Shadow Chaser

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Shadow Chaser
Job Base(s): Stalker
Job Type: 3-2
Job Level: 70
Race: Human
Changes At: Rogue Guild
Number of Skills: 21
Total Skill Points: 118
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+8 +7 +8 +6 +5 +6


Shadow Chasers are the third job class of Stalkers. Their name is often abbreviated and then referred to as just "SC". They use body paint and other means to detect cloaked enemies, become totally invisible, and even debuff opponents. Shadow Chasers can also hide in their enemies shadow to pass off damage being dealt to them. Add to that their ability to copy skills from other 3rd job classes and the Shadow Chaser becomes a versatile and dangerous class to play and face.

Job Change Guide

See Shadow Chaser Job Change Guide for detailed information.

Changing into a Shadow Chaser from a Stalker requires the player to complete a treasure hunt across the three nations of the rune Midgard Continent, and through several dungeons. After finding the unique treasure, the player will be transformed into a Shadow Chaser. The journey begins in the Rogue Guild at Pharos Lighthouse!

Class Data


Skill Description Levels Type
Melee / Physical
Fatal Menace Strike a target and all foes in a 3x3 ~ 5x5 area around the target. 10 Offensive
Copy / Autocast
Reproduce Learn / Copy the last skill that was inflicted by an enemy while active. 10 Active
Shadow Spell Magic skills learned through Intimidate and Reproduce can be auto-casted while melee attacking. 10 Active
Bow / Long Ranged
Triangle Shot Attacks an enemy by firing 3 Arrows at once. 10 Offensive
Shadow Formation Redirects any damage the caster receives to the player targeted by Shadow Form. 5 Active
Deadly Infection Spreads any status ailments the character is suffering from to any target that the character attacks. 5 Active
Paint-related Skills
Body Painting Splash paint all around the caster, revealing any hidden targets instantly in a 5x5 area. 5 Active
Manhole Any targets that walk within 3x3 cells of the manhole will be sucked into it. 3 Active
Dimensional Door Paint a magical door on the ground which teleports anyone who enters it. 3 Active
Chaos Panic Paint a whirling yellow symbol on the ground. Any player or monster that enters the 5x5 area around it becomes inflicted with the Chaos ailment. 3 Active
Bloody Lust Paint a red symbol on the ground, any characters inside the 3x3 symbol receives the Frenzy status. 3 Active
Feint Bomb Draw a fake copycat of yourself on the ground, Back Slide 3, 6, 9 or cells, then enter Hiding . After a while, the fake copycat explodes, damaging all surrounding enemies in a 5x5 area. 10 Offensive
Emergency Escape Ankle Snare and backslide. 5 Active
Maelstrom Paint a swirling circle (5x5 area) on the ground that absorbs and negates certain ground-targeted skills. 3 Active
Divest Accessory Forcibly strip both accessories off a target. 5 Active
Invisibility Completely conceal yourself whilst allowing you to attack while hidden. 5 Active
Masquerade-Enervation Reduce target's ATK and causes target to lose all spirit spheres. 3 Active
Masquerade-Gloomy Reduces target's Accuracy and Attack Speed and remove's their mount or summoned pet. 3 Active
Masquerade-Ignorance Remove a target's ability to use active Skills and take a set amount of SP from the target, recovering half of SP taken for yourself. 3 Active
Masquerade-Laziness Reduces target's FLEE and slows their cast time. 3 Active
Masquerade-Unlucky Reduces target's CRIT and Perfect Dodge and inflicts a random status effect. 3 Active
Masquerade-Weakness Reduces target's Max HP and strips their shield and weapon at the same time. 3 Active
Full Throttle Fully restores HP when cast and increases movement speed increases for the skill's duration. All stats +20%. 5 Active

Job Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
STR 2 5 31 32 44 45 53 59
AGI 8 17 49
VIT 19 20 25 29 33 42 43 52
INT 10 13 21 37 38 51
DEX 9 22 48 57
LUK 1 7 14 26 34 56


Equip Attack Speed From 2nd Class
Bare Handed 156 0
Shield -5 0
Dagger -3 +2
Sword (One Handed) -7 +3
Axe (One Handed) -159 0
Bow -7 +3
ASPD Potions Usable
645.png Concentration
656.png Awakening
657.png Berserk


NOTE: While all listed gears in this section are viable for usage, it is encouraged to test the item combinations you desire for your character first by going to the iRO Wiki Calculator, consult any knowledgable players in your group or in iRO Wiki Discord, or watch video guides before purchasing any item included in this list.

