Status Icons

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This page lists the various status icons in Ragnarok. These appear on the righthand side of a player's screen, and serve to let the player know if they are under any beneficial or adverse effects.

  • Note: Names in italics do not currently display in the game.

Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Ammunition Indicates that a player is currently equipped with an ammunition. I Ammunition.png
Coating (Alchemical Weapon) Indicates that the player has his/her weapon protected by an alchemist coat. This prevents his/her weapon from being broken or divested. I ChemWeapon.png
Coating (Biochemical Helm) Indicates that the player has his/her headgear protected by an alchemist coat. This prevents his/her headgear from being broken or divested. I ChemHelm.png
Coating (Synthesized Shield) Indicates that the player has his/her shield protected by an alchemist coat. This prevents his/her shield from being broken or divested. I ChemShield.png
Coating (Synthetic Armor) Indicates that the player has his/her armor protected by an alchemist coat. This prevents his/her armor from being broken or divested. I ChemArmor.png
Bard Song Indicates that a player currently has his/her performance increased by a bard song. I Song.png
Dancer's Dance Indicates that a player currently has his/her performance increased by a dancer's dance. I Dance.png
Falcon Indicates that a hunter player is currently renting a falcon. The falcon allows to perform falcon specific skills and assists when performing regular attacks. I Falcon.png
Peco Riding Indicates that a knight or crusader player is currently riding a Peco Peco. The Peco Peco increases a player's Movement Speed and carrying capacity, and allows the player to cast skills that require the player to be mounted. I PecoRiding.png
Sit Indicates that a player is currently sitting down. I Sit.png
Set Defense Amount The player is currently under the effects of items that set the player's hard defense to a certain amount. In case of Tao Gunka Card, the player's hard defense is reduced by 50%. I SetDef.png
Set Magic Defense Amount The player is currently under the effects of items that set the player's hard magic defense to a certain amount. In case of Tao Gunka Card, the player's hard magic defense is reduced by 50%. I SetMdef.png
Status Bonus Indicates that a player is currently having a +20 bonus to all their status. I ElDicastes.png
Warg Indicates that a Ranger or Windhawk player is currently riding a Wolf. I WargRider.png
Homunculus I homunculus.png

Elemental Endow Icons

Name Description Icon
Aspersio The player currently has his weapon endowed with holy property by a priest. Each of the player's attacks will deal holy property damage. I Aspersio.png
Enchant Poison The player currently has his weapon endowed with poison property by an assassin. Each of the player's attacks will deal poison property damage. I EnchantPoison.png
Endow Blaze The player currently has his weapon endowed with fire property by a sage. Each of the player's attacks will deal Fire property damage. I EndowBlaze.png
Endow Quake The player currently has his weapon endowed with earth property by a sage. Each of the player's attacks will deal earth property damage. I EndowQuake.png
Endow Tornado The player currently has his weapon endowed with wind property by a sage. Each of the player's attacks will deal wind property damage. I EndowTornado.png
Endow Tsunami The player currently has his weapon endowed with water property by a sage. Each of the player's attacks will deal water property damage. I EndowTsunami.png
Item Endow The player currently has his weapon endowed with a property via the use of item (e.g. Cursed Water) or equipment. I Endow.png
Mild Wind (Earth) The player has endowed himself with earth property using the TaeKwon skill Mild Wind. Each of the player's attacks will deal earth property damage. I MWEarth.png
Mild Wind (Wind) The player has endowed himself with wind property using the TaeKwon skill Mild Wind. Each of the player's attacks will deal wind property damage. I MWWind.png
Mild Wind (Water) The player has endowed himself with water property using the TaeKwon skill Mild Wind. Each of the player's attacks will deal water property damage. I MWWater.png
Mild Wind (Fire) The player has endowed himself with Fire property using the TaeKwon skill Mild Wind. Each of the player's attacks will deal Fire property damage. I MWFire.png
Mild Wind (Ghost) The player has endowed himself with ghost property using the TaeKwon skill Mild Wind. Each of the player's attacks will deal ghost property damage. I MWGhost.png
Mild Wind (Shadow) The player has endowed himself with shadow property using the TaeKwon skill Mild Wind. Each of the player's attacks will deal shadow property damage. I MWShadow.png
Mild Wind (Holy) The player has endowed himself with holy property using the TaeKwon skill Mild Wind. Each of the player's attacks will deal holy property damage. I MWHoly.png

