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Job Base(s): Gypsy
Job Type: 3-2
Job Level: 70
Race: Human
Changes At: Lutie
Number of Skills: 24
Total Skill Points: 126
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+5 +9 +7 +9 +8 +2


The Wanderer class is the female performer class in its third class form. They are primarily a support and disabling / debuff class that is also capable of AoE ranged damage. They also have some magic / MATK based capabilities. They are more used for WoE situations now, but they can also provide unique party buffs that make them a worthwhile member to have in PVM parties (mainly the Dancer skill, Gypsy's Kiss, which lowers SP cost and provides more SP to party members). This buff is extremely helpful for classes with low Max SP, character builds with low INT, skills that depend on SP for damage (like Guillotine Fist and Dragon Breath), or classes that tend to have to spam high SP cost skills. The Wanderer is provided with an array of disabling skills that can quite effective in WoE. They also have access to decent MATK weapons (unlike their male counterpart, the Maestro), which allows them to make better use of the Metallic Sound skill, although this spell is still fairly weak and has a long cooldown.

The Wanderer also has a powerful AoE skill, Severe Rainstorm, which if geared properly, can dish out some hefty damage, but at a high SP cost (which is why high INT is strongly recommended).

Job Change Guide

Main article: Wanderer Job Change Guide

Changing into a Wanderer from a Gypsy requires the player to complete a number of tasks:

  • Investigating a canceled performance
  • Reconciling an estranged Wanderer with her Maestro partner
  • Rigorous workout sessions to help a Wanderer get back into peak physical shape

After completing these tests, the player will be transformed into a Wanderer. The journey begins in Lutie!

Class Data


See Dancer Skills or Gypsy Skills for 2nd class Skills.

Skills in a same group don't stack and will override each other (see Group A Songs and Group B Songs). Group B skills can only be removed through special skills such as Clearance, Lion's Howl, Destruction Song, etc.

Solo Skills

Skill Description Levels Group Type
Circle of Nature
Displays the power of the nature to all targets in a 7x7~15x15 area around the user, which allow them to regain HP in exchange of SP each second, for 1 minute. 5 B Supportive
Death Valley
Resurrects a single player, using their SP to restore their HP. 5 - Supportive
Deep Sleep Lullaby
Attempts to cause Deep Sleep status to all enemies in a 11x11~19x19 area around the user. 5 B Active
Song of Despair
Imbues the targeted location with sound waves that binds all enemies in a 3x3 area upon contact. 5 - Active
Dominion Impulse
Releases a powerful scream over a targeted location to detonate all Reverberations in a 11x11 area. 1 - Active
Frigg's Song
Increases maximum HP by +5% per skill level for party members. Uses one Regrettable Tear. This song has no grouping. 5 - Supportive
Gloomy Shyness
Peforms a chant to a single target to increase the damage of Brandish Spear, Clashing Spiral, Shield Boomerang, Rapid Smiting, and Shield Press. May cause negative effects. 5 B Active
Improvised Song
Performs a chant that casts a random Mage or Wizard skill, ignoring every catalyst it may require. 5 - Active
Lover Symphony
Performs a song that increases MDEF across the entire party within a 15x15~23x23 area around the user for 1 miunte. 5 A Supportive
Metallic Sound
Shouts a high pitched noise at a single target to deal magic damage and drain their SP. 10 - Offensive
Moonlight Serenade
Performs a song that increases MATK across the entire party within a 15x15~23x23 area around the user for 1 minute. 5 A Supportive
Imbues the targeted location with sound waves that deal ATK + MATK damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area upon contact. 5 - Offensive
Severe Rainstorm
Shoots a raining volley of arrows to continually deal damage to all enemies in a 11x11 area around the targeted location. Damage is increased with caster's DEX, AGI and Base Level. 5 - Offensive
Siren's Voice
Performs a chant that captivates all enemies in a 7x7~13x13 area around the user by chance, to prevent them from attacking or targeting the user for a set duration. 5 B Active
Swing Dance
Performs a dance that increases Movement Speed and ASPD across the entire party within a 15x15~23x23 area around the user for 1 minute. 5 A Supportive
Voice Lessons
Increases Max SP and SP Recovery. At level 5 and higher, allows to use 3rd class skills while performing. 10 - Passive
Full Throttle
Fully restores HP when cast and increases movement speed increases for the skill's duration. All stats +20%. 1 - Active