Fatal Menace Build (2025)


Fatal Menace is the only melee option as a Shadow Chaser. It works well with other leech options and scales off of your AGI.


FM SkillBuild

Talent / Stats

Talent / Stat Amount Notes
STR 120 Main damage stat.
AGI 120 AGI for high ASPD and reducing animation delay. Also Fatal Menace scales off of it.
VIT 70 - 80 For some survivability and stun resistance.
INT 70+ Remaining points for SP pool.
DEX 90 ~ 110 For some HIT and ASPD.
LUK 70 - 80 LUK is not needed for this skill, helps with additional atk and perfect dodge.
POW 100 Main source of damage post 200.
STA 0 Not needed.
WIS 0 Not needed.
SPL 0 Not needed.
CON 97 Boosts damage.
CRT 0 Not needed.


Equip Best in Slot? Card Options Comments
Headgear (Upper)
400667.png +12 or more Peco Warrior Hat [1]
  • Any
  • TBA
19409.png +10 Black Feather [1]
  • Any
  • Good source for some SP leech and 100% physical defense penetration early on.
400566.png +12 or more Awaking Bloom [1]
  • Any
  • 'TBA'
19479.png +11 or more Circlet of Time(ShadowChaser) [1]
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for melee damage increase.
  • Also increases Fatal Menace damage by 30% for every 3 refines.
400191.png +11 Helm of Faith (Shadow Chaser) [1]
  • Any
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for melee damage increase, POW and P.ATK.
  • Also increases Fatal Menace damage by 15% for every 3 refines.
  • Also reduces fixed casting time by 0.5 seconds.
400602.png +10 or more White Fox Bamboo Hat [1]
  • Any
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for physical damage increase and some additional POW.
  • Needs base level to be 200 or above.
400710.png +13 or more Snake Queen Crown [1]
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for physical damage increase and some additional POW / CON.
  • Also provides 0.5s fixed casting time reduction.
400738.png +12 (A) or more Disciple of Bijou [1]
  • Any
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for physical damage increase and some additional ATK.
  • Also provides 0.3s fixed casting time reduction.
Headgear (Middle)
410071.png Demon's Familiar [1]
  • Any
  • Cheaper option, provides All Stat + 10.
410215.png Ear of Spirit
  • None
  • Good source of ATK and physical damage based on sum of STR and VIT.
410254.png Ancient Morocc Noble Jewelry [1]
  • Good source of ATK.
  • Also increases damage and helps with ACD reduction if paired with Marduk or Pharaoh card.
410333.png Crow Tengu Mask [1]
  • Any
  • Good source of ATK % and physical damage based on base STR.
  • Also gives pretty good HP / SP percentage leech.
Headgear (Lower)
420110.png Old Camouflage Scarf
  • None
  • For every 10 base levels, increases physical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
420006.png Vassalage Necklace
  • None
  • For every 50 sum of STR and LUK, provides 5 Perfect Hit and increase in physical damage to all size monsters by 4%.
420422.png Bat Von Blood
  • None
  • Some ATK and EXP + 15%.
  • Gives minor fixed HP / SP leech and Greed Lv. 1.
420388.png Grey Wolf Cub in Mouth
  • None
  • Some talent stats and MHP.
  • For every 10 base levels, increases physical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
420438.png Constellation Orb
  • None
  • All Stats and Talents +7, helps with damage and VCT stats.
  • For every 10 base levels, increases physical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
15145.png +10 Evil Dragon Armor [1]
  • Useful for HP / SP % leech early on.
15283.png +9 or more Mighty Black Threaded Armor [1]
  • Some ATK and cheap source of 70% Physical Defense Penetration.
450361.png +12 Great Gunner Armor [1]
  • Good source for AGI and DEX.
  • At +12 refine, gives % chance for HP and SP leech.
450356.png +13 Abyss Lake Roaring Armor [1]
  • Good source of damage and All Stats increase for VCT.
450214.png +7 Dark Triad [1]
  • AGI+10 and ATK+50, for every level of Maelstrom learnt.
  • Also provides +50 Perfect Hit, allowing you to forgo DEX to some extent.
  • Gives 7% physical damage increase against all monsters for every level of Triangle Shot learnt.
