja Classes
16099.png Rubber Hammer [2]
Mace A hammer used to investigating mine shafts in Einbroch.

It's a tool used to check shafts, but people often use it in battle due to its design and durability.

MATK +180, indestructible.
MATK +7%.
Healing Recovery +15%.
Adoramus damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
Holy Magic damage +7%.
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Adoramus damage +15%.
When dealing magic damage, create a chance to gain additional Magic damage +15% on enemies of all sizes for 5 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 160
Weight: 190
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Arch Bishop Classes
18190.png Bolt Shooter [2]
Bow A tool used in Einbroch to drive nails.

It's been modified to be able to shoot stuff other than nails.

ATK +10%.
Aimed Bolt damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +60.
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Aimed Bolt damage +15%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +20% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 210
Weight: 170
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Ranger Classes
21054.png Claw Sword [2]
Two-handed Sword A tool used to remove various kinds of scrap at construction sites.

Can be used for many purposes.

ATK +15%.
CRIT +5.
[Refine >= 7]
Critical damage +25%.
Increased ASPD (ASPD +10%).
[Refine >= 9]
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +20% on enemies of all sizes for 5 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
CRIT +7.
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 300
Weight: 350
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Rune Knight Classes
26162.png Welding Wand [2]
One-handed Staff A magical tool used in welding.

Many use it in battle since it significantly boosts the wielder's magical prowess.

MATK +200.
Neutral, Water, Fire Magic damage +7%.
[Refine >= 7]
MATK +40.
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Neutral, Water, Fire Magic damage +8%.
When dealing magic damage, create a chance to gain additional Magic damage +15% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 160
Weight: 120
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Mage and Soul Linker Classes
26215.png Safety Whip [2]
Whip A rope made in Einbroch for lifesaving purposes.

Actually, it's used more often for another purpose than saving people's lives.

Long-ranged DMG +10%.
Severe Rainstorm damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +40.
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Severe Rainstorm damage +15%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +15% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
Severe Rainstorm cooldown -2 sec.
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 200
Weight: 140
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Wanderer Classes
28045.png Bolt Crusher [2]
Katar A tool used in Einbroch to cut various metals.

They modified it for battle use due to its superior cutting force.

ATK +10%.
Rolling Cutter damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +60.
Increased ASPD (ASPD +10%).
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Rolling Cutter damage +15%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +20% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 300
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Guillotine Cross Classes
28140.png Saw Axe [2]
Two-handed Axe A weapon modified from a metal-cutting saw to a battle axe.

The sound of the engine reverberating every time the wielder swings makes enemies cower in fear.

ATK +10%, indestructible.
Arm Cannon damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +60.
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Long-ranged DMG +10%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +15% on enemies of all sizes for 5 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 350
Weight: 500
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Mechanic Classes
28635.png Safety Manual [2]
Book A book full of information on preparing for various industrial and natural accidents.

Just holding it makes you feel safe.

ATK +10%.
CRIT +3.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +40.
Increased ASPD (ASPD +10%).
[Refine >= 9]
Critical damage +15%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +15% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
Additional Critical damage +15%.
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 200
Weight: 70
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Star Emperor Only
28771.png Metal Detector Mk47 [2]
Dagger A small detector made for finding ores in mines.

It's light and durable, so many people use it for self-protection.

ATK +10%.
Cross Impact damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +40.
Increased ASPD (ASPD +10%).
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Cross Impact damage +15%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +15% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 200
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Guillotine Cross Classes
28772.png Jewel Detector Mk47 [2]
Dagger A small detector made for finding jewels in mines.

It's used for various purposes as it boosts the wielder's strength.

MATK +180.
MATK +10%.
Fire and Neutral Magic damage +7%.
[Refine >= 7]
MATK +40.
Increased ASPD (ASPD +10%).
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Fire and Neutral Magic damage +8%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional Magic damage +15% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 190
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Shadow Chaser Classes
32026.png Blocking Spear [2]
One-handed Spear Originally used to block entrance to dangerous areas in Einbroch,

it's now modified into a weapon due to its durability and power.

