Illusion of Vampire

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WARNING: Be careful when initiating conversations with the NPCs while there are monsters around. The dialogues are lengthy at some points and may give enough time to allow for some monsters to walk-in on unsuspecting players.

Main Quest

Illusion of Vampire
Base Level: 130
Item(s) (Consumed): 25269.png 10 Mushroom Sap

25268.png 10 Sticky Blood

Hunting: 5 Black Neon Mushroom
5 Matt Drainliar
Base Experience: 2,000,000
Job Experience: 2,000,000
Item(s): 25271.png 5 Illusion Stone (Main Quest)
Illusion Gear
Quest Reward(s): Access to Illusion of Vampire Daily Quests
Event Notice
  1. Go to Geffen and make your way to Geffen Dungeon 2. Once there, keep talking to Grimm gef_dun01132223 until you get teleported (illusion map unlocked).
    Father Grimm is holding on to an ancient notebook
  2. In the illusion map, talk to Gem gef_d01_i113230. She will ask you to find Jojo and Jubilee.
    • To exit the map at any time, talk to Marina gef_d01_i112228.
  3. Go to the east side of the map and talk to Priest Jubilee gef_d01_i250164.
  4. Head to the center then walk a bit southwest and keep talking to Wizard Bomi gef_d01_i81135.
    • She will ask you to hunt down 5 Black Neon Mushroom and 5 Matt Drainliar to collect 10 Mushroom Saps and 10 Sticky Bloods.
    • Mushroom Sap and Sticky Blood will automatically appear in inventory after killing Neon Mushrooms and Matt Drainliars.
    • Neon Mushroom will self-destruct and possibly one shot you, try to kill it as fast as you can or use Spell Breaker to interrupt it.
  5. Head to the southeast section of the map and find King, Dracula, and Wizard gef_d01_i19096.
  6. Talk to Dracula, then to King who will tell you to go check on Bomi.
  7. Go to the green mark on the mini-map and talk several times to Wizard Bomi gef_d01_i81135.
  8. Head back north to the entrance and talk to Gem gef_d01_i113230. She will send you back to Grimm.
  9. Report your finding to Grimm gef_dun01132223.

Daily Quests

Tip: Some quest items will automatically appear in your inventory as long as you have the quest active. Get all the quests at once before you start hunting to maximize the item drops.

Send the Dead Back to Earth

Illusion of Vampire
Base Level: 130
Hunting: 10 Restless Dead (Zombie)
10 Restless Dead (Ghoul)
10 Sweet Nightmare
Base Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
750,000 (VIP)
Job Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
1,500,000 (VIP)
Item(s): 25271.png 1 Illusion Stone
Sister Gem wants you to put the restless dead back to rest
  1. Talk to Sister Gem gef_d01_i113230. She will ask you for help in putting some Restless Dead back to rest.
  2. Kill 10 of each of the 3 types of Restless Dead (Small, Fast, and Big) and go back to Sister Gem. She will reward you with 1 25271.png Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)

Sweet Dreams

Illusion of Vampire
Base Level: 130
Hunting: 10 Sweet Nightmare
20 Wavy Mane
Base Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
750,000 (VIP)
Job Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
1,500,000 (VIP)
Item(s): 25271.png 1 Illusion Stone
Antoin is curious about the Sweet Nightmares
  1. Talk to Antoine gef_d01_i113230. He will ask you to kill Sweet Nightmare and collect Wavy Mane.
  2. Hunt down 10 Sweet Nightmare and collect 20 Wavy Mane, then return back to Antoine.
    • He will reward you with 1 25271.png Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)

Unreliable Fake Blood

Illusion of Vampire
Base Level: 130
Item(s) (Consumed): 25269.png 10 Mushroom Sap

25268.png 10 Sticky Blood

Hunting: 5 Black Neon Mushroom
5 Matt Drainliar
Base Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
750,000 (VIP)
Job Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
1,500,000 (VIP)
Item(s): 25271.png 1 Illusion Stone
Bomi is very curious
  1. Bomi gef_d01_i81135 needs help brewing more fake blood to drink.
  2. After hunting the monsters and collecting all the items, return to Bomi.
    • She will then reward you with 1 25271.png Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP).
    • Note: As Bomi mentioned before, the fake blood is crude and she must not drink too much of it. This quest may result in the spawning of the illusion dungeon's bosses. More details in the Illusion MVP Summoning section below.