Chorus Skills

Skill Description Levels Group Type
Great Echo
Performs a loud song to deal damage to all enemies in a 5x5~9x9 area around the user. 5 - Offensive
Dances with Wargs
Performs a fast tempo song that increases ASPD, lowers Fixed Cast Time and increases ATK across the entire party within a 11x11~19x19 area around the user for 30~150 seconds. 5 B Supportive
Song of Mana
Performs a song that increases SP Recovery across the entire party within a 11x11~19x19 area around the user for 30~150 seconds. 5 B Supportive
Lerad's Dew
Performs a song that increases Max HP across the entire party within a 11x11~15x15 area around the user for 20~60 seconds. 5 B Supportive
Saturday Night Fever
Performs a song that attempts to cause a lesser "Frenzy" status to all players in a 7x7~15x15 area around the user for 10~30 seconds. 5 B Active
Warcry from Beyond
Performs a song that attempts to increase STR and CRIT but decreasing Max HP of all targets in a 11x11~15x15 area around the user for 20~60 seconds. 5 B Active
Sinking Melody
Performs a song that attempts to decrease INT and drain SP of all enemies in a 11x11~15x15 area around the user for 20~60 seconds. 5 B Active
Song of Destruction
Performs a song that attempts to deal damage to all targets that are performing in a 9x9~15x15 area around the user, removing their performance / chorus skills in the process. 5 - Offensive
Infinite Humming
Performs a song that prevents the skill casting interruption of all targets in a 11x11~15x15 area around the user for 60~180 seconds, but increasing their SP cost by 15%. 5 B Active

Job Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
STR 26 27 51
AGI 4 7 18 31 39 43 45 50 59
VIT 12 13 14 22 32 52 58
INT 2 3 9 21 36 37 38 49 56
DEX 1 8 17 23 30 44 53 60
LUK 55


Equip Attack Speed From 2nd Class
Bare Handed 156 0
Shield -7 0
Dagger -12 +1
Bow -10 −2
Whip -5 0
ASPD Potions Usable
645.png Concentration
656.png Awakening
657.png Berserk


NOTE: While all listed gears in this section are viable for usage, it is encouraged to test the item combinations you desire for your character first by going to the iRO Wiki Calculator, consult any knowledgable players in your group or in iRO Wiki Discord, or watch video guides before purchasing any item included in this list.

Severe Rainstorm Build (2025)

  • Uses the element of the equipped arrow when using an Instrument.
  • The main issue is getting the cooldown reduced to minimum 5 seconds, 6.5 seconds or 7 seconds at best, to be able to spam Lvl 1, 4 or 5 respectively.
  • Now cooldown is no longer an issue -
    • Document Archer reduces cooldown by 4 seconds.
    • Costume combo reduces cooldown by 1 second.
    • Use any weapon which reduces cooldown by 2 seconds (virtually every SR weapon).


Talent / Stats

Stat Amount Notes
STR 1+ Depends on you, you only need STR for Weight Limit
AGI 120+ Severe Rainstorm scales off of AGI and DEX
VIT 72 You want at least 100 with bonus, for stun immunity
INT 100 - 120 For VCT Reduction and SP Pool
DEX 120+ Main Stat and Severe Rainstorm scales off of AGI and DEX. Also helps with VCT reduction
LUK 72 This for my part is a filler, if i have points to give after stating every other stat, I put them in Luk, because a bit Perfect Dodge and extra atk does not hurt
POW 100 Main source of damage post 200.
STA 0 Not needed.
WIS 0 Not needed.
SPL 0 Not needed.
CON 97 Another talent stat which boosts physical damage.
CRT 0 Not needed.