ATK +10%.
Vanishing Point damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +40.
Increased ASPD (ASPD +10%).
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Vanishing Point damage +15%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +15% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 210
Weight: 300
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Royal Guard Classes
32110.png Safety Lute [2]
Instrument Made to encourage the workers of Einbroch or signal an emergency.

It has many flaws as a guitar but it produces the loudest sound.

Long-ranged DMG +10%.
Severe Rainstorm damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +40.
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Severe Rainstorm damage +15%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +15% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
Severe Rainstorm cooldown -2 sec.
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 200
Weight: 140
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Maestro Classes
32303.png Bolt Revolver [2]
Pistol A tool used in Einbroch to drive nails.

It's been modified to be able to shoot stuff other than nails.

Long-ranged DMG +15%.
Fire Dance damage +15%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +60.
Increased ASPD (ASPD +10%).
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Fire Dance damage +20%.
When physically attacking, create a chance to gain additional DMG +20% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 200
Weight: 180
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Gunslinger Classes
32352.png Safety Saber [2]
Sword A sword used for lighting up the shaft and self-protection in a mine.

It glitters if there is something dangerous nearby.

ATK +10%.
Cart Cannon damage +10%.
[Refine >= 7]
ATK +40.
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Cart Cannon damage +15%.
Long-ranged DMG +7%.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 200
Weight: 250
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Geneticist Classes
550006.png Safety Foxtail [2]
One-handed Staff A foxtail that was growing near a construction site in Einbroch.

It is solid like steel, perhaps because of its mysterious ores.

MATK +350.
ATK +7%, MATK +7%.
Catnip Meteor and Picky Peck damages +15%.
[Refine >= 7]
Increased ASPD (ASPD +10%).
Variable Cast Time -10%.
[Refine >= 9]
Additional Catnip Meteor and Picky Peck damages +20%.
Physical/Magic attacks create a chance to gain additional Physical/Magic damage +10% on enemies of all sizes for 10 sec.
[Refine >= 11]
After-cast delay -20%.

Attack: 300
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Summoner (Doram)

Obtainable Cards

Card Type Description
CardPoisonous Card300001.png Weapon Card
  • Increases physical damage against Poison property monsters by 25%.

Set Bonus with 4062.png Anacondaq Card:

  • Increases physical damage against Poison property monsters by 15%.
CardToxious Card300002.png Armor Card
  • MaxHP + 10%.
  • Reduces damage taken from long ranged physical damage by 5%.

Set Bonus with 4334.png Noxious Card:

  • MaxHP + 5%.
  • Reduces damage taken from long ranged physical damage by 10%.
CardWhite Porcellio Card300003.png Shoes Card
  • Atk + 20.
  • For every refine level:
    • Atk + 1.

Set Bonus with 4337.png Porcellio Card:

  • Atk + 10.
CardNeo Mineral Card300004.png Garment Card
  • Def + 30.
  • For every refine level:
    • Def + 3.

Set Bonus with 4339.png Mineral Card:

  • Def + 20.
CardAbyssman Card300005.png Shoes Card
  • MaxHP + 10%.
  • Increases damage of Earth Grave by 10%.

Set Bonus with 4335.png Pitman Card:

  • For every refine level of shoes
    • Increases damage of Earth Grave by additional 1%.
CardJeweliant Card300006.png Accessory(Left) Card
  • When physically melee attacking:
    • Adds 7% chance to autocast Psychic Wave Lv. 1.

Set Bonus with 4336.png Ungoliant Card:

  • Increases Neutral property magical damage by 30%.
CardJungoliant Card300007.png Armor Card
  • Increases physical damage against Fire and Water property monsters by 40%.
  • Increases physical damage against Formless and Plant race monsters by 40%.

See Also