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Job Base(s): Arch Bishop
Job Type: 4-1
Job Level: 50
Race: Human
Changes At: Prontera Sanctuary
Number of Skills: 16
Total Skill Points: 110
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+6 +7 +7 +12 +7 +4
Talent Bonuses
+7 +4 +4 +8 +4 +6


Cardinal, the advanced job for Arch Bishop, is specialized in supporting role such as healing and strengthens allies with various buffs. They are also equipped with powerful holy spells to exorcise evil monsters.

Job Change Guide

See Cardinal Job Change Guide for detailed information.


See Priest Skills or High Priest Skills for 2nd class Skills. See Arch Bishop Skills for 3rd class Skills.

Skill Description Levels Type
Healing Skills
Dilectio Heal Recovers HP of targeted party members including yourself and nearby party members. 5 Active
Mediale Votum Prays to a targeted party member and all party members within 9x9 cells around it to recover a certain amount of HP every 2 seconds. 5 Active
Repatatio Fully restores the target's HP. Cannot be used on monsters, Mercenary, Homunculus or Spirits. 5 Active
Competentia Recovers HP/SP and increases P.ATK and S.MATK of the caster and nearby targets. 5 Active
Buff Skills
Benedictum Bless a target, temporarily increasing their POW, CRT and CON. 5 Active
Religio Maximize the target's faith, temporarily increasing their SPL, WIS and STA. 5 Active
Presens Acies Apply a buff to the target, improving their C.RATE stat. This skill can only be used on the caster or a party member. 5 Active
Argutus Telum Apply a buff to the target, allowing them to partially bypass Physical Resistance. This skill can only be used on the caster or a party member. 5 Active
Argutus Vita Apply a buff to the target, allowing them to partially bypass Magical Resistance. This skill can only be used on the caster or a party member. 5 Active
Physical Skills
Mace & Book Mastery Increases physical damage to all sized enemies when equipped with a Mace or Book. 10 Passive
Petitio Strike the target and nearby targets with physical damage. 10 Active
Effligo Inflicts strong melee physical damage to the target. 10 Active
Magical Skills
Fidus Animus Increases Holy elemental magic damage. 10 Passive
Flamen Using your holy power, inflict Holy Magic damage on and around a target. 5 Active
Arbitrium Calls the powerful light judgement to inflict Holy elemental magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies. 10 Active
Pneumaticus Procella Cause a holy storm, inflicting Holy Magic damage on targets within range. 10 Active

Skill Tree

Job & Talent Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
STR 1 15 18 21 24 39
AGI 5 6 16 19 26 31 32
VIT 9 10 17 20 29 34 37
INT 1 3 8 11 12 18 20 22 28 30 33 36
DEX 4 13 16 19 23 27
LUK 7 17 34 41
POW 11 14 24 42 43 46 49
STA 3 6 25 47
WIS 26 27 44 47
SPL 2 4 8 35 39 43 47 50
CON 36 38 40 45
CRT 30 32 45 46 49 50


Equip Attack Speed From 2nd Class
Bare Handed 151 −5
Shield -5 0
Mace 0 +3
Rod (One Handed) -15 +5
Rod (Two Handed) -10 +10
Book +1 +5
Knuckle -5 +15
ASPD Potions Usable
645.png Concentration
656.png Awakening
657.png Berserk

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