Severe Rainstorm

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Severe Rainstorm.png Severe Rainstorm
Severe Rainstorm Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5 (Selectable)
SP Cost: 70 + (Skill Level × 10)
Fixed Cast Time: 0.5 seconds
Variable Cast Time: 1 + (Skill Level × 0.5) seconds
Cast Delay: 1 second
Cooldown: 4.5 + (Skill Level × 0.5) seconds
Duration: 3.3 seconds
Target: Ground
Range: 9 cells
Area of Effect: 11x11
Ammunition: 10 Arrows
Weapon: Bow or Instrument or Whip
(Bard) Melody Strike Lv. 5;
(Dancer) Slinging Arrow Lv. 5

Severe Rainstorm (Alt: Severe Rainstorm) is a 3rd class offensive skill available as Maestro and Wanderer.


Shoots a volley of arrows into the air and rain down on a targeted location, inflicting ranged physical damage every 0.3 seconds to all enemies within its area of effect doing total of 12 hits.

Level Base Damage (Bow) Base Damage(Instrument) Cast Time (Fix + Var) Cooldown SP Cost
1 100% 120% (0.5 + 1.5)s 5.0s 80
2 200% 240% (0.5 + 2.0)s 5.5s 90
3 300% 360% (0.5 + 2.5)s 6.0s 100
4 400% 480% (0.5 + 3.0)s 6.5s 110
5 500% 600% (0.5 + 3.5)s 7.0s 120
Damage (ATK) = [{Base Damage + (DEX + AGI) ÷ 2} × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%


  • Skill's element is:
    • If a bow is equipped, based on arrow's element.
    • If an instrument or whip is equipped, based on weapon's element. - This is a bug
  • The user cannot switch any equipment while this skill is ongoing.
  • Because of the short delay, other skills can be used while this skill is still ongoing.
  • If this skill is active when the user teleports, the temporary invulnerability normally granted after teleporting will be canceled.

Known Bugs & Glitches

  • This skill causes position bug to both the user and the enemies. It was virtually impossible to move when hitting something with this skill.
    • Fixed at 10/07/2013 in kRO and 08/25/2016 in iRO


Enhanced by




Grace Severe Suit -


  • Awakened Narcis Bow -
  • Bow of Storm [1]:
    • Reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.
    • Increases SP cost by 15.
  • MH-P89-OS [2]:
    • Reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.
    • Increases damage by 15%.
  • Mystic Bow - Reduces SP cost by 10.
  • Narcissus Bow [2]:
    • If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases damage by 10%.
    • If upgrade level is +11 or higher, reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Pigritia Rhythm -
  • Poenitentia Vatia -
  • Wind Gale -
  • Antique Cello -
  • Fides Series
    • Adulter Fides Violin [2]:
      • Increase damage by 10%.
      • Increase damage by 20% if upgrade level is +7 or higher.
      • Reduce cooldown by 2.5 seconds if upgrade level is +9 or higher.
      • Increase damage by 25% if upgrade level is +11 or higher.
    • Vivatus Fides Violin [2]:
      • Increase damage by 10%.
      • Increase damage by 20% if upgrade level is +7 or higher.
      • Reduce cooldown by 2.5 seconds if upgrade level is +9 or higher.
      • Increase damage by 25% if upgrade level is +11 or higher.
      • Increase damage by 15% if Grade is C or higher.
  • Safety Lute -
  • 570016.png Thanatos Violin-AD [2]:
    • For every 3 refine level, increase damage by 10%.
    • If refine level is +7 or higher, increases damage by additional 15%.
    • If refine level is +9 or higher, reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Fides Series
    • Adulter Chain Rope [2]:
      • Increase damage by 10%.
      • Increase damage by 20% if upgrade level is +7 or higher.
      • Reduce cooldown by 2.5 seconds if upgrade level is +9 or higher.
      • Increase damage by 25% if upgrade level is +11 or higher.
    • Vivatus Fides Chain Rope [2]:
      • Increase damage by 10%.
      • Increase damage by 20% if upgrade level is +7 or higher.
      • Reduce cooldown by 2.5 seconds if upgrade level is +9 or higher.
      • Increase damage by 25% if upgrade level is +11 or higher.
      • Increase damage by 15% if Grade is C or higher.
  • Safety Whip -
  • Scarlet Ribbon -
  • 580016.png Thanatos Whipsword-AD [2]:
    • For every 3 refine level, increase damage by 10%.
    • If refine level is +7 or higher, increases damage by additional 15%.
    • If refine level is +9 or higher, reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.


  • Elemental Towel - Reduces SP cost by 60 if upgraded to +7 or higher.
    • Burning Bow + Fire Arrow - Increases damage by 5% per upgrade level of Elemental Towel.
    • Earth Bow + Stone Arrow - Increases damage by 5% per upgrade level of Elemental Towel.
    • Frozen Bow + Crystal Arrow - Increases damage by 5% per upgrade level of Elemental Towel.
    • Gust Bow + Arrow of Wind - Increases damage by 5% per upgrade level of Elemental Towel.
  • Storm Muffler [1]:


  • Emerald Ring [1] - Increases damage by 2% for every 10 base levels.
  • Record of Archer -
  • Record of Archer vol.2 -
  • Ring of Storm -
  • Traveler Ring -


  • True Trentini Card:
    • Increases damage by 20%.
    • Increases damage by an additional 20% when compounded to a level 4 weapon.
    • If upgrade level is +10 or higher, increases damage by an additional 20%.
  • Unleashed Magic Card -

Equipment Sets


  • December 15th, 2021
    • Skill now can be used with Instruments or Whip class weapon, where the skill will deal 50% more damage.
  • October 13th, 2022
    • Damage Improved.
      • Old Bow: [{(DEX + AGI) × (SkillLv ÷ 5)} × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
      • New Bow: [{100 × Skill_Lvl + (DEX + AGI) ÷ 2} × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
      • Old Instrument: [{(DEX + AGI) × (SkillLv ÷ 5)} × 1.5 × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
      • New Instrument: [{120 × Skill_Lvl + (DEX + AGI) ÷ 2} × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
    • Reduced Arrow Usage to 10.