Harvest Festival
Harvest Festival | |
Requirements | |
Base Level: | 30 |
Rewards | |
Item(s): | ![]() ![]() Various items from lottery |
Event Notice |

"Celebrate the Harvest Festival in Alberta with games and fun prizes! As the harvest commences and the seasons grow cold, people from all over gather in Alberta for their celebratory Harvet Festival bonfire and other activities. Head on down and participate along with them!"
Make your way to Alberta to participate in the event. Or, if you meet a Festival PR Agent in any of the main towns, he can also offer to warp you there directly.
Main Quest
- Look for Lana near a large crowd of people gathered around a bonfire. She needs help gathering wood for the bonfire.
- Collect the following and bring them to Lana:
5 High-Quality Branches (Obtainable from Revival Branch event monsters)
10 Tree Roots
1 Fire Arrow
- Give them to Lana to receive 1 Ticket to Anywhere and 1 Lottery Ticket for Harvest.
- Luna's Magical Fire daily quest is now available.
- Capturing Hungry Savages daily quest is now available.
- Home Food daily quest series are now available.
- Speedboat Captain's services are now available.

- Revival Branch event monsters are appearing on all field and dungeon maps
- They have 10 Max HP and take 1 dmg from all hits. They have similar sprites to Elder Willows. There's approximately 5 of them active at a time on each map
- Monster's Drop Table:
Baked Sweet Potato
- Grace Moon Cake
- Baked Mushroom
Daily Quests
Luna's Magical Fire
In an attempt to preserve the freshness of the firewood, Luna accidentally revived them and turned them into Revival Branches. Now that they're multiplying on their own, they might overrun the entire continent if left unchecked!
- Talk to Luna and take his request.
- Hunt down 10 Revival Branches and retrieve 10 High-Quality Branches from them.
- Return to Luna and hand him the High-Quality Branches to be rewarded 1 Lottery Ticket for Harvest.
Capturing Hungry Savages
Hungry Savages are on a rampage in search of food. Serena needs your help in safely capturing them so they don't end up hurting other people or even themselves.
- Talk to Serena . You'll receive a Savage Trap item to aide in capturing them.
- Use the Savage Traps to capture Hungry Savages in the same way you tame pets.
- Capture atleast 10 Hungry Savages and bring them back to Serena.
- She'll reward you with 1 Ticket to Anywhere and 1 Lottery Ticket for Harvest.

- Hungry Savages can be found on all field and dungeon maps.
- They have 10 Max HP and take 1 dmg from all hits. They look like regular Savages.
- Monster's Drop Table:
Lucky Rice Cake
- Grace Moon Cake
- Tasty Corn
- Baked Mushroom
Home Food
Talk to Songhwa
Songhwa offers one of the following quests at random:
Preparing Roast Turkey
- Collect:
1 Plain Sauce (Savory Sauce)
3 Lemons
10 Carrots
- Bring them back to Songhwa to be rewarded 2 Lottery Tickets for Harvest
- Turkey's Food daily quest becomes active
Turkey's Food
knows that taking good care of her turkeys helps her raise fatter, healthier, and generally better fowls. And so, she needs help collecting food for her feathered friends.- Talk to Lewis and accept her request
- Collect:
- Rewarded 1 Costume Turkey Hat and 1 Lottery Ticket for Harvest.
- Repeat quests will reward you with 2 Lottery Tickets for Harvest instead.
Preparing Moon Cookie
- Collect:
1 Yellow Spice
3 Wooden Blocks (Trunk)
- Bring them back to Songhwa to be rewarded 1 Lottery Ticket for Harvest.
- Eunwol's Dragon daily quest becomes active.
Eunwol's Dragon
wants to make better Moon Cookies. He thinks studying the Harvest Biscuits will help him achieve this. So he needs you to collect lots of Biscuits for him.- Talk to Eunwol
- Collect 10 Harvest Biscuits.
- Hand the cookies to him and he'll reward you with 1 Lottery Ticket for Harvest.
Preparing Songpyeon
- Collect:
1 Grain
3 Honey
10 Green Herbs
- Bring them back to Songhwa to be rewarded 1 Lottery Ticket for Harvest.
- Reason For Moving To Kunlun daily quest becomes active.
Reason For Moving To Kunlun
Mr. Kim
wants to visit his family. His only daughter is currently at Kunlun but he can't visit her due to how busy he is with the festival. Luckily for him, the Speedboat Captain can get move him to-and-from there in good time, but he still needs tickets.- Talk to Mr. Kim
- Bring him 2 Tickets to anywhere.
- Tickets to Anywhere are only obtainable from this event. They are given once by the Lana from the main quest, and once from Huntress Serena everyday.
- He'll reward you with 2 Lottery Tickets for Harvest.
There are two possible options to participate in the lottery depending on which NPC you approach. They will require different items but will offer the same chance at the lottery.
- Gail accepts Lottery Tickets for Harvest.
- Natali accepts 10 High-Quality Branches.
List of Possible Rewards
5 Harvest Biscuits
Costume Harvest Festa Hat (Initially unidentified)
Costume Autumn Taste (Initially unidentified)
Kachua's Secret Key
Taming Gift Set
Mystical Card Album
Old Card Album
Yggdrasil Berry
Old Purple Box
Old Blue Box
Authoritative Badge
Sesame Pastry
Honey Pastry
Rainbow Cake
Korean Rice Cake
Bloody Branch
Dead Branch
Baked Mushroom
Braised Short Ribs
Braised Spare Ribs
- Costume Harvest Festa Hat adds a chance of dropping a Harvest Biscuit when a monster is killed.
- Costume Autumn Taste actually increases the recovery rate of
Potato (Whether it boosts an item named sweet potato is unconfirmed. It is possibly missing game content)
- Baked Mushroom currently has no known effects.
Speedboat Captain
If you present a Ticket to Anywhere to the Speedboat Captain, he will offer you one free voyage to any of the following towns:
Event History
- First implemented on November 24, 2020