The Leveling Quests are only for experience purposes (except for the 26~40 quests that will supply free Novice Potion) and are accessible through the Mission Boards in the back of the Eden Group headquarters.
These quests give mainly Base EXP and the player may or may not gain Job EXP, depending on the quest. The level restriction applies only when taking the quest. It is possible to take a quest and to get the experience at a lower level after transcending.
You can take as many quest as you want by talking to the sign board against the wall and they are all repeatable without any delay unless noted (level 71 and up have specials restrictions).
All kinds of Battle Manuals EXP modifier can be used for these quests.
VIP accounts gets their bonus to EXP added to these quest rewards.
Level 1-11
When you have completed the quest(s), return to Eden Headquarters and speak to Sprakkimoc_para013539 to get your reward.
After picking up the quest, you will need to talk to the quest giver NPC to activate it. When you have completed the quest(s), return to the NPC to get your reward (Except the "Delivery" type, the target will give your reward directly).
The level range indicated when picking any of the quests below is disabled - no level requirement.
You can take as many quest's location as you want by talking to the sign board against the wall and each location is repeatable. You can get individuals rewards on each sub-quest (kill count) but you won't be able to pick the whole quest(s) back at that specific district until everything is cleared (all quests done inside the same district group). By picking Take all Quests at the eden group board you can bypass this restriction
After picking up the quest, you will need to talk to the quest giver NPC located near the district of your choice to activate it. When you have completed the quest(s), return to the NPC to get your reward.
Note: Island district can be problematic (2 out of 3 monsters require access quest or dungeon teleport scrolls to get to them).
Level 86-90
This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 3 hour cooldown period.
Located on Eden 2F
You can take as many quest as you want by talking to the sign board on second floor moc_paraup48175 and they are all individually repeatables after a 3 hours cooldown.
When you have completed the quest(s), return to Eden Headquarters and speak to the same sign board and select the mission you have completed to get your reward.
This quest or instance has a 3 hour cooldown period.
Located on Eden 2F
You can take as many quest as you want by talking to the sign board on second floor moc_paraup48177 and they are all individually repeatable after a 3 hours cooldown.
When you have completed the quest(s), return to Eden Headquarters and speak to the same sign board and select the mission you have completed to get your reward.
This quest or instance has a 1 hour cooldown period.
Level 100 and above Eden Quests were introduced to iRO with 13th November 2013 maintenance.
The NPCs offering these quests are situated behind the blue access door located in the NE corner of Eden floor 1. Upon entering take the left portal to enter the NPC room.
Level 100-110
Speak to Gelkahmoc_para013795 located inside the first room on the left behind the blue access door located in the north east corner of Eden Group.
She will ask you to bring her 50 Brigan. Once you bring the items back she will reward you with a Courtesy Ticket.
Speak to Rohtertmoc_para014295.
Gelkhah will then offer a number of hunting quests.
You can take as many quest as you want by talking to Gelkah and they are all individually repeatable after a 1 hour cooldown.
Return to Gelkhah and select the completed quest in order to receive the reward.
Speak to Mingminmoc_para011895 located inside the first room on the left behind the blue access door located in the north east corner of Eden Group.
You will need to speak with her several times and agree to sign a contract before the hunting quests can be unlocked.
Mingmin will then offer a number of hunting or item collection quests. You can take as many quest as you want and they are all individually repeatable after a 1 hour cooldown.
Return to Mingmin and select the completed quest in order to receive the reward.
In Eden Group Headquarters, go through the portal by the blue door on the first floor (ground floor) moc_para014839.
Go through the western portal.
First talk with Aigumoc_para011877, and then talk with Melody Jackmoc_para014481, who is located in the south-eastern corner of the room. He asks you to hunt various monsters.
Talk with Aigumoc_para011877, who is located in the same room as Melody Jack. She asks you to scout various areas. Each quest has individual cooldown of 1 hour after completion.
When you reach level 140 and enter the Eden Lobby, Secretary Evenor will greet you at the entrance and give you a one-time message to talk to Commander Arquien. Go meet Commander Arquien Niles Atnad in her office on the 2nd floor of Eden at moc_para01133170. She has information towards unlocking leveling missions at Verus.