450338.png +13 Screaming Ghost Party [1]
  • Good source of damage and All Stats increase for VCT.
450358.png +14 (A) or more Abyss Lake Roaring Armor-LT [1]
  • All Stats +12, good source of Max HP / SP, ATK, POW and CON.
  • Increases physical damage by a LOT, reduces ACD and also provides 0.3s fixed casting time reduction.
510006.png +9 or more Fatalist [2]
  • Good source of melee damage and 20% Fatal Menace danage increase.
510020.png +9 or more Awakened Fatalist [2]
  • Good source of melee damage and 25% Fatal Menace danage increase.
510041.png +9 or more Fatalist-LT [2]
  • Good source of melee damage and 45% Fatal Menace danage increase.
510033.png +12 (C) or more Vivatus Fides Dagger [2]
  • Good source of melee damage and 70% Fatal Menace damage increase.
28941.png +10 or more Excelion Shield [1]
  • Max HP / SP and some ATK.
460077.png +11 or more God-Devouring Demonic Shield [1]
  • Good source of ATK, tons of ASPD and some physical damage increase.
460078.png +11 (A) or more God-Devouring Demonic Shield-LT [1]
  • Good source of ATK, tons of ASPD and some physical damage increase.
  • Also provides 70% physical defense penetration.
460084.png +12 (B) or more Alice Body Pillow [1]
  • Good source of ATK and P.ATK.
  • There's a 6% chance to activate STR + 70 for 20 seconds when dealing physical damage.
480081.png +9 Glotoneria [1]
  • Good source of Max HP, AGI and DEX.
480114.png +12 or more Striking Mikoshi [1]
480341.png +13 or more Kiel Hyre's Darkness [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and POW / CON.
480479.png +14 (B) or more Royal Prontera Cape [1]
  • Good source of ATK and other talent stats.
  • Increases physical damage by a LOT.
  • Provides All Stats + 15 and ACD reduction.
22244.png +11 or more Stylish Silent Shoes [1]
  • Good source of physical damage increase.
470057.png +10 or more Chaser Shoes [1]
470289.png +12 (B) or more Ancient Mechanic Greaves [1]
  • Good source of ATK, POW and other talent stats.
  • Increases physical damage by a LOT and reduces fixed casting time by 0.7 second.
490207.png Memento Mori [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and after-cast delay.
  • Also provides All Stats + 10.
490337.png Amulet of Asteria [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and ATK.
490096.png Ring of Hunter [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and after-cast delay.
  • Also increases damage of Fatal Menace by 1% for every 3 base levels.
490545.png Overdrive Rampage [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and ATK.

Shadow Equipment


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24276.png Rogue Shadow Armor 1 10
24245.png Reload Shadow Armor 1 10
24530.png Menace Shadow Armor 1 10
24679.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor 1 10
24663.png Full Penetration Shadow Armor 1 10
24872.png Full Power Shadow Armor 200 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24295.png Shadow Chaser Shadow Weapon 1 1
24755.png Concentration Shadow Weapon 1 10
24751.png Physical Power Shadow Weapon 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24308.png Shadow Chaser Shadow Shield 1 1
24244.png Reload Shadow Shield 1 10
24531.png Menace Shadow Shield 1 10
24756.png Concentration Shadow Shield 1 10
24752.png Physical Power Shadow Shield 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24263.png Rogue Shadow Shoes 1 10
24243.png Reload Shadow Shoes 1 10
24532.png Menace Shadow Shoes 1 10
24680.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes 1 10
24664.png Full Penetration Shadow Shoes 1 10
24873.png Full Power Shadow Shoes 200 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24253.png Thief Shadow Pendant 1 1
24682.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant 1 10
24876.png Focusing Shadow Pendant 200 10
24662.png Full Penetration Shadow Pendant 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
28391.png Thief Earring Shadow 1 5+
24681.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Earring 1 10
24877.png Focusing Shadow Earring 200 10
24661.png Full Penetration Shadow Earring 1 10