Equip Best in Slot? Card Options Comments
Headgear (Upper)
18795.png +9 or more Night Sparrow Hat [1]
  • Any
  • TBA
19409.png +10 Black Feather [1]
  • Any
  • Good source for some SP leech and 100% physical defense penetration early on.
400566.png +12 or more Awaking Bloom [1]
  • Any
  • 'TBA'
19379.png +9 or more Striking Hat [1]
  • Any
  • 'TBA'
400141.png +11 or more Thanatos Shooter Helmet [1]
  • Any
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for ranged damage increase.
400151.png +11 (C) or more Thanatos Shooter Helmet-LT [1]
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for ranged damage increase.
400710.png +13 or more Snake Queen Crown [1]
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for physical damage increase and some additional POW / CON.
  • Also provides 0.5s fixed casting time reduction.
400203.png +9 or more Wolf Officer Hat [1]
  • Any
  • Reduces cooldown of No Limits by 150 seconds.
  • Useful to switch to when casting No Limits Lv. 5 from Ring of Storm.
18981.png +10 or more Old Dying Swan [1]
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source for damage increase and some additional ATK.
  • Combos with Document Archer for good damage boost to Severe Rainstorm.
Headgear (Middle)
410071.png Demon's Familiar [1]
  • Any
  • Cheaper option, provides All Stat + 10.
19138.png Seraphim Coronet
  • None
  • Good source of ATK and physical damage based on sum of AGI and INT.
410254.png Ancient Morocc Noble Jewelry [1]
  • Good source of ATK.
  • Also increases damage and helps with ACD reduction if paired with Marduk or Pharaoh card.
410333.png Crow Tengu Mask [1]
  • Any
  • Good source of ATK % and physical damage based on base STR.
  • Also gives pretty good HP / SP percentage leech.
Headgear (Lower)
420110.png Old Camouflage Scarf
  • None
  • For every 10 base levels, increases physical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
420422.png Bat Von Blood
  • None
  • Some ATK and EXP + 15%.
  • Gives minor fixed HP / SP leech and Greed Lv. 1.
420388.png Grey Wolf Cub in Mouth
  • None
  • Some talent stats and MHP.
  • For every 10 base levels, increases physical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
420438.png Constellation Orb
  • None
  • All Stats and Talents +7, helps with damage and VCT stats.
  • For every 10 base levels, increases physical damage against all size monsters by 1%.
15145.png +10 Evil Dragon Armor [1]
  • Useful for HP / SP % leech early on.
15283.png +9 or more Mighty Black Threaded Armor [1]
  • Some ATK and cheap source of 70% Physical Defense Penetration.
450361.png +12 Great Gunner Armor [1]
  • Good source of damage and DEX.
  • Also gives % chance of HP / SP Leech when refined to +12.
450356.png +13 Abyss Lake Roaring Armor [1]
  • Good source of damage and All Stats increase for VCT.
450338.png +13 Screaming Ghost Party [1]
  • Good source of damage and All Stats increase for VCT.
450358.png +14 (A) or more Abyss Lake Roaring Armor-LT [1]
  • All Stats +12, good source of Max HP / SP, ATK, POW and CON.
  • Increases physical damage by a LOT, reduces ACD and also provides 0.3s fixed casting time reduction.
18170.png +11 or more Narcissus Bow [2]
  • Good source of early damage and 2 seconds cooldown reduction.
700009.png +9 or more Pigritia Rhythm [2]
  • Good source of damage and 2.5 seconds cooldown reduction.
700013.png +11 or more Awakened Narcis Bow [2]
