Illusion of Frozen

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3rd Illusion Dungeon to arrive on ragnarok online.

Page work-in-progress will continue on this as soon as I break free from this ice

Main Quest

Illusion of Frozen
Base Level: 130
Hunting: Angry Ice Titan, or
Solid Icicle, or
Angry Gazeti
Base Experience: 2,000,000 (main quest)
500,000 (each daily quest)
Job Experience: 2,000,000 (main quest)
500,000 (each daily quest)
Item(s): 25271.png 3 Illusion Stone
Illusion Gear
Event Notice

To reach the Illusion of Frozen map, go to Ice Cave 2nd floor, then head south into a black portal.

  1. Talk to Vrid and Zeith. You find them frozen in magical ice and they will ask for your help getting free.
  2. They ask you to find 10 Dry Twig from Heaps of Dry Soil scattered accross the map so that you can attempt starting a small fire to melt the ice.
  3. The next task is randomized for each time loop. You will be tasked to do any one of these:
    Report back to Vrid and Zeith once done.
  4. Attempt to break the ice by auto-attacking Zeith many times.
  5. Next break the ice around Vrid by auto-attacking him as well.
  6. They thank you for releasing them and after a short conversation they start to fade away, ending the time loop. You'll find 25271.png 3 Illusion Stone and receive 1,200,000 Base Exp, and 1,200,000 Job Exp.

Note: After completing the main quest for the first time, the quest loop becomes repeatable as a daily quest

Illusion Gear

Illusion Stone Research ice_dun0215318 in Ice Cave Floor 2 will upgrade some gears to illusion gears.
To craft, he needs you to equip a base item pre-refined to +9, and bring some 25271.png Illusion Stones and other crafting ingredients obtained from the dungeon.
Warning: Any existing upgrade levels, cards, and enchants on the base item will be lost during crafting.

Illusion Gear
Item Ingredients Description
1846.png Illusion Combo Battle Glove [2]
1822.png +9 Combo Battle Glove [4]
25271.png 100 Illusion Stone
25299.png 100 Snowball
Increases the damage of Sky Blow and Dragon Combo by 10%.
Increases the damage of Sky Blow and Dragon Combo by an additional 5% per 2 upgrade levels of the item.
Increases the damage of Tiger Cannon by 5% per 3 upgrade levels of the item.
Set Bonus
Illusion Combo Battle Glove [2]
Illusion Muffler [1]

Atk + 40
If the combined upgrade levels of Illusion Combo Battle Glove [2] and Illusion Muffler [1] are +7 or higher, Increases the damage of Tiger Cannon by 20%.
If the combined upgrade levels are +18 or higher, Reduces the cooldown of Flash Combo by 1 second.
If the combined upgrade levels are +22 or higher, Increases the damage of Tiger Cannon by an additional 15%.
Class: Knuckle
Attack: 250
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 120
Usable By: Sura
13337.png Illusion Huuma Fluttering Snow [2]
13314.png +9 Huuma Fluttering Snow
25271.png 100 Illusion Stone
25300.png 20 Ktullanux Eye
Atk + 30 per 3 upgrade levels of the item.
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 3% per upgrade level of the item.
Set Bonus
Illusion Huuma Fluttering Snow [2]
Illusion Apple of Archer [1]

Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 15%.
If the combined upgrade levels of Illusion Huuma Fluttering Snow [2] and Illusion Apple of Archer [1] are +7 or higher, Increases the damage of Swirling Petal by 25%.
If the combined upgrade levels are +18 or higher, Increases the damage by an additional 25%.
If the combined upgrade levels are +22 or higher, Reduces the cooldown of Swirling Petal by 1 second.
Class: Huuma Shuriken
Attack: 250
Magic Attack: 50
Property: Water
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 120
Usable By: Kagerou/Oboro
19223.png Illusion Cap [1]
2227.png +9 Cap [1]
25271.png 50 Illusion Stone
25297.png 100 Frozen Stone Fragment
Atk + 1%
Atk + 2 per upgrade level of the item.