Manual Cast - Comet Build (2025)


Shadow Chasers are the jack of all trades, and can also act like a manual cast magic class instead of an autocaster. Comet is one of the best magical skills in game and its cooldown can be completely reduced through equips by any class, making it one of the best option.

The only negatives (if you may call it that) would be that we are locked in the Headgear (Middle) and Shield options. Everything else can be equipped freely to aid in reducing cast time / improving damage.

Our goals in this build are -

Reduce  Comet's Cooldown of 20 seconds.
Reduce  Comet's fixed casting time of 2 seconds.
Achieve Total INT + (2 × Total DEX) >= 530


Manual Comet - Skill Build

Talent / Stats

Stat Amount Notes
STR 1 Not needed as such, only for weight capacity.
AGI 90 - 100 AGI needed for Flee and high ASPD, preferably 193.
VIT 60 - 72 For health and survivability.
INT 130 Nothing to look at here, main damage stat. So to the max!!.
DEX 125 - 130 DEX for reducing variable casting time.
LUK 60 - 72 LUK for extra MATK. 100 Total LUK for Curse Resistance.
POW 0 Not needed.
STA 0 Not needed.
WIS 0 Not needed.
SPL 100 Main talent stat for damage.
CON 97 Secondary talent stat after SPL.
CRT 0 Not needed.