Curious by Nature

Illusion of Vampire
Base Level: 130
Item(s) (Consumed): 25266.png 10 Dried Yggdrasil Leaf

25267.png 10 Suspicious Pentacle

Hunting: 10 Restless Dead (Ghoul)
Base Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
750,000 (VIP)
Job Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
1,500,000 (VIP)
Item(s): 25271.png 1 Illusion Stone
Mojo wants to explore the notebook!
  1. Talk to Mojo and she will ask you to bring back some items from inside notebook so she may study them.
  2. Father Grimm will also ask you to put to rest some Restless Dead while you're at it.
  3. Hunt down 10 Restless Dead and gather 25266.png 10 Dried Yggdrasil Leaf and 25267.png 10 Suspicious Pentacle from inside the notebook.
  4. Return to Father Grimm and Mojo and they will reward you with 1 25271.png Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)

Studying in Dim Light

Illusion of Vampire
Base Level: 130
Item(s) (Consumed): 25264.png 10 Cluster of Nightmares

25265.png 10 Shining Spore

Base Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
750,000 (VIP)
Job Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
1,500,000 (VIP)
Item(s): 25271.png 1 Illusion Stone
Jojo wants better lighting
  1. Talk to Jojo gef_d01_i19096 who is having trouble studying in the dim light.
  2. He asks you to collect 25264.png 10 Cluster of Nightmares from Sweet Nightmare and 10 25265.png 10 Shining Spore from Neon Mushroom so he can fashion himself a make-shift light source.
  3. Return to Jojo and he will reward you with 1 25271.png Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)

Noisy Neighbors

Illusion of Vampire
Base Level: 130
Item(s) (Consumed): 25263.png 20 Short Bat Hair
Hunting: 10 Matt Drainliar
Base Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
750,000 (VIP)
Job Experience: 500,000 (Non-VIP)
1,500,000 (VIP)
Item(s): 25271.png 1 Illusion Stone
King just needs some peace and quiet
  1. Talk to King gef_d01_i19096 who is finding it hard to stand the noisy chirping and flapping from his lesser bat-brethren.
  2. He asks you to "silence" atleast 10 Matt Drainliars and collect 25263.png 20 Short Bat Hair so that he can make a warm cape for Jojo.
  3. Return to him after you complete the tasks to be rewarded with 1 25271.png Illusion Stone, 500 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)

Illusion Gear

This guy is a great merchant

The Great Merchant gef_dun01139228 near Father Grimm and Mojo can trade you some illusion gears.
To trade, bring him a base item pre-refined to +9, some 25271.png Illusion Stones and other crafting ingredients obtained from the dungeon.
Warning: Any existing upgrade levels, cards, and enchants on the base item will be lost during crafting.

Illusion Gear
Item Ingredients
28022.png Illusion Infiltrator [2]
1266.png +9 Infiltrator [1]
25271.png 80 Illusion Stone
25261.png 10 Torn Paper
28023.png Illusion Sharpened Ghoul Leg Bone [2]
1260.png +9 Sharpened Ghoul Leg Bone
25271.png 10 Illusion Stone
25264.png 100 Cluster of Nightmares
2039.png Illusion Wizardry Staff [2]
1473.png +9 Wizardry Staff
25271.png 40 Illusion Stone
25267.png 100 Suspicious Pentacle
18149.png Illusion Ballista [2]
1727.png +9 Ballista [1]
25271.png 50 Illusion Stone
25265.png 100 Shining Spore
28612.png Illusion Book of the Apocalypse [2]
1557.png +9 Book of the Apocalypse [1]
25271.png 50 Illusion Stone
25262.png 10 Well-dried Clover
20840.png Illusion Ancient Cape [1]
2525.png +9 Ancient Cape [1]
25271.png 50 Illusion Stone
25263.png 200 Short Bat Hair
28508.png Illusion Skull Ring [1]
2715.png Skull Ring [1]
25271.png 50 Illusion Stone
25266.png 400 Dried Yggdrasil Leaf
28509.png Illusion Ring [1]
2621.png Ring [1]
25271.png 50 Illusion Stone
25267.png 400 Suspicious Pentacle


