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MVP stands for Most Valuable Player, a definition not exclusive to Ragnarok Online. This is a monster with Boss Protocol and MVP Protocol. MVPs are much stronger than other normal monsters and appear on an array of maps throughout the game. MVPs only spawn at certain times, anywhere from once per hour to once every 24 hours since the last MVP of that kind was killed. While MVPs can be defeated by a single person (depending on the class of the player), they are most often taken down by a party of two or more players. Because of the difficulty of defeating an MVP, they give a high amount of experience and MVP rewards given directly to the player's inventory to the player who tank and deals the most damage to it. If the player get killed as the MVP dies, and there's no one else eligible for the reward on the map, someone is randomly selected on the map and receives it. They are also free-for-all, meaning that anyone can attack them, disregarding who found it first or summoned it. First hit on the MVP is only important for loot priority, not the MVP reward.

MVPs will also summon slaves or mobs to make defeating the MVP more difficult. The mob will often times consist of three to nine monsters, sometimes all of them the same, sometimes different, depending on the MVP. Unlike normal monster, MVP doesn't show health bar. To check its remaining HP, the player can use Sense.


When killed, MVPs not spawned by a player (e.g. Ktullanux, see Special Spawn section) will leave behind a Tomb at the spot in which they were killed. Speaking to the Tomb yields the MVP's time of death, along with the name of the player who received the MVP award for killing it. The Tomb does not give information as to the time or location the MVP will spawn next time. The time given is in PST. The Tomb will disappear 5 seconds after the MVP have respawned.

Normal MVPs

Normal MVPs spawn on a set amount of time with a variance of 10 minutes after the previous one was defeated. For example, if Amon Ra is defeated at 11:00, it would spawn again between 12:00-12:10. If an MVP spawns in multiple places, the two times are independent of one another and the respawn period may be different. Below is a list of all normal MVPs, where they are located, and the time that needs to elapse before it will respawn.

Low Difficulty

Medium Difficulty

Mid-High Difficulty

High Difficulty

Lighthalzen Dungeon Level 3 MVPs

One of the following MVPs (chosen randomly) will spawn between 95 to 150 minutes after the previous MVP is defeated on Somatology Laboratory 3. These are all classified to be of High Difficulty.

Lighthalzen Dungeon Level 5 MVPs

Whenever enough monsters are killed on the map to summon the MVP the server does the following.

1. Is the MVP summoner active?
if = True Do, nothing
if = False, Summon MVP

After an MVP is killed a timer starts where 4 hours later the MVP summoner npc disables itself and the summons can happen again.

From what I read from the script you will be able to summon an MVP immediately after maintenance. As the summoning npc starts off disabled.

Special MVP Monsters

The following MVPs have special spawn conditions that do not follow either the timed spawn model.

MVP Summoning

Bloody Branch | Monsters List

Random Boss Spawn
Angeling Deviling Arc Angeling Ghostring Orc Hero Orc Lord Maya Eddga Tao Gunka
Golden Thief Bug Osiris Phreeoni Dracula Doppelganger Mistress Moonlight Flower Lady Tanee
Baphomet Pharaoh Drake Stormy Knight Boitata Lord of the Dead Dark Lord Hatii
White Lady Ktullanux Memory of Thanatos RSX 0806 Evil Snake Lord Turtle General Atroce Kiel-D-01
Detardeurus Gloom Under Night Queen Scaraba Valkyrie Randgris Gopinich Vesper Ifrit Beelzebub

Related Items


  • Abysmal Knight Helm - Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human and Boss monsters by 10%.
  • Anubis Helm:
    • Reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 2%.
    • If upgrade level is +5, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by an additional 1%.
    • If upgrade level is +6, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by an additional 1%.
    • If upgrade level is +7, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by an additional 1%.
    • If upgrade level is +8, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by an additional 2%.
    • If upgrade level is +9 or higher, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by an additional 3%.
  • Black Feather - If Invisibility is level 5, increases physical damage on boss monsters by 50%.
  • Devil's Hand - If upgrade level is +10 or higher, increases physical damage on Boss monsters by 50%, if Rampage Blast is at maximum level.
  • King of Spirit Circlet - If Elemental Shield is level 5, increases magical damage on boss monsters by 25%.
  • Lord of the Dead Helm - Increases physical damage on Boss monsters by 10%.
  • Ring of Jupiter [1] - When equipped to Right Accessory (1), if the user's base Luk is 125 or higher, increases Physical and Magical damage on boss monsters by 15%.
  • Sacred Crown - If Clearance is level 5, increases magical damage on boss monsters by 25%.
  • Siegfried's Helmet:
    • Reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 5%.
    • If upgrade level is +6 or higher, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by an additional 5%.
    • If upgrade level is +8 or higher, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by an additional 10%.
  • Splash Cat Hat:
    • If upgrade level is +7 or higher, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 10%.
    • If upgrade level is +9 or higher, reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by an additional 10%.
  • Work Cap - Increases physical damage on Boss monsters by 50%, if FAW Magic Decoy is at maximum level.
  • Zealotus Doll [1] - Reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 5%.


  • Gae Bolg - Increases physical damage on boss monsters by 10%.



  • Abysmal Knight (Weapon) +25% damage to Boss monsters (inc. MVPs)
  • Alice (Shield) 40% less damage from Boss monsters, 40% more from others

Equipment Sets

  • Gelerdria & Storm Stone Set:
    • If Gelerdria upgrade level is +7 or higher, increases physical damage on Boss monsters by 30%.
    • If Gelerdria upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases physical damage on Boss monsters by an additional 20%.
  • Celine's Brooch & Celine's Ribbon Set:
    • Increases magical damage on Boss monster targets by 10%
    • If upgrade level is +7 or higher, increases magical damage on Boss monster targets by an additional 20%
    • If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases magical damage on Boss monster targets by an additional 20%
  • Celine's Brooch & Lush Rose Set: If upgrade level is +7 or higher, increases magical damage on boss monster targets by 20%.
  • Celine's Brooch Type K & Celine's Ribbon Set: If upgrade level of Celine's Ribbon [1] is +11 or higher, increases magical damage on boss monster targets by 20%.
  • Illusion War Axe & Illusion Military Boots Set:
    • Increases physical damage on Boss monsters by 70%.
    • Reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 25%.
  • Zealotus Doll & Zealotus Cute Pet Set:
    • Reduces damage taken from boss monsters by an additional 5%.
    • If pet is friendly or higher, reduces damage taken from boss monsters by an additional 5%.

Shadow Equipment

  • Safeguard Shadow Shield:
    • Reduces damage taken from Boss enemies by 1%.
    • If upgrade level is +7 or higher, reduces damage taken from Boss enemies by an additional 1%.
    • If upgrade level is +9 or higher, reduces damage taken from Boss enemies by an additional 1%.
  • Liberation Shadow Shoes:
    • Increases physical damage on Boss targets by 2%.
    • If upgrade level is +7 or higher, increases physical damage on Boss targets by an additional 1%.
    • If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases physical damage on Boss targets by an additional 2%.
  • Liberation Set: Increases physical damage on Boss targets by 5%.


  • Convex Mirror (iRO Valkyrie) Shows location (if out) and gives spawn time for an MVP when used on the map it spawns on

External Links

For more information on each of these monsters, visit:

irowiki DB - MVP list.