Equip Best in Slot? Card Options Comments
Headgear (Upper)
19272.png +10 or more Garden of Eden [1]
  • Source for 100% Magic Defense Penetration, damage and some VCT stats
400566.png +10 or more Awaking Bloom [1]
  • Does not have Magic Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source of damage increase, damage reduction from mobs and VCT stats.
400146.png +11 or more Thanatos Magic Helmet [1]
  • Does not have Magic Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
400145.png +11 or more Thanatos Magic Helmet-LT [1]
  • Does not have Magic Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
400697.png +14 Full Faith Crown [1]
  • Does not have Magic Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • SPL / S.MATK / MATK Bonuses, 0.5s fixed casting time reduction and quite some damage increase.
Headgear (Middle)
5966.png Kardui Ear
  • None
  • Good source of MATK.
  • Also provides Comet cooldown reduction, if paired with Laphine Shield.
Headgear (Lower)
28502.png Mob Scarf
  • None
  • Set effect with Sunglasses.
420110.png Old Camouflage Scarf
  • None
  • For every 10 base levels, increases magical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
420422.png Bat Von Blood
  • None
  • Some MATK and EXP + 15%.
  • Gives minor fixed HP / SP leech and Greed Lv. 1.
420388.png Grey Wolf Cub in Mouth
  • None
  • Some talent stats and MHP.
  • For every 10 base levels, increases magical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
420438.png Constellation Orb
  • None
  • All Stats and Talents +7, helps with damage and VCT stats.
  • For every 10 base levels, increases magical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
15374.png +9 or more Lunar Eclipse Armor [1]
15419.png +9 or more Armor of White Thread [1]
  • Some MATK and cheap source of 70% Magical Defense Penetration.
450128.png +10 or more Automatic Armor Type B [1]
  • Good source of MATK and magic damage.
450355.png +11 or more Violent Dragon Shadow Armor [1]
  • Good source of MATK, All Stat +10 for VCT stats and magic damage.
450338.png +13 Screaming Ghost Party [1]
  • Good source of damage and All Stats increase for VCT.
450357.png +14 (A) Violent Dragon Shadow Armor-LT [1]
  • All Stats +12, good source of Max HP / SP, MATK, SPL and CON.
  • Increases magical damage by a LOT, reduces ACD and also provides 0.3s fixed casting time reduction.
28744.png +9 or more Magic Sword [2]
  • Good source of MATK and all elemental damage increase early on.
  • Can use Red Pitaya if using for combo with Research Assistant Bot in shoes and Roaming Spellbook in accessories
510019.png +9 or more Awakened Madogum [2]
  • Good source of MATK and all elemental damage increase.
  • Can also be enchanted.
  • Can use Red Pitaya if using for combo with Research Assistant Bot in shoes and Roaming Spellbook in accessories
28772.png +11 Jewel Detector Mk47 [2]
  • Good source of MATK and neutral elemental damage increase.
  • ACD -20% helps a ton in being able to spam Comet, primarily the reason why I use it over other weapons.
  • Can use Red Pitaya if using for combo with Research Assistant Bot in shoes and Roaming Spellbook in accessories
510040.png +9 or more Madogum-LT [2]
  • Good source of MATK and all property damage increase.
  • Gives some ASPD which helps with the animation delay.
  • Can use Red Pitaya if using for combo with Research Assistant Bot in shoes and Roaming Spellbook in accessories
510030.png +11 or more Thanatos Dagger-AD [2]
  • Good source of MATK and neutral property damage increase.
  • Also provides minor chance for Magical HP / SP leech.
  • Can use Red Pitaya if using for combo with Research Assistant Bot in shoes and Roaming Spellbook in accessories
2198.png +7 or more Laphine Shield [1]
  • No other option here.
  • Provides some MATK and 20 seconds Comet cooldown reduction when paired with Kardui Ear.
20991.png +11 or more Fairy of Eden [1]
  • Good source of ASPD / MATK, VCT stats and DEF / MDEF.
  • Also provides All Stats + 10.
  • If equipped with Wizard of Veritas in weapon, INT + 40.
480175.png +9 Reforming Magic Cloak [1]
  • Good source of ASPD, MATK and magical damage increase.
480188.png +11 or more Valkyrie Curse Blight [1]
  • Good source of Max HP / SP, ACD and magical damage increase.
  • Also provides All Stats + 10 and reduces damage taken from Ghost property attack.
480317.png +9 Magic Compressor [1]
  • Good source of ASPD, INT, ACD and magical damage increase.
480291.png +13 or more Hero's Grace [1]
  • Good source of MATK and other talent stats.
  • Also increases damage against all size monsters and provides ACD reduction.
  • Lacks All Stats +10 like in other garments, so will have to be compensated for variable casting time calculations with base stats.
480536.png +14 (A) Will of Karasu [1]
  • Good source of MATK and some damage reduction from Normal and Boss monsters.
  • Provides All Stats + 43, SPL +26 and 14% ACD reduction.
  • Increases all property magical damage by 60%.
  • Also provides 0.5 second fixed casting time reduction.
480520.png +12 (B) or more Royal Geffen Cape [1]
  • Good source of MATK and other talent stats.
  • Increases magical damage by a LOT.
  • Provides All Stats + 15 and ACD reduction.
470112.png +10 or more Moaning of Evil Spirits [1]
  • Provides 100% Magic Defense Penetration and good amount of MATK / ASPD.
22238.png +11 or more Great Hero's Boots [1]
  • Does not have Magic Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Provides 0.7s fixed casting time reduction.
470094.png +11 or more Hero Boots-LT [1]
  • Does not have Magic Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Provides 0.8s fixed casting time reduction.
470266.png +13 (A) or more Mythical Moonlight Paw [1]
  • Good source of MATK, INT and other talent stats.
  • Increases magical damage by a LOT and reduces fixed casting time by 1 second.
490207.png Memento Mori [1]
  • provides some more ACD reduction and All Stats + 10 helping with your VCT reduction.
490545.png Overdrive Rampage [1]
  • Good source of magical damage and MATK.