  • Good source of damage and 2 seconds cooldown reduction.
26215.png +11 or more Safety Whip [2]
  • Good source of damage and 2 seconds cooldown reduction.
580017.png +12 or more Adulter Fides Chain Rope [2]
  • Good source of damage and 2.5 seconds cooldown reduction.
700049.png +9 or more Narcis Bow-LT [2]
  • Good source of damage and 2 seconds cooldown reduction.
580016.png +9 or more Thanatos Whipsword-AD [2]
  • Good source of damage and 2 seconds cooldown reduction.
580019.png +12 or more Vivatus Fides Chain Rope [2]
  • Good source of damage and 2.5 seconds cooldown reduction.
580028.png +12 (A) or more Precision Whip [2]
  • Good source of damage and 2 seconds cooldown reduction.
28941.png +10 or more Excelion Shield [1]
  • Max HP / SP and some ATK.
460077.png +11 or more God-Devouring Demonic Shield [1]
  • Good source of ATK, tons of ASPD and some physical damage increase.
460084.png +12 (B) or more Alice Body Pillow [1]
  • Good source of ATK and P.ATK.
  • There's a 6% chance to activate STR + 70 for 20 seconds when dealing physical damage.
480094.png +9 or more Erymanthian Skin [1]
  • Good source of ranged physical damage, DEX and ASPD.
480114.png +12 or more Striking Mikoshi [1]
480064.png +11 or more Storm Muffler
  • Good source of ranged damage and 2 seconds cooldown reduction.
480341.png +13 or more Kiel Hyre's Darkness [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and POW / CON.
480504.png +14 (A) or more Royal Payon Cape [1]
  • Good source of ATK and other talent stats.
  • Increases physical damage by a LOT.
  • Provides All Stats + 15 and ACD reduction.
22244.png +11 or more Stylish Silent Shoes [1]
  • Good source of physical damage increase.
22238.png +11 or more Great Hero's Boots [1]
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Provides 0.7s fixed casting time reduction.
470094.png +11 or more Hero Boots-LT [1]
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Provides 0.8s fixed casting time reduction.
470254.png +12 Kenzen Ichinyo [1]
  • Does not have Physical Defense Penetration, will need from other sources.
  • Good source of ATK %.
470329.png +13 (B) or more Ancient Ranger Shoes [1]
  • Good source of CON, ATK and other talent stats.
  • Increases ranged physical damage and reduces fixed casting time by 0.7 second.
470289.png +12 (B) or more Ancient Mechanic Greaves [1]
  • Good source of ATK, POW and other talent stats.
  • Increases ranged physical damage by a LOT and reduces fixed casting time by 0.7 second.
490193.png Traveler Ring [1]
490400.png Record of Archer [1]
  • Good source of damage.
490430.png Record of Archer vol.2 [1]
  • Good source of damage.
490337.png Amulet of Asteria [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and ATK.
490545.png Overdrive Rampage [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and ATK.
490427.png Ring of Storm [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and ATK.
  • Increases damage based on base level.
  • Allows casting of No Limits Lv. 5.
  • Left Accessory, goes on the right side of the character equipment screen.
490609.png Document Archer [1]
  • Good source of physical damage and ATK.
  • Combos nicely with Old Maestro Song's Hat for additional damage based on refine level of the hat.
  • Reduces Severe Rainstorm cooldown by 4 seconds.
  • Right Accessory, goes on the left side of the character equipment screen.

