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Type: Active Skill
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 60
AP Cost: 200
Cast Delay: 1 second
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Range: Melee
Weapon: Book or Mace

Effligo (Alt: Effligo) is a 4th class active skill available as Cardinal.


Inflicts strong melee physical damage to the target.

  • Deals additional damage to Demon and Undead race monsters.
  • This skill will crit based on caster's crit stat and half of caster's crit damage.
Level Base Damage Base Damage
ATK Demon / Undead
1 800% 1,200%
2 1,600% 2,400%
3 2,400% 3,600%
4 3,200% 4,800%
5 4,000% 6,000%
6 4,800% 7,200%
7 5,600% 8,400%
8 6,400% 9,600%
9 7,200% 10,800%
10 8,000% 12,000%
Damage (ATK) = {[Base_Damage + 9 × (Mastery_Lv + POW)] × Base_Lv ÷ 100}%


  • Effligo means "to destroy, to wipe out or "to obliterate", derived from Latin where eff "out / away" and fligo "to strike". Implies complete destruction or removal.