Arch Bishops are the pinnacle of the High Priest classes. Their names are often abbreviated and referred to as "AB". They have a wide variety of skills at their disposal allowing them to better support large parties while striking down a greater range of enemies with Holy magic.
NOTE: While all listed gears in this section are viable for usage, it is encouraged to test the item combinations you desire for your character first by going to the iRO Wiki Calculator, consult any knowledgable players in your group or in iRO Wiki Discord, or watch video guides before purchasing any item included in this list.
There are 5 primary types of builds for Arch Bishops – Full Support, ME Spammer, Adoramus Caster, Battle/Melee and Hybrid Support. Thanks to Renewal mechanics players are now afforded a higher degree of flexibility with these builds, enabling them to tailor each build to their specific playing style with greater ease.
Adoramus Build (2025)
The Adoramus skill is the current meta for the AB class. This skill has really good potential. Combined with Ancilla you can switch to neutral element and kill Holy element monsters.
Talent / Stats
Not needed as such, only for weight capacity.
1 - 90
AGI needed for Flee and high ASPD, preferably 193, with buffs.
For health and survivability.
Nothing to look at here, main damage stat. So to the max!!.
LUK: 1, 77, or 60-100 (Arc Angeling Card is amazing for FS Arch Bishops due to the SP regen, but requires 77 LUK)
The full support build is a classic option that places its focus on keeping the party alive and going. Thanks to Renewal mechanics and a greater number of available stat points, players are no longer forced to decide between a DEX-oriented or VIT-oriented build. INT and VIT are still the primary stats here, affecting Max HP, Heal amount, and ailment resistance. Due to the way MATK is now calculated, LUK both plays a role in boosting Heal amount and provides resistance to Curse and Stone Curse. DEX is useful for reducing variable cast time. As with all FS builds STR is only used to boost weight capacity. Sacrament is the defining skill of a FS Arch Bishop.
A focused completely FS Arch Bishop will opt to get Clearance. However, instead of Clearance, an Arch Bishop may choose to get Adoramus to handle some solo single-target hunting. It is possible to have both Sacrament and Adoramus at job 50, but the Arch Bishop will miss out on Clearance and higher levels of other support skills.
ME Spammer
STR: 1-30
AGI: 1-30
VIT: varies (typically 50+, 95 for stun immunity)
INT: 92-120
DEX: 80-100
LUK: 80-100
This build is a continuation from the Priest/High Priest Magnus Exorcismus (ME) build, as ME is the only true solo leveling skill for Priests / Arch Bishops since it is the only skill with significant AOE damage. The damage is further boosted by the use of Valkyrie Drop [1] since you can only equip it at level 100. With the new skill rebalance on iRO, ME ABs can now handle non-undead and non-demon monsters. Due to the high cast time of ME, this build requires high DEX. Sacrament is very useful for reducing the final cast time of ME, while INT and LUK are used to boost MATK. Additionally, you can get a Shrine Maiden Hat [1] to nullify the cast time of ME. STR is useful for weight capacity, while VIT is used for boosting max HP. Because Kyrie Eleison (KE) now stacks with Assumptio it is recommended to get both. Basilica and Impositio Manus also now boost your MATK. This build is played by casting KE on yourself, and teleporting around the map and using ME on yourself.
Due to the large number of skill points required to get both Adoramus and Sacrament, it reaches its full potential near the end of the leveling stage and quite close to job 50. ME ABs can opt for Adoramus first instead of Sacrament for the PvM environment, however Sacrament is still needed for those wishing to round out their capabilities supporting parties both in and out of WoE. Judex is the natural evolution of Holy Light for ME ABs, and is effective on small mobs due to the small AoE and quick cast time.
Additionally, marrying an ME AB to a Soul Linker provides Kaahi to improve survivability of the ME AB and can also include Priest Spirit for boosting Holy Light.
Continuing the classic hard-hitting, Mace-swinging Battle Priest build, this build is for the player who wants to break the mold and try something different with the Arch Bishop. Thanks to Renewal mechanics, Mace and Book weapons don't have any ASPD penalty, meaning high AGI makes this build extremely effective while also providing a Flee-based defense similar to the Thief classes.