Class: Headgear
Position: Upper
Defense: 15
Weight: 40
Requires Level: 120
Usable By: Super Novice, Paladin Jobs, Biochemist Jobs, Stalker Jobs, Rune Knight, Mechanic, Guillotine Cross
20847.png Illusion Survivor's Manteau [1]
2509.png +9 Survivor's Manteau
25271.png 100 Illusion Stone
25297.png 200 Frozen Stone Fragment
Vit + 15
Eligible Survivor's Rod for set combo:
Survivor's Rod (Dex) [1]
Survivor's Rod (Int) [1]

Set Bonus
Illusion Survivor's Manteau [1]
Survivor's Rod [1]

Max HP + 1000
Matk - 50
Matk + 20 per upgrade level of Survivor's Rod [1] up to maximum upgrade of +10.
Reduces the global delay of skills by 3% per 3 upgrade levels of Survivor's Rod [1].
Reduces damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 2 upgrade levels of Illusion Survivor's Manteau [1] up to a maximum upgrade of +10.
Class: Garment
Defense: 30
Weight: 55
Requires Level: 130
Usable By: Mage Jobs, Soul Linker
28922.png Illusion Sacred Mission [1]
2128.png +9 Sacred Mission [1]
25271.png 100 Illusion Stone
25298.png 300 Spirit Jewel
Int + 2
Vit + 3
Mdef + 3
Increases the damage of Earth Drive by 7% per upgrade level of the item.
This item is indestructible in battle.

Class: Shield
Defense: 190
Weight: 160
Requires Level: 120
Usable By: Royal Guard


Main article: Illusion Dungeon Enchants

Monsters List

Map name: ice_d03_i

Image Name Level HP Def Mdef Base Exp Job Exp 100% HIT 95% Flee Size Element Race Spawn
3792.png Angry Gazeti 126 117,139 141 42 6,755 6,755 380 440 Medium Water 1 Demon ice_d03_i
3793.png Angry Snowier 129 105,290 195 78 7,106 6,711 417 402 Large Water 2 Formless ice_d03_i
3794.png Angry Ice Titan 133 137,656 644 44 7,519 7,132 403 427 Large Water 3 Formless ice_d03_i
3795.png Solid Icicle 135 1,012 50 35 200 200 336 549 Small Water 2 Formless ice_d03_i
3796.png Angry Ktullanux
135 13,521,442 129 78 2,777,284 1,937,023 491 567 Large Water 4 Brute ice_d03_i


  • EXP received from Illusion monsters are not affected by base level difference.
  • There is a Bounty Board for this map.

Illusion MVP Summoning

Angry Ktullanux can be summoned by touching the 4 ?crystals balls? on the map. He can only be summoned once every 8 hours(verify?).


Card Type Description
Card Angry Gazeti Card27110.png

Armor Card Reduces damage taken from long-ranged attacks by 20%.

Set Bonus
Angry Gazeti Card
Angry Snowier Card
Reduces damage taken from small size enemies by 20%.
Card Angry Snowier Card27111.png

Accessory Card Increases the recovery rate of the following consumables by 50%:
Red Raffle Sap
Yellow Raffle Sap
White Raffle Sap

Set Bonus
Angry Gazeti Card
Angry Snowier Card
Reduces damage taken from Small size enemies by 20%.

Set Bonus
Angry Ice Titan Card
Angry Snowier Card
Reduces damage taken from Medium size enemies by 20%.

On iRO, both set bonuses are bugged and do not reduce magic damage (Dec 23, 2022 still bugged).
Card Angry Ice Titan Card27112.png

Armor Card Def + 5
Def + 5 per upgrade level of the compounded item.

Set Bonus
Angry Ice Titan Card
Angry Snowier Card
Reduces damage taken from Medium size enemies by 20%.
Card Awakened Ktullanux Card27113.png

Armor Card


Increases the damage of Water property magical attacks on targets by 20%.
Increases the damage of Water property magical attacks on targets by an additional 3% per upgrade level of the compounded armor.

Set Bonus
Awakened Ktullanux Card
Saphien's Armor of Ocean [1]
Adds a 5% chance of casting Level 5 Waterball on the attacker when receiving a short-ranged attack.

External Links

  • Original guide here.
  • Compilation of gears, cards, and mobs here.