Expanded Classes Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Kaahi A Soul Linker status that recovers HP when hit at the cost of the player's SP. I Kaahi.png
Kaizel A Soul Linker status that revives the player instantly upon death. I Kaizel.png
Kaupe A Soul Linker status that completely blocks a single attack by chance. I Kaupe.png
Cicada Skin Shed A Ninja status that allows the caster to evade attacks, moving him/her away from the opponent. I CicadaSS.png
Gatling Fever A Gunslinger status that boosts a player's ASPD and damage with a gatling gun. I GatlingFever.png
Gunslinger's Panic A Gunslinger status that boosts Flee rate and ranged damage resistance at the cost of accuracy. I GunslingerPanic.png
Happy Break A TaeKwon Kid status that indicates a player can use an Earth Spike scroll while only consuming SP. I Gloria.png
Increase Accuracy A Gunslinger status that increases DEX and AGI by 4. I IncreaseAccuracy.png
Last Stand A Gunslinger status that boosts ATK and ASPD at the cost of being unable to move. I LastStand.png
Mirror Image A Ninja status that allows the user to evade attacks. I MirrorImage.png
Ninja Aura A Ninja status that boosts INT and STR, and allows for advanced Ninja skills to be cast. I NinjaAura.png
Solar Protection A TaeKwon Master status that increases the player's defense. I SolarProtection.png
Lunar Protection A TaeKwon Master status that increases the player's Flee rate. I LunarP.png
Stellar Protection A TaeKwon Master status that increases the player's attack speed. I StellarProtection.png
Sprint A TaeKwon Kid status that indicates that he/she recieves bonus attack power and STR while unarmed. I Sprint.png
Counter Kick Stance A TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to trigger a stance when attacking. I CounterKickStance.png
Heel Drop Stance A TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to trigger a stance when attacking. I HeelDropStance.png
Roundhouse Stance A TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to trigger a stance when attacking. I RoundhouseStance.png
Tornado Stance A TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to trigger a stance when attacking. I TornadoStance.png
Tumbling A TaeKwon Kid status that allows the player to evade ranged attacks by chance. I Tumbling.png

Holy Skills Status

Name Description Icon
Ancilla The player's heal effectiveness and SP Recovery are increased, and Adoramus' element is converted to Neutral. I Ancilla.png
Angelus The player's soft defense and Max HP is increased. I Angelus.png
Assumptio The player's DEF and incoming heal effectiveness are increased. I Assumptio.png
Basilica The player's Holy property magical damage is increased. Also increases the player's physical damage against Shadow and Undead property monsters. I Basilica.png
Blessing The player's STR, INT, DEX, and HIT is increased. I Blessing.png
B.S Sacramenti or Piety The player's armor is temporarily enchanted with the holy property. I BSSacrimenti.png
Gloria The player's LUK is increased. I Gloria.png
Increase AGI The player's Movement Speed, Aspd, and AGI is increased. I IncreaseAgility.png
Impositio Manus The player's attack power and magic attack power is increased. I ImpositioManus.png
Kyrie Eleison The player is protected from a certain amount of damage. I KyrieElieson.png
Lauda Agnus The player's Max HP is increased. I LaudaAgnus.png
Lauda Ramus The player's Critical Damage is increased. I LaudaRamus.png
Lex Aeterna The player takes double damage from the next attack. I LexAeterna.png
Magnificat The player's HP Recovery and SP Recovery rate occur at double pace. I Magnificant.png
Offertorium The player's heal effectiveness is increased at the cost of increasing the SP cost of all skills. I Offertorium.png
Resistant Souls The player takes reduced damage from both Holy property attacks and Demon race monsters. I ResistantSouls.png
Sacrament The player's fixed cast time is reduced. I Sacrament.png
Sacrifice The player is being protected by a crusader who is taking hits for them. I Sacrifice.png
Signum Crucis The player's defense is reduced. I SignumCrusis.png
Slow Poison The player does not lose HP from being poisoned. I SlowPoison.png
Suffragium The player's variable cast time is reduced. I Suff.png