Main article: Illusion Dungeon Enchants

Monsters List

Map name: gef_d01_i

Image Name Level HP Def Mdef Base Exp Job Exp 100% HIT 95% Flee Size Element Race Spawn
3754.png Sweet Nightmare 135 61,334 116 30 4,023 4,022 429 494 Large Ghost 2 Demon gef_d01_i
3750.png Matte Drainliar 131 42,246 150 45 3,928 3,769 460 469 Small Shadow 2 Brute gef_d01_i
3752.png Restless Dead (Agi-Up) 130 40,984 60 20 3,621 3,177 400 450 Medium Undead 1 Undead gef_d01_i
3751.png Restless Dead 133 53,926 90 24 4189 3,947 423 487 Medium Undead 1 Undead gef_d01_i
3753.png Restless Dead (Ghoul) 136 67,379 90 30 4,422 3,937 378 405 Medium Undead 2 Undead gef_d01_i
3755.png Black Neon Mushroom 130 150,000 418 76 2,437 2,284 331 301 Small Earth 1 Plant gef_d01_i
3756.png Bream 137 378,510 60 60 15,034 13,533 424 506 Medium Undead 2 Human gef_d01_i
3757.png Illusion Dracula
139 6,909,690 252 146 2,682,753 1,817,882 578 579 Large Shadow 4 Demon gef_d01_i


  • EXP received from Illusion monsters are not affected by base level difference.
  • There is a Bounty Board for this map.
  • Black Neon Mushrooms may explode after taking damage. Some precaution should be taken as the damage they deal is strong enough to knockout even high-level players.

Illusion MVP Summoning

When the total number of successful turn-ins for Unreliable Fake Blood (Bomi's Daily Quest) across the whole server reaches 30, the illusion dungeon bosses will be encountered.

  • Bomi will be intoxicated from drinking too much fake blood and lose control. She'll begin to attack the player.
  • Subduing Bomi will enrage Dracula and cause him to attack the player next.


Card Type Description
CardSweet Nightmare Card27101.png Armor Card Matk + 20
The user's casting cannot be interrupted outside of WoE.

Set Bonus
Sweet Nightmare Card
Vampire's Familiar [1]
Matk + 1% per 3 upgrade levels of the compounded armor.
CardMatte Drainliar Card27102.png Headgear Card Immune to Burn.

Set Bonus
Matte Drainliar Card
Vampire's Familiar [1]
Perfect Dodge + 5
CardRestless Dead Card27103.png Armor Card Atk + 20
Armor and Weapon are indestructible in battle.

Set Bonus
Restless Dead Card
Vampire's Familiar [1]
Atk + 1% per 3 upgrade levels of the compounded armor.
CardBomi Card27105.png Accessory (Right) Card Enables Level 4 Napalm Vulcan.
Set Bonus
Bomi Card
Vampire's Familiar [1]

Matk + 30
Set Bonus
Angry Dracula Card
Bomi Card

Max HP + 1000
Max SP + 50
If compounded garment upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Additional Max HP + 1000
Additonal Max SP + 50
CardAngry Dracula Card27104.png Garment Card


Enables Level 1 Indulge.
Set Bonus
Angry Dracula Card
Vampire's Familiar [1]

Restores 30 HP and 1 SP to the user every 3 seconds.
Set Bonus
Angry Dracula Card
Bomi Card

Max HP + 1000
Max SP + 50
If compounded garment upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Additional Max HP + 1000
Additonal Max SP + 50

External Links

  • Original guide here.
  • Compilation of gears, cards, and mobs here.