Bionic Pharmacy

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Bionic Pharmacy
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5, selectable
SP Cost: 30
Target: Self
Catalyst: See table
Item: See table

Bionic Pharmacy is a 4rd class active skill available as Biolo.


Create medicines and catalysts used for 4th job skills. Each cast consumes a Beaker.

Level Maximum Item Created
1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15


  • If you use Bionic Pharmacy, one beaker will be consumed regardless of whether you have all the ingredients or not.
  • Bionic Pharmacy will display an error if you have multiple of the same item and one of them doesn't meet the prerequisite to make the potion, for example, 3 "Name's Plant Bottle" and 50 "Plant Bottle". Remove one type from your inventory for it to work properly.

Success Rate

Success Rate is influenced by caster's BaseLv, Int, Luk, CRT and Potion Research Lv.

Creation = (Base_Lv − 200) × 4 + INT + LUK + CRT × 2 + Random[x, y] + (Potion_Research_Lv × 10) 
Difficulty = Specific_Value + Item_Rate

x and y is proposed to be around 300 and 400 respectively.

Creation rate is proposed by: a twRO Forum post

Output is determined by comparing two values: Creation and Difficulty.

For High Level:

  • If Creation > Difficulty by at least 400, creates the maximum number of potions allowed.
  • If Creation > Difficulty by at least 300, creates 3 potions below the maximum allowed.
  • If Creation > Difficulty by at least 1, creates 5 potions below the maximum allowed.
  • If Creation < Difficulty, creates 6 potions below the maximum allowed.

Item Rates are unknown.

Item Creation

Item Set Materials
1000276.png Flame Acid Bottle
1000275.png Beaker
7135.png 5 Bottle Grenade
7136.png 5 Acid Bottle
990.png 2 Red Blood
1000277.png Earth Acid Bottle
7135.png 5 Bottle Grenade
7136.png 5 Acid Bottle
993.png 2 Green Live
1000278.png Gale Acid Bottle
7135.png 5 Bottle Grenade
7136.png 5 Acid Bottle
992.png 2 Wind of Verdure
1000279.png Icicle Acid Bottle
7135.png 5 Bottle Grenade
7136.png 5 Acid Bottle
991.png 2 Crystal Blue
1000280.png Advanced Glistening Coat
7139.png 10 Glistening Coat
713.png 5 Empty Bottle
1000281.png Advanced Plant Bottle
7137.png 10 Plant Bottle
6217.png 5 Mandragora Flowerpot
6210.png 2 Thorn Plant Seed
6211.png 2 Blood Sucker Plant Seed
100516.png Eye Cleaner
713.png 10 Empty Bottle
523.png 5 Holy Water
509.png 3 White Herb
511.png 3 Green Herb
100517.png Ear Cleaner
713.png 10 Empty Bottle
523.png 5 Holy Water
510.png 2 Blue Herb
511.png 3 Green Herb
100518.png Refreshing Tonic
713.png 10 Empty Bottle
523.png 5 Holy Water
607.png 2 Yggdrasil Berry
526.png 3 Royal Jelly
100519.png Compressed Fire Extinguisher
713.png 10 Empty Bottle
523.png 5 Holy Water
991.png 5 Crystal Blue
998.png 3 Iron
100520.png Lucky Water
713.png 10 Empty Bottle
523.png 5 Holy Water
705.png 10 Clover
511.png 3 Green Herb
100521.png Strong Antidote
713.png 10 Empty Bottle
523.png 5 Holy Water
678.png 2 Poison Bottle
511.png 10 Green Herb
100522.png High Calorie Chocolate
713.png 10 Empty Bottle
7182.png 3 Cacao
608.png 5 Yggdrasil Seed
526.png 3 Royal Jelly
100523.png Refined Holy Water
713.png 10 Empty Bottle
523.png 10 Holy Water
526.png 3 Royal Jelly

Future Changelog