Shadow Equipment


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24280.png Bard Shadow Armor 1 0
24245.png Reload Shadow Armor 1 10
24747.png Spell Caster Shadow Armor 1 10
24679.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor 1 10
24663.png Full Penetration Shadow Armor 1 10
24872.png Full Power Shadow Armor 200 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24299.png Maestro Shadow Weapon 1 0
24755.png Concentration Shadow Weapon 1 10
24751.png Physical Power Shadow Weapon 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24312.png Maestro Shadow Shield 1 0
24244.png Reload Shadow Shield 1 10
24756.png Concentration Shadow Shield 1 10
24752.png Physical Power Shadow Shield 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24267.png Bard Shadow Shoes 1 10
24243.png Reload Shadow Shoes 1 10
24748.png Spell Caster Shadow Shoes 1 10
24680.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes 1 10
24664.png Full Penetration Shadow Shoes 1 10
24873.png Full Power Shadow Shoes 200 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
24255.png Archer Shadow Pendant 1 10
24682.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant 1 10
24876.png Focusing Shadow Pendant 200 10
24662.png Full Penetration Shadow Pendant 1 10


Equip Required Level Rcommended Refine
28392.png Archer Earring Shadow 1 10
24681.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Earring 1 10
24877.png Focusing Shadow Earring 200 10
24661.png Full Penetration Shadow Earring 1 10

Metallic Sound / Reverberation Build

  • This build is easier to get started with but plateau(s) out at later levels.
  • Reverberation has an AoE effect and its element is based on the equipped arrow.
  • Metallic Sound is a single target skill and is forced Neutral element.


Talent / Stats

Stat Amount Notes
STR 1+ Depends on you, you only need STR for Weight Limit, if any
AGI 120 For flee and ASPD
VIT 72+ You want at least 100 with bonus, for stun immunity
INT 125+ Main Stat and helps with VCT Reduction and SP Pool
DEX 80+ Also helps with VCT reduction, not needed if Divine Bell is equipped
LUK 72+ This for my part is a filler, if i have points to give after stating every other stat, I put them in Luk, because a bit Perfect Dodge and extra matk does not hurt
POW 0 Not needed.
STA 0 Not needed.
WIS 0 Not needed.
SPL 100 Main source of damage post 200.
CON 97 Another talent stat which boosts magical damage.
CRT 0 Not needed.



Party Support (PVM/WoE) Build

Stat Level 99 Level 125 Level 150 Level 175
STR 0~7 0~10 0~15 0~16
AGI 24 25 41 80
VIT 82 100 110 122
INT 61 81 93 93
DEX 90 100 100 100
LUK 1 41 77 89

The primary function of this build is to buff party members as much as possible with Gypsy's Kiss by having very high INT and having high VIT for survivability while performing songs. The high INT/SP regeneration also help with the high SP cost of performance songs like Frigg's Song. Players can still get Severe Rainstorm with this build if they wish to, but the damage will be lower since stat placement wont be focusing mainly on DPS. Also Severe Rainstorm requires a bow to use, which means players won't be able to perform songs if they are using it (many players will switch back and forth between Whip and Bow in a party).

Skills to invest in:

Skill Source Build Additional Notes
Dancer Both
Dancer Both
Gypsy's Kiss
Dancer Both
Mental Sensing
Dancer PvM Increases EXP while leveling.
Slow Grace
Dancer WoE Slow enemy movement, or lower emp breaker's ASPD.
Classical Pluck
Dancer WoE Prevent enemy skill casting as people enter emp rooms.
Tarot Card of Fate
Gypsy WoE May give negative effects like reduced stats or break equipment.
Frigg's Song
Wanderer Both Max HP +25% for party members. Useful for increasing the Dragon Breath damage, or keeping everyone alive.
Voice Lessons
Wanderer Both Pretty much essential to be at lvl 10.
Siren's Voice
Wanderer Both This will help keep the enemy's focus off of you. Useful in WoE as well.
Song of Despair
Wanderer Both Hold enemies in WoE, tele them in PvM.
Death Valley
Wanderer PvM Useful to raise a dead bishop.
Lover Symphony
Wanderer Both Increases MDEF. Questionably useful. Also it's only increasing a little ammount of MDEF. If you're in a party, maestro can Use ATK song, because both skills don't work together.
Swing Dance
Wanderer Both Everyone likes +35% ASPD.
Dances with Wargs
Wanderer WoE Increase the damage of "Auto-Warg" Rangers in WoE/PVP.
Gloomy Shyness
Wanderer WoE Dismounting Rune Knights and Royal Guards. Also slows like Slow Grace