Item Status Icons

Name Description Icon
VIP Experience Rate The player is currently under the effects of 1 Day/4Days/10Days Premium Subscription EXP and Job Rate from the Kafra Shop or Login/Event Reward. The player will receive 20%/50% more drop rates from monsters killed. I VIPExp.png
VIP Item Drop Rate The player is currently under the effects of 1 Day/4Days/10Days Premium Subscription Item Drop Rate from the Kafra Shop or Login/Event Reward. The player will receive 20%/50% more drop rates from monsters killed. I VIPDrop.png
Bubble Gum / HE Bubble Gum The player is currently under the effects of Bubble Gum / HE Bubble Gum from the Kafra Shop. The player will receive 100%/200% more drop rates from monsters killed. I BubbleGum.png
Battle Manual / HE Battle Manual / Battle Manual X3 The player is currently under the effects of Battle Manual / HE Battle Manual / Battle Manual X3 from the Kafra Shop. The player will receive 50%/100%/200% more experience from monsters killed. I BattleManual.png
Job Battle Manual The player is currently under the effects of Job Battle Manual from the Kafra Shop. The player will receive 150% more experience from monsters killed. I JobManual.png
Life Insurance The player is currently under the effects of life insurance from the Kafra Shop. If the player dies he/she will not lose any experience. I LifeInsurance.png
Pastry Item The player currently has his/her stats increased by a pastry item. This icon displays for Sesame Pastry, Honey Pastry, and Rainbow Cake. I FoodPastry.png
Coldproof Potion The player currently takes reduced damage from water property attacks, but increased damage from wind. I Coldproof Potion.png
Earthproof Potion The player currently takes reduced damage from earth property attacks, but increased damage from fire. I Earthproof Potion.png
Fireproof Potion The player currently takes reduced damage from Fire property attacks, but increased damage from water. I Fireproof Potion.png
Thunderproof Potion The player currently takes reduced damage from wind property attacks, but increased damage from earth. I Thunderproof Potion.png
Agility Food The player currently has his/her AGI increased by consuming a food item. I FoodAgi.png
Dexterity Food The player currently has his/her DEX increased by consuming a food item. I FoodDex.png
Intelligence Food The player currently has his/her INT increased by consuming a food item. I FoodInt.png
Luck Food The player currently has his/her LUK increased by consuming a food item. I FoodLuck.png
Strength Food The player currently has his/her STR increased by consuming a food item. I FoodStr.png
Vitality Food The player currently has his/her VIT increased by consuming a food item. I FoodVit.png
Increase HP Potion The player currently has his/her Max HP increased. I Increase HP Potion.png
Increase SP Potion The player currently has his/her Max SP increased. I Increase SP Potion.png
Enriched White PotionZ The player currently has his/her HP recovery rate increased. I Enriched White PotionZ.png
Vitata500 The player currently has his/her SP recovery rate and Max SP increased. I Vitata500.png
Attack Speed Up The player is currently under the effects of a speed enhancing potion. This icon displays for Concentration Potion, Awakening Potion, and Berserk Potion. I ASPDup.png
Enrich Celermine Juice The player currently has his/her attack speed increased. I Enrich Celermine Juice.png
HP/SP Recovery Potion The player's recover certain amount of HP or SP for every x second. I HPSPRegen.png
ATK Increase The player currently has his/her attack increased. I Increase ATK Potion.png
MATK Increase The player currently has his/her magical attack increased. I Increase MATK Potion.png
Red Herb Activator The player currently has his/her physical and ranged attack increased. I Red Herb Activator.png
Blue Herb Activator The player currently has his/her magical attack to all property increased. I Blue Herb Activator.png