Shadow Equipments


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24679.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor 1 10
24747.png Spell Caster Shadow Armor 1 10
24667.png Full Tempest Shadow Armor 1 10
24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor 200 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24755.png Concentration Shadow Weapon 1 10
24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24756.png Concentration Shadow Shield 1 10
24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24680.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes 1 10
24748.png Spell Caster Shadow Shoes 1 10
24666.png Full Tempest Shadow Shoes 1 10
24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes 200 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24885.png Centering Shadow Pendant 200 10
24682.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant 1 10
24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24886.png Centering Shadow Earring 200 10
24681.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Earring 1 10
24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring 1 10

Costume Enchants


Stat Build:

Stat Amount Notes
STR 1+
AGI 60+
VIT 100+ Extremely important for every WoE build.
INT 100-110
DEX 100-120
LUK 1+
Important Skills:

Masquerade-Enervation and Masquerade-Laziness can be left at level 1.

This is a WoE/PvP oriented build designed for disabling enemies while remaining incredibly tanky and hard to kill. The best skill to Intimidate for this build is Flying Kick, for its sheer mobility. It also applies status effects so it is useful to equip status arrows while Flying Kicking around a group of people to spread debuffs. There are several different options to Reproduce - some players opt for Windmill, some prefer Crazy Vines and some choose Jack Frost. Typically, however, all of these skills serve the purpose of giving the Shadow Chaser more tools to further disable and debuff the enemy.

Leveling with this build would best be accomplished by copying the skill Arrow Storm to provide supplemental AoE DPS in parties. A tank/puller role may also be assumed through the use of skills such as Jack Frost/Frost Misty and Back Slide for mob control.

Auto Shadow Spell

Stat Build:

Stat Amount Notes
STR 1+ Since base weight limit is low, Gym Passes are highly recommended.
AGI 100-120 ASPD and Flee, main source of autocast spamming.
VIT 30-90+ For stun immunity and overall survivability.
INT 95+ Main source of damage.
DEX 70+
LUK 30~40

Important Skills:
Shadow Spell

Auto Shadow Spell is a unique Shadow Chaser build which relies on high ASPD and high MATK to deal AoE damage primarily through autocasts triggered from the Shadow Spell skill. High AGI and high INT and are required to be an effective build, and STR is not needed as this build does not focus on single target damage.

High VIT, while not a necessity during the leveling process helps with survivability in large mobs. For end-game purposes however Stun immunity is very important for higher level content. It may also help when leveling on monsters that regularly stun, and some players may opt for it early.

Commonly copied spells are e.g. Lord of Vermilion, Storm Gust, Meteor Storm, Duple Light, Raging Trifecta Blow. Skills to be copied would vary depending on the situation and the preference of the player.

Typically, it is best to Intimidate a strong AoE spell to use in conjunction with Shadow Spell. Damage-wise, the best option is Meteor Storm, as the meteors stack and can continue to proc while one has already been cast. If mob control is a higher priority Storm Gust is an excellent option to keep mobs frozen. Lord of Vermillion is another alternative, providing decent damage (better on Water property monsters) as well as hitlocking mobs around the player.

There are several options to Reproduce, most popular of which being Duple Light. Duple Light synergises very well with the ASPD, MATK based playstyle of an Auto Shadow Spell Chaser, providing a considerable boost to single target damage.

Double Strafe/Triangle Shot

Stat Build:

Stat Amount Notes
STR 1+ Since base weight limit is low, Gym Passes are highly recommended.
AGI 80-120 For Triangle Shot base damage, flee and ASPD.
VIT 60~90+
INT 60~70+ SP pool and SP regeneration rate are very important for this build.
DEX 110~120 Base damage.
LUK 1-30+
Important Skills:
Vulture's Eye
Double Strafe
Triangle Shot
Feint Bomb

The bow rogue has high DEX and high AGI for quick and devastating damage via bows, Moderate INT ensures a steady SP supply for skill spamming and high VIT for survivability.

Skills to copy with Reproduce include Arrow Storm which gives an single-hit high amount of upfront damage but does not do as much as Rangers due to class-exclusive White Wing Set, or Severe Rainstorm which depends on high DEX and AGI but consumes 220 SP and 20 arrows per cast. With higher-end HP or SP leeching gear, Severe Rainstorm will be a generally more self-sustainable skill by the time you can do Verus or NCT. With both skills, you can cast Feint Bomb before or during delays to give yourself some space or extra needed damage.

