Illusion of Underwater

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Main Quest

Illusion of Underwater
Base Level: 140
Item(s) (Consumed): 25899.png 10 Abyssal Essence
Hunting: 10 Abysmal Deviace
10 Abysmal Marse
10 Abysmal Sropho
Item(s): 25271.png 4 Illusion Stone
Quest Reward(s): Illusion of Underwater Daily Quests
Event Notice
  1. Go to Izlude and talk to Gein izlude13249. Keep talking until he tells you to visit Jerimon.
    The Izlude NPC that starts the Illusion of Underwater quest
  2. Make your way to East Library of Prontera prontera192266 and talk to Oceanologist Jerimon prt_in15765.
  3. Keep talking with him and select the first option Okay, I’ll be back. at the end.
  4. Go back and talk to Gein again izlude13249. Keep talking until he tells you to visit Jerimon again.
  5. Go to East Library of Prontera prontera192266 and talk to Oceanologist Jerimon again prt_in15765.
  6. Keep chatting with him until he tells you to meet him in Izlude.
  7. Talk to Oceanologist Jerimon in Izlude izlude13154. He will eventually take you to Illusion underwater First Floor.
  8. Talk to Sirud iz_d04_i126266 and he will direct you to talk to Jerimon iz_d04_i127228.
    • Walk near the coordinate and he will show up.
  9. Chat with Jerimon and he will ask you to hunt some monsters.
  10. After completing the hunting request, Jerimon asks to gather 25899.png 10 Abyssal Essence.
  11. After giving Jerimon the Abysmal Essence, he asks if you want to return to the surface.
    • He gives 25271.png 2 Illusion Stone as reward.
    • Everyone is happy that Sirud is safely back home.
    • Entrance to Illusion of Underwater is open now. Daily Quests are available at Jerimon NPC inside now.

Daily Quests

To re-enter the Illusion of Underwater Dungeon, you can ask the Jerimon at south Izlude to take you inside. (Requires completing the Main Quest)

Illusion Gear


Main article: Illusion Dungeon Enchants

Monsters List

Floor 1

Image Name Level HP Def Mdef Base Exp Job Exp 100% HIT 95% Flee Size Element Race Spawn
20801.png Abysmal Sropho 147 336,823 224 81 30,314 21,220 397 427 Medium Water 3 Fish iz_d04_i
20805.png Abysmal Merman 148 337,534 268 75 30,378 21,265 408 428 Medium Water 3 Human iz_d04_i
20802.png Abysmal Obeaune 149 340,238 255 90 30,621 21,434 399 433 Medium Water 2 Fish iz_d04_i
20804.png Abysmal Marse 149 335,141 288 100 30,163 21,114 409 439 Small Water 2 Fish iz_d04_i
20803.png Abysmal Deviace 150 348,355 274 91 31,352 21,946 408 440 Medium Water 4 Fish iz_d04_i
20811.png Abysmal Kraken
204 81,289,587 335 271 5,865,974 4,178,562 594 574 Large Water 4 Fish iz_d04_i

Floor 2

Image Name Level HP Def Mdef Base Exp Job Exp 100% HIT 95% Flee Size Element Race Spawn
20806.png Abysmal Sedora 199 2,875,143 274 100 191,676 134,173 546 509 Medium Wind 3 Fish iz_d05_i
20807.png Abysmal Swordfish 199 2,997,411 288 71 199,827 139,879 559 529 Large Water 3 Fish iz_d05_i
20809.png Abysmal Phen 199 2,897,158 219 90 193,144 135,201 556 513 Medium Water 2 Fish iz_d05_i
20808.png Abysmal Strouf 201 2,967,419 277 80 197,828 138,480 561 532 Large Water 3 Fish iz_d05_i
20810.png Abysmal King Dramoh 205 3,115,698 330 40 207,713 145,399 556 517 Large Water 3 Fish iz_d05_i
20843.png Abysmal Witch
205 78,368,745 452 81 5,896,412 4,143,664 599 576 Large Shadow 3 Demon iz_d05_i

Cards List

Card Type Description
CardAbysmal Sropho Card300140.png Weapon Card Increase Wind property magical damage by 3%.
When the refine of compounded item is +9 or higher, increase Wind property magical damage by additional 2%.
When the refine of compounded item is +11 or higher, increase Wind property magical damage by additional 5%.
CardAbysmal Merman Card300144.png Shoes Card For every 15 base STR, ATK + 4.

Set Bonus:
Abysmal Merman Card
Abysmal King Dramoh Card

Critical Damage + 15%.
CardAbysmal Obeaune Card300141.png Accessory Card MATK + 30.

Set Bonus:
Abysmal Obeaune Card
Boiling Piranha Card
Increase magical damage against Water property enemies by 15%.
CardAbysmal Marse Card300143.png Shield Card Reduce physical and magical damage taken from Earth property enemies by 15%.
Reduce damage taken from Insect race monsters by 15%.
CardAbysmal Deviace Card300142.png Weapon Card Increase physical damage against Water property and Fish race monsters by 5%.
When the refine of compounded item is +9 or higher, increase physical damage against Water property enemies by additional 5%.
When the refine of compounded item is +11 or higher, increase physical damage against Fish race monsters by 5%.
CardAbysmal Sedora Card300146.png Weapon Card Increase critical rate against Fish race monsters by 30%.

Set Bonus:
Abysmal Sedora Card
Sedora Card

Critical Damage + 15%.
CardAbysmal Swordfish Card300147.png Headgear Card Reduce damage taken from Water property attacks by 10%.
When the refine of compounded item is +9 or higher, increase magical damage against Water property enemies by 10%.

Set Bonus:
Abysmal Swordfish Card
Swordfish Card

MATK + 3%.
CardAbysmal Phen Card300149.png Garment Card Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 15%.
For every refine level of Garment, increase Wind property magical damage by 3%.

Set Bonus:
Abysmal Phen Card
Abysmal Obeaune Card

Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by additional 5%.
CardAbysmal Strouf Card300148.png Armor Card MHP + 10%, MSP + 5%.
When the refine of compounded item is +9 or higher, increase physical and magical damage against Water property enemies by 5%.

Set Bonus:
Abysmal Strouf Card
Abysmal Deviace Card

ATK + 30.

Set Bonus:
Abysmal Strouf Card
Abysmal Sropho Card

MATK + 30.
CardAbysmal King Dramoh Card300150.png Headgear Card MHP - 5%.
For every 3 refine level of compounded item, ATK + 1%.

Set Bonus:
Abysmal King Dramoh Card
King Dramoh Card

STR + 4, MHP + 15%.
CardAbysmal Kraken Card300151.png Weapon Card


Increase long ranged physical damage by 25%.
Perfect Hit + 5.
CardAbysmal Witch Card300145.png Garment Card


Increase Fire and Shadow property magical damage by 100%.
Increase damage taken from all property attacks by 30%.