Talisman of Red Phoenix

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Talisman of Red Phoenix
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 55 + (Skill Level x 10)
Fixed Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Variable Cast Time: 1 seconds
Cooldown: 0.45 seconds
Target: Enemy
Area of Effect: 3x3~7x7
Ammunition: 1 1000563.png Soul Talisman
AP Generated: 1
Status Icon:
Soul Ascetic

Talisman of Red Phoenix (Alt: Talisman of Red Phoenix) is a 4th expanded class active skill available as Soul Ascetic.


Throws a talisman imbued the power of Jujak, guardian deity of the south, to the target and inflicts Neutral elemental magic damage to it to it and targets within its surrounding range.

Level Base Damage (MATK) Under Blessing of Four Directions Bonus Damage (Talisman Lvl) Multiplier Area of Effect
1 2,100 2,900 15 3x3
2 2,700 3,800 30
3 3,300 4,700 45 5x5
4 3,900 5,600 60
5 4,500 6,500 75 7x7
Damage (MATK) = [((Base_Damage + ((Talisman Mastery Lvl) x Bonus Damage Multiplier)) + 5 x SPL) x Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced by

Note: Equips whose image show up broken (<some-id>.png), are not released in iRO yet and should be released in upcoming patches.




  • 550146.png Furious Spirit Stick [2]
    • Increases damage by 5%.
    • If refine level is +11 or higher, increases damage by 10%.
    • If grade C or higher, increases damage by 10%.



Equipment Sets


  • TBA