ALL Around PVM

Stats build:

Stat Amount Notes
STR 90-120 For physical attacks.
AGI 60,90-100 A bit of ASPD, flee rate.
VIT 100-120
INT 60,90-110 SP pool and even magical casts.
DEX 90-100 Not only for hit rate but also ranged skills.
LUK 1+ optional

Depends on which skills copied, gears, role, you should prioritize which stats goes first.

This build is for those who wanted to bring the life of a WOE-oriented class into PVM environment. SC is like Hermes, which is jack of all trades, but master of none. Don't expect to deal as much damage as the classes you copied the skills from, because they have access to their own specialized gear. You may or may not increase the damage via stats, foods, gears, but the main class will always be ahead of you.

The gift, yet a curse to SC is their versatility, even a build that is both magical and physical can work for this class when equipped properly. Expect to use both bows and swords.

Feint Bomb can save your life in several ocassions, but keep in mind that when in party, the mob will target your allies.

Skills worth copying:
Bowling Bash
Storm Gust
Meteor Storm
Jack Frost
Ignition Break

The most popular skills to use are the BB+IB combo for going solo route. If BIO and partying isn't your thing, this is the path for you. Scaraba dungeon is your best bet for going solo. Armed with RTE and SP/HP leeching gear, you don't have to rely on potions anymore.

If you don't think going solo is fun, you could be a tank (sort of) when leveling in party at BIOs. By learning Storm Gust and Jack Frost, your job is to freeze all those pesky bio-people at the cost of those mobs regconizing you as acting aggro. Stack up some reduction gears, high vit and int, you're ready to sacrifice yourself to the demons lurking in bios.

Feint Bomb tactics

Skills used:
Feint Bomb
Lava Flow

For this tactic you will need:

  • 28717.png Valkyrie Knife [4] Refined to +10 or greater with four 4694.png True Gertie Wie Card or any Twin Edge with 3 of them (More base ATK).
  • Any Temporal Boots of your choice with the Hawkeye enchantment (Chance to proc +200 DEX).
  • 28594.png Temporal Ring [1] +40 DEX if Temporal Boots have Hawkeye, +50 ATK and more.

Not recommended in early levels due to Feint Bomb scaling in base level and even more on job level. The four true Gertie Wie cards will increase the damage of your Feint Bomb by 240% total (Being Valkyrie Knife a level 4 weapon) giving you even greater Feint Bomb damage than a bow user due to both the low amount of slots in bows and the bonuses Valkyrie Knife gives (With a hand free for a shield). Using Lava Flow in large mobs to activate Hawkeye, the formula of Feint Bomb skyrockets and you can use it in the 5 seconds of Hawkeye to deal great damage in a 5*5 AoE.

An example if the user has 100 total DEX at level 175/60 after Hawkeye is activated:

Damage: ATK [(3 Skill Level + 1) x (300 DEX / 2) x (60 Job Level / 10) x 175 Base Level / 120)] %

That makes 5,250% damage total, but with the 4 True Gertie Wie cards, it changes a lot.

Damage: ATK [600 x 6 x (175 / 120)] x [240 /100] % = 12,600%

With a damage percentage that looks like Rebel skills in a 5*5 AoE, plus a 9 cell backslide and a second of hiding, Feint Bomb becomes a dangerous weapon to deal with for the small cost of a single Surface paint item.


Caster/Auto Shadow Spell Shadow Chaser


Recommended cards:

Mid and low:


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:

  • 4133.png Raydric Card Reduces incoming Neutral element damage by 20%. This also applies to monster normal attacks.
  • 4596.png Antique Book Card +5 MATK for each 10 points of base INT.
  • 4595.png Cenere Card +2% ASPD for each 10 points of base AGI.


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:



Recommended cards:

  • 4413.png Hodremlin Card Reduces incoming damage from all monster sizes by 15%.

Double Strafe/Triangle Shot Shadow Chasers


Mid and low:


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:

  • 4133.png Raydric Card Reduces incoming Neutral element damage by 20%. This also applies to monster normal attacks.
  • 4593.png Menblatt Card +1% ranged damage for each 10 DEX.


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:

Physical Melee Shadow Chasers


Mid and lower headgears


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:


Feint Bomb user set