Adverse Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Minor Weight The player is currently over 50% of his/her carrying capacity. This prevents natural HP Recovery and SP Recovery from the player. I Weight50.png
Major Weight The player is currently over 90% of his/her carrying capacity. This prevents natural HP Recovery and SP Recovery from the player and using any active skills. I Weight90.png
Abyss Curse I MarshOfAbyss.png
Agility Down The player is currently under the effects of Decrease AGI. This reduces the player's AGI and slows their Movement Speed by 25%. I DecreaseAgi.png
Ash I Volcanic Ash.png
Bleeding The player is currently affected by bleeding status. The player's HP decreases rapidly. I Bleeding.png
Break I VitalStrike.png
Broken Weapon The player has their weapon broken. I BreakWeapon.png
Broken Armor The player has their armor broken. I BreakArmor.png
Burning I Burning.png
Chaos I Chaos.png
Critical Wounds The effects of Heal cast on the player, or Healing Items consumed are reduced by some amount (in percent). I CriticalWounds.png
Curse I Curse.png
Dark Claw The player is currently under the effects of Dark Claw. The player will takes more damage from melee attacks. I Dark Claw.png
Deep Sleep I Deep Sleep.png
Divest Armor The player has had his/her armor stripped away by a rogue. While active the player is unable to re-equip their armor. I DivestArmor.png
Divest Helm The player has had his/her headgear stripped away by a rogue. While active the player is unable to re-equip their headgear. I DivestHelm.png
Divest Shield The player has had his/her shield stripped away by a rogue. While active the player is unable to re-equip his shield. I DivestShield.png
Divest Weapon The player has had his/her weapon stripped away by a rogue. While active the player is unable to re-equip his weapon. I DivestWeapon.png
Fear I Fear.png
Freezing I Freezing.png
Frenzy I SatNightFever.png
Frozen I Frozen.png
Hallucination The player is currently hallucinating. When hallucinating the player will have his/her vision impaired, be unable to properly judge damage being dealt to themselves and flinch when targeted by any attack regardless of whether that attack connects. I Hallucination.png
Hell's Power The player is currently inflicted with the Hell's Power status. This prevents the player from being revived by the skill Resurrection for several minutes. I hellpower.png
Howling I Howling.png
Imprison The player is currently affected by imprison status. The player will be immobilized. I Imprison.png
Masquerade-Enervation I Masquerade-Enervation.png
Masquerade-Groomy I Masquerade-Groomy.png
Masquerade-Ignorance I Masquerade-Ignorance.png
Masquerade-Laziness I Masquerade-Laziness.png
Masquerade-Unlucky I Masquerade-Unlucky.png
Masquerade-Weakness I Masquerade-Weakness.png
New Poison - Paralysis I Paralysis.png
New Poison - Pyrexia I Pyrexia.png
New Poison - Death Hurt I DeathHurt.png
New Poison - Leech End I LeechEnd.png
New Poison - Venom Bleed I VenomBleed.png
New Poison - Magic Mushroom I MagicMushroom.png
New Poison - Toxin I Toxin.png
New Poison - Oblivion Curse I OblivionCurse.png
Overheat I Overheat.png
Poison I Poison.png
Quagmire The player is currently inside a quagmire area. This reduces a player's DEX and AGI. I Quagmire.png
Rebound I Rebound.png
Silence I Silence.png
Sleep The player is currently affected by sleep status. The player will be unable to do any action. I Sleep.png
Slow Casting The player is currently inflicted by the Slow Casting status. All skills has their Cast Time increased by a certain percentage. I SlowCast.png
Stasis I Stasis.png
Stone I Stone.png
Stun The player is currently affected by stun status. The player will be unable to do any action. I Stun.png
Tarot Card of Fate The player is currently inflicted by an effect from a gypsy or minstrel's skill, Tarot Card of Fate. The effects vary depending on the card drawn on the player. I TarotCard.png

