Hogogong Strike

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Hogogong Strike
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 7, selectable
SP Cost: 47 + (Skill Level x 3)
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Cooldown: 0.35 seconds
Target: Target
Range: 7x7 ~ 11x11 cells
AP Generated: 1 (2 with Commune with Chulho)
Spirit Handler

Hogogong Strike (Alt: Hogogong Strike) is a 4th Expanded class offensive skill available as Spirit Handler.


Punches the front paws of Chulho to nearby targets affected by Hogogong Effect Hogogong Effect, inflicting ranged physical damage.

  • Damage is additionally increased according to the Mystical Creature Mastery level, the caster's Base Level and POW and has a chance to inflict half of the total Critical Damage according to the caster's Critical chance.
  • If Commune with Chulho has been learned, it increases skill damage and AP Recovery Amount.
Level Base Damage (ATK) Base Damage (ATK) (Commune with Chulho) Mastery Lvl Multiplier Mastery Lvl Multiplier (Commune with Chulho) Range
1 300% 300% 10 20 7x7
2 400% 500%
3 500% 700%
4 600% 900% 9x9
5 700% 1,100%
6 800% 1,300%
7 9000% 1,500% 11x11
Damage (ATK) = [((Base_Damage + ((Mystical Creature Mastery Lvl) x Bonus Damage Multiplier)) + 5 x POW) x Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced By

Note: Equips whose image show up broken (<some-id>.png), are not released in iRO yet and should be released in upcoming patches.


  • 450387.png Diana Suit-LT [1]
    • If grade C or higher, increases damage by 5% for every 3 refine levels.
    • If grade A, increases damage by 5% for every 3 refine levels.
    • When equipped with 490617.png Dictator Bracelet [1] -
      • Increases damage by 10%.
      • If armor is grade A, increases damage by 10%.


  • 550056.png Wicked Plant [2]
    • For every 2 refine levels, increases damage by 6%.
    • If grade C or higher, increases damage by 10%.
    • When enchanted with 311063.png Howling Strike Tuning Device -
      • Increases damage by 7%.
      • If Grade D or higher, increases damage by 5%.
      • If Grade B or higher, increases damage by 6%.
      • If Grade A or higher, increases damage by 7%.


Equipment Sets