RWC Accessory Enchants
RWC 2012 Accessory Slotting
The RWC Enchanter NPC within Eden Group floor 2 (Goldenthiefberg) can put a slot/socket on your RWC 2012 Ring or
RWC 2012 Pendant, but this will erase all of your existing enchants. This is done free of charge and does not require a ticket (despite what says).
Slotted versions become "Chambered", and are known as Chambered RWC 2012 Ring [1] and
Chambered RWC 2012 Pendant [1]
RWC 2012 Accessory Enchantment
The RWC Enchanter NPC can place a maximum of four enchants if the RWC item has no socket/slot, or a maximum of three enchants if the RWC item has a socket.
1. The RWC 2012 Ring and RWC 2012 Pendant can be hidden enchanted four times.
- You cannot choose the enchantment option for each enchantment slot
- Quality of the hidden enchant is random
- Slots #0 and #1 hidden enchantment has 25% chance of resetting all enchantments
- You start enchanting from Slot #3 -> #0
2. RWC 2012 Ring and RWC 2012 Pendant can be socket enchanted for a card slot.
- 100% success rate
- If the accessory has already been hidden enchanted, all of the enchants will reset when socketing
- Socket enchanted RWC 2012 Ring/Pendant can be hidden enchanted three times (Slot #3 -> #1)
3. Each individual enchant can be reset using a RWC Enchant Reset Ticket from the Kafra Shop
- One can acquire the "perfect" accessory this way by resetting each individual enchant until the desired enchant is reached
RWC 2012 Pendant Enchantment Options:
For slots #3 and #2:
Spell 1, 2, and 3
- lvl 1 - MATK +6, -4% variable cast
- lvl 2 - MATK +9, -6% variable cast
- lvl 3 - MATK +12, -8% variable cast
- lvl 1 - MATK +1%
- lvl 2 - MATK +2%
- lvl 3 - MATK +3%
For slots #1 and #0:
- STR +1~3
- VIT +1~3
- DEX +1~3
- AGI +1~3
- INT +1~3
- LUK +1~3
- HP +100~300
RWC 2012 Ring Enchantment Options:
For slots #3 and #2:
Fighting Spirit 1, 2, and 3
- lvl 1 - ATK +6, HIT +2
- lvl 2 - ATK +9, HIT +3
- lvl 3 - ATK +12, HIT +4
- lvl 1 - ATK +1%
- lvl 2 - ATK +2%
- lvl 3 - ATK +3%
MHP (Max HP)
- lvl 1 - HP +100
- lvl 2 - HP +200
- lvl 3 - HP +300
For slots #1 and #0:
- STR +1~3
- VIT +1~3
- DEX +1~3
- AGI +1~3
- INT +1~3
- LUK +1~3