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Job Base(s): Maestro
Job Type: 4-2
Job Level: 50
Race: Human
Changes At: Lighthalzen
Number of Skills: 15
Total Skill Points: 63
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+7 +7 +7 +9 +10 +3
Talent Bonuses
+5 +6 +4 +5 +9 +4


Troubadour, the advanced class for Maestro, performs a beautiful melody to boost the morale of allies. This is a job that overturns the initiative on the battlefield through song and music.

Job Change Guide

See Troubadour Job Change Guide for detailed information.


See Bard Skills or Minstrel Skills for 2nd class Skills. See Maestro Skills for 3rd class Skills.

Skill Description Levels Type
Passive Skills
Stage Etiquette Increases AP recovery when using Troubadour / Trouvere attack skills and increases effectiveness of some song skills. 5 Passive
Self / Party Buffs
Prontera March Increases P.ATK and Movement Speed of the caster and party members in the skill's range for 180 seconds. 5 Active
Jawaii Serenade Increases S.MATK and Movement Speed of the caster and party members in the skill's range for 180 seconds. 5 Active
Musical Interlude Increases RES of the caster and party members in the skill's range for 180 seconds. 5 Active
Mystic Symphony Grants a buff to the caster which increases the damage of Sound Blend, Rhythm Shooting and Rose Blossom by 100% for 150 seconds. 1 Active
Kvasir Sonata Enables the caster to use any Ensemble / Chorus skill alone for 60 seconds. 1 Active
Miner Rhapsody Grants a chance to decrease RES of normal monsters and enemy players in the skill's range for 30 seconds. 5 Active
Geffenia Nocturne Grants a chance to decrease MRES of normal monsters and enemy players in the skill's range for 30 seconds. 5 Active
Loki Capriccio Grants a chance to inflict Misfortune Misfortune and Confusion Confusion status to enemy players in the surrounding area. 5 Active
Nifflheim Requiem Grants a chance to inflict Depression Depression and Curse Curse status to enemy players in the surrounding area. 5 Active
Physical Skills
Rhythm Shooting Fires an arrow at the target inflicting 3 ranged physical attacks. 5 Active
Rose Blossom Attaches a flower seed on an arrow and shoots it to a target inflicting powerful ranged physical damage. 5 Active
Magical Skills
Sound Blend Inflicts magical damage and Sonic Brand Sonic Brand status to the target. 5 Active
Metallic Fury Fires a sonic magic arrow at one target, inflicting magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies. 5 Active
Other Skills
Retrospection Recasts the last song used. 1 Active

Skill Tree

Job & Talent Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
STR 2 18 19 24 28 45 46
AGI 5 10 26 27 31 38 39
VIT 3 10 11 12 34 41 45
INT 1 3 7 8 22 32 40 41 49
DEX 4 5 14 15 33 36 40 44 47 50
LUK 12 30 45
POW 7 21 24 35 43
STA 1 12 17 27 29 47
WIS 9 23 28 37
SPL 6 16 25 42 48
CON 4 8 13 19 20 33 37 43 49
CRT 14 30 36 38


Equip Attack Speed From 2nd Class
Bare Handed 156 0
Shield -7 0
Dagger -12 +1
Bow -10 −2
Instrument -5 0
ASPD Potions Usable
645.png Concentration
656.png Awakening
657.png Berserk