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For more information on other PvP aside from the classic arenas, see War of Emperium, War of Emperium 2, and Battlegrounds.

Players looking to combat their friends, foes, or strangers can do so in the form of a PvP (Player versus Player) arena or other game features.

PvP System

Many cities have Inns that allow entrance to the PvP arena. Speaking to the Gate Entrance NPC brings up three options:

  • Yoyo Mode - The 'safe' PvP mode, where death does not cause EXP loss or items to drop.
  • Nightmare Mode - This mode was not very popular as there are are penalties upon death: EXP is lost, and there is a 1% chance to drop (and probably lose to another player) an item. (Currently disabled in iRO)
  • Event Room - Restricted for events only.

After deciding which mode to use, there is a 500z fee to enter the Waiting Room in addition to the Level 31 requirement.

In the only current working mode, Yoyo Mode, there is just one NPC towards the North East that is the gateway to different maps where PvP is enabled and characters of all levels above 31 can enter. The level-specific rooms and corresponding NPCs were removed.

Select a map from this NPC to be automatically teleported to said map and spawn at a random point in that map. The available maps (which are not the actual cities, but scenaries located on a different server with PvP enabled that are accessable only through the Waiting Room; they do not even have NPCs on them) are:

GateKeeper Prontera

Once selecting a map, the player has 5 seconds of invulnerability upon spawning unless they move their character before this time ends. Then, they can immediately partake in PvP.

There are a few things that should be noted on PvP maps. The lower right of the screen now displays the player's rank in that map (i.e. 6/9: where 6 is the current rank in that map and 9 indicates the current number of people on that map). The goal is to kill numerous amounts of players while staying alive.

The scoring system works as such: upon entering a PvP map, the player is given 5 points. There is +1 point for every kill made on that map, and -5 points for every death of the player. If the points go lower than 0, the player will be booted out of the PvP map immediately without the chance to be Resurrected by a friend.

People within the top 10 rank of a map will have a graphic under their characters' feet. This graphics turn to a white colour the closer they become to rank 1. When rank 1 is achieved, then message 'TIME ATTACK!!' will appear on only the screen of the person who achieved the rank, and the game will begin to record the amount of time said player stays at rank 1 (also displayed for that player, but only for that session). This data is then saved, to be posted on the official site. Currently, iRO does not make use of this feature of the PvP arena.

All skills and items work in PvP arenas except the usage of Fly Wings and Teleport. For example, the Teleport feature of Snatch is disabled (which also applies to Wanderer-carded Garments).

To exit a PvP map, the player must relog, use a Butterfly Wing, be killed and respawn, or make use of another player's Warp Portal skill. There is no gate leading outside of the map.

Useful PVP Items

Build Defining items - these items are so strong they allow specialized builds.

  • General - the following are almost always best to use if available
    • Tao Gunka Card
    • Sarah Card
    • Orc Successor Helm
    • Phantom of Himmelmez Card
    • Kiel-D-01 Card
    • Almighty Shadow set
    • Divine Protect Shield
    • Imuke Upper Shield
    • Applause Sandals with Amon Ra Card
    • Orc Lord card
    • Megingjard
  • WoE 1 & 2
    • Golden Thief Bug Card (note this is disabled in WoE TE)
    • Demon Hunter Shoes
  • WoE TE
    • Ancient Morroc Nobles Jewelry (super novice only)
    • Scarlett Hero Manteau (swordsmen only)

Common PVP Builds

As player damage from most skills is so high it is advisable to reach the resistance caps of 90% for Demi-Human as well as Ranged damage whenever possible. A common successful build would include the following

Suggested Equipment

Equip Best in Slot? Card Options Comments
Headgear (Upper)
400006.png +12/16 Orc Successor Helm [1]
  • With all combos gives 57/61% Demi redux.
18600.png +12 Cat Ear Beret [1]
  • TBA
Headgear (Middle)
410348.png Divine Protect Shield
  • None
  • TBA
Headgear (Lower)
18670.png Handkerchief In Mouth
  • None
  • TBA
450215.png +12 Revelation of Aramazd [1]
  • TBA
450309.png +12 Seth's Grace [1]
  • TBA
450165.png +9/12/15 Striking Mail [1]
  • Does not have player redux.
  • Combos for 5% ranged damage redux per 3 armor upgrade.
    • 25% ranged redux being the realistic maximum.
512.png any 7% demi redux armor [1]
  • TBA
1228.png Combat Knife
  • None
  • TBA
510031.png +10-15 Rotten Garden Knife [1]
  • Any
  • 1% ranged redux per upgrade.
28910.png Imuke Upper Shield
  • TBA
28921.png +8 Anemos Shield [1]
  • TBA
2115.png +4 Valkyrja's Shield [1]
  • TBA
20812.png +4 Kirin Wing [1]
  • TBA
480114.png +8-15 Striking Mikoshi [1]
512.png any 5% demi redux garment [1]
  • TBA
512.png any 10% demi redux shoes [1]
  • Any
  • TBA
512.png any 3% demi redux accessory [1]
  • TBA

Special Equipment:


Equipment by Resistance type


  • 57% redux: +12 Orc Successor Helm including the combos for Living Death Card (headgear - 15%) and Orc Warrior Card (shield - 30%).
  • 30% redux: Thara Frog Card (shield).
  • 16% redux: +12 Cat Ear Beret.
  • 10% redux: Divine Protect Shield.
  • 10% redux: Many shoes.
  • 10% redux: Combat Knife.
  • 7% redux: Many armors including Seth's Grace and Revelation of Aramazd.
  • 5% redux: Many garments.
  • 3% redux: Many accessories.
  • 3% redux: Cranial Shadow Shield


  • 35% redux: +9 Imuke Shield.
  • 20% redux: Angry Snowier Card (armor)
  • 4-16% redux: +4-16 Rotten Garden Knife
  • 10% redux: Noxious Card (garment).
  • 5% redux: Alligator (accessory).

Other PvP Features

Other than the classic PvP arenas, a number of other features are also available for players with different rewards and mechanics.


For information on the Battlegrounds system, see Battlegrounds

Battlegrounds is a PVP system in which two teams compete towards specific objectives in various arenas, and has unique equipment and consumable rewards for participation. Three arenas are used for battlegrounds matches: Flavius, Tierra Gorge, and Kreiger Von Midgard (KVM). Each arena has different objectives and rewards. Recruiter NPCs to teleport players to the Battlegrounds atrium can be found in most Rune Midgard cities.

War of Emperium

For information on WoE, see War of Emperium and War of Emperium 2

War of Emperium is a periodic PVP feature which takes place twice a week at certain times. Guilds fight other guilds for control of designated WoE castles. 16 castles are available for WoE 1, and 10 for WoE 2. Specialized mechanics and rules apply for WoE.

PK Server

This server is not available in all localizations of Ragnarok Online. iRO does not have or plan to have such a server type. For more information, see PK Servers.