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Job Base(s): Geneticist
Job Type: 4-2
Job Level: 50
Race: Human
Changes At: Verus
Number of Skills: 15
Total Skill Points: 80
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+5 +6 +7 +13 +8 +4
Talent Bonuses
+4 +3 +4 +4 +6 +10


Biolo, the advanced class for Geneticist, is an expert in Biotechnology. They can summon various plant-based creatures to help them in battle. In addition, Biolo is capable of supporting allies with various potions and skills.

Job Change Guide

See Biolo Job Change Guide for detailed information.

Class Data


See Alchemist Skills or Biochemist for 2nd class Skills. See Geneticist Skills for 3rd class Skills.

Skill Description Levels Type
Passive and Crafting Skills
Bionic Pharmacy Create medicines and catalysts used for 4th job skills. Each cast consumes a 1000275.png Beaker. 1 Active
Bionics Mastery Increased stats of summoned creatures such as Create Creeper, Create Wooden Warrior, Create Wooden Fairy and Create Hell Tree. 10 Passive
Equip Protection Skills
Group Protection Protects weapons and equipment of the caster and nearby party members from being stripped or destroyed. 5 Supportive
Full Shadow Protection Protects shadow equipment of the target from being stripped or destroyed. 4 Supportive
Summon Skills
Create Creeper Summons a tough vine monster. 5 Supportive
Create Wooden Warrior Summons a Wooden Warrior. 5 Supportive
Create Wooden Fairy Summons a Wooden Fairy. 5 Supportive
Create Hell Tree Summons the Hell Tree, which can attack with an Area of Effect skill and buffs their master. 5 Supportive
Acidified Zone Skills
Acidified Zone Earth Throw an 1000277.png Earth Acid Bottle at an enemy, inflicting a 7 hit Earth element ranged physical damage to the target and its surrounding area. 5 Offensive
Acidified Zone Wind Throw a 1000278.png Gale Acid Bottle at an enemy, inflicting a 7 hit Wind element ranged physical damage to the target and its surrounding area. 5 Offensive
Acidified Zone Water Throw an 1000279.png Icicle Acid Bottle at an enemy, inflicting a 7 hit Water element ranged physical damage to the target and its surrounding area. 5 Offensive
Acidified Zone Fire Throw a 1000276.png Flame Acid Bottle at an enemy, inflicting a 7 hit Fire element ranged physical damage to the target and its surrounding area. 5 Offensive
Research Report Prepares and presents a report of the caster's research. Increases acid-type skills damage and increases damage against Formless and Plant race monsters. 1 Supportive

Skill Tree

Biolo Skill Tree

Job & Talent Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
STR 18 35 36 41 50
AGI 9 21 30 40 41 48
VIT 5 8 11 16 19 25 26 42
INT 1 2 8 13 24 35 36 37 42 45 46 48
DEX 3 7 14 20 29 37 40 44
LUK 17 32 44 49
POW 18 21 25 27 33 38
STA 4 23 49 45 52
WIS 10 27 39 43
SPL 4 15 34
CON 6 11 19 22 31 47
CRT 2 12 15 24 28 29 32 39 44 50


Equip Attack Speed From 2nd Class
Bare Handed 156 0
Shield -4 0
Dagger -10 0
Sword (One Handed) -4 +1
Axe (One Handed) -11 −6
Axe (Two Handed) -11 +1
Mace -5 0
ASPD Potions Usable
645.png Concentration
656.png Awakening
657.png Berserk


Cart Cannon Build

Mandatory Skills:

Full Chemical Protection
Cart Remodeling
Cart Cannon
Cart Boost (Geneticist)

Optional Skills:

Blood Sucker
Fire Expansion
Thorn Wall
Crazy Vines
Hell Plant
Acid Bomb

PvP/WoE Mad Scientist

  • STR: 90
  • AGI: 1
  • VIT: 96 (100 with job bonus)
  • INT: 100~120
  • DEX: 90
  • LUK: 39+


Acid Bomb
Hell Plant
Crazy Vines
Mandragora Howling
Blood Sucker
Full Chemical Protection
Summon Flora

Pure Potter/Cook

  • STR: 1
  • AGI: 1
  • VIT: 1
  • INT: 104
  • DEX: 124
  • LUK: 130

This build gives you the highest possible overall success rate with Prepare Potion and a decent success rate with Special Pharmacy.


  • STR: 1
  • AGI: 1
  • VIT: 1
  • INT: 124
  • DEX: 104
  • LUK: 130

This build gives you the highest possible overall success rate with Special Pharmacy and a decent success rate with Prepare Potion.

NOTE: The first one is recommended since INT has no influence on the Mixed Cooking formulas).


Special Pharmacy
Mixed Cooking
Change Material
Full Chemical Protection

(Only if you want to increase your Special Pharmacy success rate)

Base Homunculus:

Hybrid PvM and brewing builds can still have decent Acid Bomb and Cart Cannon damage, while still retaining good brewing/cooking success rates.


Cart Cannon Build





Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:

Damage reduction cards.


Recommended cards:


Recommended cards:


Both Slot

Left Slot Only

Right Slot Only

Recommended cards:

Costume/Shadow Equipment


Cart Tornado Build




Card Options:




Shadow Equipment

Potion Brewer Set








Shadow Equipments

Potion Hunting Set

Alchemist Card Set


16001.png Red Square Bag [2]
13027.png Scalpel [3]


15044.png Green Operation Coat [1]


CardPlasma Card4389.png


Main article: Homunculus S

Here is a quick breakdown of the homunculus and their uses:

  • Bayeri (Scope: PvM) - A tanky unicorn with attitude. Bayeri uses safety walls on his owner and provides Holy property area damage. However, its biggest weakness is that its area attack is interruptable, which makes it an unpopular choice of Homunculus S amongst most Geneticists.
  • Dieter (Scope: PvM, PvP, WoE and MVP) - The most popular of the Homunculi S. Dieter provides his owner with a significant damage boost as well as area damage against mobs. Dieter is very tanky, which combined with his awesome area ability, makes him possibly the best Homunculus S to level with.
  • Eira (Scope: PvM, PvP and MVP) - Being one of the unfavorite Homunculi S that doesn't get enough attention, Eira should by no means be ignored. She has a special skill that provides her owner with ludicrous amounts of flee rate temporarily (sets Flee Rate to 500 when mastered), which can make a big difference in a dire situation. And speaking of defeat, Eira can be a great backup. With her resurrection spell, she'll bring her owner back from the dead so that embarrassing trip back to town can be avoided.
  • Eleanor (Scope: PvM and PvP) - Probably one of the least loved Homunculi S, brings the damage but not much else. This fistcuff lover monk-like cat-lady will brutally beat the heck out of any target in sight, chaining together combo attacks that do decent damage. She has no area attacks, which makes her fairly useless in PvM except for picking off single targets. Mostly just played for aesthetics though.
  • Sera (Scope: PvM, PvP, WoE and MVP) - The ultimate all purpose Homunculus S. This crazy bee-lady provides her owner with a massive damage reduction boost that buys her owner a window of opportunity to defeat an MvP (or another player) without being barraged with heavy damage. Very useful for solo PvM as well due to her area attack and paralyzing sting.

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