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Adoramus.png Adoramus
Adoramus Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 24 + (Skill Level × 6)
Fixed Cast Time: 0.5 second
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Cast Delay: 0.5 seconds
Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: Magic
Area of Effect: 7x7 ~ 11x11
Property: Holy
Status: Blind
Catalyst: 1 Blue Gemstone
Status Icon: I DecreaseAgi.png
(Priest) Magnus Exorcismus Lv. 1, (Arch Bishop) Ancilla Lv. 1, Judex Lv. 5

Adoramus (Alt: Adoramus) is a 3rd class offensive skill available as Arch Bishop.


Inflicts Holy property Magic Damage to a single target and to all enemies around the target. It has a chance of applying the effects of Decrease AGI and leaving them blind. Each cast consumes 1 Blue Gemstone unless there is another Acolyte class character adjacent to the caster, who will also incur an SP cost instead. During Ancilla, the skill property is converted to Neutral.

Level Base Damage (MATK) Base Chance of Effect Area of Effect SP Cost SP Cost (to Acolyte)
1 550% 4% 7x7 30 2
2 800% 8% 36 4
3 1,050% 12% 42 6
4 1,300% 16% 48 8
5 1,550% 20% 54 10
6 1,800% 24% 60 12
7 2,050% 28% 11x11 66 14
8 2,300% 32% 72 16
9 2,550% 36% 78 18
10 2,800% 40% 84 20
Damage (MATK) = [Base_Damage × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
Chance of Effect = [Base_Chance_of_Effect + (JobLv ÷ 2)]%


  • The total damage is inflicted in one bundle of 10 hits. This only affects the divisibility of the damage, which is rounded down.
  • This skill now does not affect targets on Magnetic Earth.
  • Example of how SP cost works if an Acolyte class is next to caster:
    • Casting Level 1 Adoramus will require the caster 30 SP and the acolyte 2 SP, but no one uses any Blue Gemstone.
    • Casting Level 10 Adoramus will require the caster 84 SP and the acolyte 20 SP, but no one uses any Blue Gemstone.


Enhanced by



  • 2057.png Adorare Staff [2] - If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases damage by 30%.
  • 550024.png Adulter Fides Wand [2]:
    • Increases damage by 10%.
    • If refine level is +7 or higher, increases damage by additional 20%.
    • If refine level is +11 or higher, increases damage by additional 25%.
  • 550020.png Poenitentia Crystallum [2]:
    • For every 2 refine level, increases damage by 3%.
    • If refine level is +9 or higher, increases damage by additional 30%.
  • Ultio-OS [2] - If refine level is +9 or higher, increases damage by 20%.
  • 590044.png Ultio-OSAD [2] - If refine level is +9 or higher, increases damage by 30%.
  • 550029.png Vivatus Fides Wand [2]:
    • Increases damage by 10%.
    • If refine level is +7 or higher, increases damage by additional 20%.
    • If refine level is +11 or higher, increases damage by additional 25%.
    • Grade C: Increase damage by additional 15%.




Equipment Sets


Shadow Equipment

Costume Enchant


This page has the previous version of this skill before the 2021 skill updates.


  • December 15th, 2021
    • Damage formula changed.
      • Old: [(500 + (Skill Level x 100)) x (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
      • New: [(330 + (Skill Level x 70)) x (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
    • Area of effect changed.
      • Old: Single target.
      • New: 7x7 at level 1 ~ 6, 11x11 at level 7 ~ 10.
    • 0.5s fixed casting time added.
    • Cooldown increased from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
  • October 13th, 2022
    • Damage formula changed.
      • Old: [(330 + (Skill Level x 70)) x (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
      • New: [(300 + (Skill Level x 250)) x (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
    • After consuming Ancilla, element is converted to Neutral for 60 seconds.