Arrows are a type of ammunition used by bow weapons and through Melody Strike, Slinging Arrow and Arrow Vulcan, which use a whip or instrument. To equip ammunition, you must double-click the arrow to want to equip.
Name |
Weight |
Buyable |
Price |
Req. Level
25 |
0.1 |
Yes |
1z |
30 |
0.1 |
Yes |
3z |
40 |
0.1 |
No |
- |
50 |
0.1 |
No |
- |
45 |
0.1 |
Yes |
5z |
35 |
0.1 |
Yes |
5z |
Status/Miscellaneous Arrows
Where to Buy
- Arrow Crafting is a highly effective method of gaining different kinds of arrows not easily found. This skill can only be obtained by a quest.
- The Ore Downgrading quest and Sorcerer's Element Analyze skill can be used to get materials for elemental arrows.
- Fire Arrows can be bought from the following NPCs:
- Silver Arrows can be bought from the same NPCs for Fire Arrows, plus the following NPCs:
- Elven Arrows and Hunting Arrows can be bought from the Mora Village Tool Dealer
- One of the rarest arrows, Immaterial Arrow are ineffective against Neutral property monsters, but are highly effective against Ghost property monsters. The easiest method of obtaining them is by crafting from an Emperium, a Piece of Shield, or a Skeletal Armor Piece.
- The rarest arrow regularly used is the Holy Arrow. It can be obtained from Holy Arrow Quivers, which are dropped by two monsters at the Rachel Sanctuary, or crafting from Golden Ornaments and Valhalla's Flowers, which are dropped by Dame of Sentinel and by Valkyries, respectively. It is superior to the Silver Arrow.
- It is possible to stack 500 arrows in a quiver and lower their weight through an NPC called Inventor Jaax, in the weapon shop of Payon. It is usually better weight-wise to simply craft them. However, it is possible to open a quiver while being overweight, when Arrow Crafting is disabled. Quivers are also good for arrows bought from NPCs.
- Remember to un-equip any arrows that you currently have equipped if you plan to make a quiver of said arrow type. For example, say you currently have 700 Arrows equipped and you want to make a quiver with them and keep the remaining 200 equipped. You need to un-equip them first before he can make a quiver for you.
Allows the player to combine 500 pieces of arrows into a single quiver. Each quiver cost 500 zeny.
NPC Location |
Arrow |
Inventor Jaax payon_in015134
Quive Maker mora106117
Quiver Seller
NPC Location |
Quiver |
Eden Group 2nd Floor
 Quivering Merchant moc_paraup41162