Skill Status Icons

Name Description Icon
Adrenaline Rush Blacksmith support skill that boosts a player's attack speed with mace and axe weapons. I AdrenalineRush.png
Arclouse Dash Summoner skill that increases AGI and Movement Speed. I Arclouse Dash.png
Banding I Banding.png
Berserk Swordman skill that causes Provoke status on the user when his/her HP drops low enough. I Berserk.png
Cart Boost Mastersmith skill that boosts Movement Speed and allows casting of High Speed Cart Ram. I CartBoost.png
Cart Boost (Geneticist) Geneticist skill that boosts Movement Speed and attack power. I CartBoostGen.png
Cloaking Assassin skill that hides the player from sight and allows the player to move around. I Cloaking.png
Close Confine Rogue skill that locks a rogue and target player together preventing them from moving. I CloseConfine.png
Counter Instinct Stalker skill that reflects sword based attacks from players and attacks from monsters. I CounterInstinct.png
Crazy Uproar Merchant skill that increased STR by 4 and ATK by 30. I CrazyUproar.png
Defending Aura Crusader skill that greatly reduces ranged damage. I DefendingAura.png
Distorted Crescent I Distorted Crescent.png
Double Bolt Scholar skill that gives the chance to double cast Bolt skills. I DoubleBolt.png
Elemental Shift I ShiftMode.png
Enchant Blade Rune Knight skill that give additional magic damage on physical attacks. I Enchant Blade.png
Enchant Deadly Poison Assassin Cross skill that greatly increases physical attack damage. I EDP.png
Endure Swordman skill that increases mdef and prevents flinching. I Endure.png
Energy Coat Mage skill that reduces damage received from attacks but drains SP each time the user is hit. I EnergyCoat.png
Exceed Break I Exceed Break.png
Expiatio Arch Bishop skill that gives defense bypass and magic defense bypass. I Expiatio.png
Falcon Eyes Sniper skill that boosts Hit rate, Critical Hit rate, attack speed, and damage. I FalconEyes.png
Fear Breeze I FearBreeze.png
Full Throttle I FullThrottle.png
Fury Monk skill that boosts Critical Hit rate and allows casting of Guillotine Fist. I Fury.png
Go! Parents Go! I Cheerup.png
Grooming Summoner skill that increases Flee Rate by 100 and purges several status effects. I Grooming.png
Guard Crusader skill that blocks incoming melee damage. I Guard.png
Hallucination Walk I Hallucination Walk.png
Hiding Thief skill that renders a player immobile, but hidden from sight and immune to area damage except Heaven's Drive. I Hiding.png
Hindsight Sage skil that allows auto cast Bolt skills when attacking. I Hindsight.png
Hover I ModeHover.png
Improve Concentration Archer skill that increases AGI and DEX. I ImproveConcentration.png
Intensification I TelekinesisIntense.png
Land Skill Cast After casting Deluge, Volcano, or Whirlwind, a sage can cast new land skills without the gemstone requirement. I LandRecast.png
Marionette Control The player is having stats endowed to him/her by a gypsy or minstrel. I MarionetteControle.png
Power Maximize Blacksmith skill that causes all attacks to strike for maximum damage. I MaximizePower.png
Magnetic Field I Magnetic Field.png
Maximum Power-Thrust Mastersmith skill that boosts physical attack power. I MaxPowerThrust.png
Mental Strength I Mental Strength.png
Mom, Dad, I love you! I Mom, Dad, I love you!.png
Mystical Amplification High Wizard skill. Indicates that the next skill cast will be cast with 50% increased magical attack power. I MystAmp.png
Odin's Power Arch Bishop skill that boosts attack and magic attack while reducing defense and magic defense. I Odin's Power.png
One-Hand Quicken Knight skill that boosts attack speed with an One Handed Sword. I QuickenOneHand.png
Parry Lord Knight skill that allows the player to evade physical damage. I Parry.png
Play Dead Indicates that a novice player is currently playing dead. I PlayDead.png
Poison React Assassin skill that counters poison property attacks. I PoisonReact.png
Poisonous Weapon I Poisonous Weapon.png
Power-Thrust Blacksmith skill that boosts physical attack power. I PowerThrust.png
Preserve Stalker skill that prevents copying of skills for Intimidate. I Preserve.png
Provoke Swordman skill status that reduces defense but boosts attack power. I Provoke.png
Recognized Spell Warlock skill that make all magic skills deal max damage but will consume 25% more SP. I RecognizedSpell.png
Reflect Damage Royal Guard skill that reflects a percentage of physical damage in an area around the user. I ReflectDamage.png
Relax Lord Knight skill that triples HP Recovery while sitting. I Relax.png
Renovatio Arch Bishop skill that increases HP Recovery. I Renovatio.png
Rising Dragon Sura skill that allow the user to gather more Spirit Spheres and increases Max HP & Max SP. The user's HP will drained slowly when this skill active. I Rising Dragon.png
Shattering Strike Mastersmith skill that breaks armor and weapon for each attack by chance. I ShatStrike.png
Shield Reflect Crusader skill that reflects physical damage back at the attacker. I ShieldReflect.png
Shrink Crusader skill that knocks opponents back when blocking an attack with Guard. I Shrink.png
Sight Blaster Wizard skill that throws an opponent away if they come too close. I SightBlaster.png
Slyness Indicates that a rogue player is currently under the effect of slyness. I Slyness.png
Spear Quicken Crusader skill that increases attack speed, Flee rate and Critical Hit rate with a spear. I QuickenSpear.png
Sprite Marble Summoner skill that increases Max HP by 1,000 and Max SP by 100. I Sprite Marble.png
Stealth After using Stealth, a stalker gains a boost to his/her STR for a period of time. I Stealth.png
Tuna Party Summoner skill that blocks every form of both Physical Damage and Magical Damage until its durability wears off. I Tuna Party.png
Twohand Quicken Knight skill that boosts attack speed with a Two Handed Sword. I QuickenTwoHand.png
Vital Strike Lord Knight skill that causes various status effects. I VitalStrike.png
Weapon Blocking Guillotine Cross skill that allows the player to block melee physical attacks. I WeaponBlocking.png
Weapon Perfection Blacksmith skill that negates the size penalty of the equipped weapon. I WeaponPerfection.png
Wind Walker Sniper skill that boosts AGI and Movement Speed. I WindWalker.png