Focusing on solo hunting, Duple Light and Mace Mastery (Priest/High Priest) are must have skills for this build. Battle ABs will deal more damage per second than their Priest and High Priest counterparts, while using high Critical rates, weapon buffs (Impositio Manus, Aspersio, Endows, etc.), and ASPD buffs to send that damage even higher.
Due to the flexibility of this build, weapon selection largely influences the Battle AB’s final stats. If using a Book as the primary weapon, this build will want higher INT due to the MATK boost from Duple Light. If using a Mace, high STR will be the primary focus. High AGI is useful to raise ASPD regardless of weapon type due to the use of Duple Light. When using maces, the Blacksmith skill Adrenaline Rush can further boost ASPD.
Do note that because this build does not have an effective AOE, it is impossible to level up with this build when solo hunting. It is generally regarded as a more "for fun" type of build, although it is possible to kill lower tier MVPs with this build. Certain Acolytes or High Priests may opt for a battle build while leveling up but can do a STAT / skill reset when they are higher, or high level enough to find parties. It is recommended to have support skills and INT to act as a hybrid support build for parties.
In iRO, with the recent Bounty Board Quests update almost all monsters listed can be effectively grinded by Battle type up to level 135. By this time, if player can invest few INT/VIT for small support combining solo and party leveling will makes leveling faster.
ASPD: Focuses on maximizing ASPD through high AGI and gears/cards and ATK through high STR to boost DPS at the cost of defense and support.
Critical: This type uses a high Critical rate to boost damage dealt, however it is more gear/card dependent. Going this route limits the player to weapon choices like Encyclopedia, Veteran Hammer or Spike. Critical-boosting stat foods and Gloria are essential here.
Hindsight/Auto Cast: This build takes advantage of the MATK boost from Duple Light, however it is extremely restrictive in terms of gear, requiring auto-cast equipment (Ring of flame lord, Kasa card, Snake hat/Chick Hat, Lady Solace/Baphomet Card, etc.). With the right gear and high ASPD, this build can dish out a high amount of damage over a short period of time.
Hybrid Support (HS) Type
STR: 30-50
AGI: 80-95
VIT: 95
INT: 92-100
DEX: 50-80
LUK: 70-100
This build is a mix of the FS and Battle builds. It is similar to the FS build but it differs in that it limits one of the higher stats to 100 so that the others can be raised. Using a Mace or Book and AGI-oriented equipment, HS AB can get 175+ ASPD and can kill monsters with Duple Light. Buffed with Adrenaline Rush, AGI-boosting stat foods and other ASPD boosting items, an ASPD of 185+ is possible. The high critical rate created by the LUK and the use of Gloria ensure that the HS AB can hold their own in a fight.
Thanks to the high INT, VIT and LUK of this build, HS-types can support nearly as well as a FS, giving them a much wider range of leveling options. High VIT and AGI provide for status resistance in WoE, and the higher ASPD and survivability creates a well-rounded offense and defense that can easily switch roles by binding different weapons to hotkeys. Hybrid Support builds focus on using Duple Light for leveling while getting Sacrament to help with Support and cast times.
With level 175 update, the hybrid type is not limited to FS and Battle anymore. In fact with combinations of expanded stats and skills it is now possible to combine all possible AB types from Battle, Support, Adoramus, and ME.
Party Menu Healing / Buffing
The most effective way to heal and buff a party is through the Party Menu (accessible through Alt + Z). Trying to heal a party by manually clicking players can become impossible when players become mobbed or are bunched up, and can lead to players dying. This is why it is strongly recommended to make use of the party menu. Another benefit to the party menu is the ability to monitor all players' health. Ensure that the "Lock Menu" feature is on (by clicking the picture of the lock) when using this system to avoid opening private messages when trying to heal / buff a player.
Party Assessment and Communication
Often when a party fails or is not doing well, the blame can be put onto the Priest class. This can be an unfair judgement and the fault of it should not always be placed onto one person. Make sure a party is adequate before it even starts. Check to see if the party has at least one or two effective AoE killers, and at least one dedicated primary tank. For newer / less geared Arch Bishops or tougher battle situations, sometimes having another person also playing Arch Bishop is very nice as well. Communicating to the party or party leader is key here.
Here is a breakdown of a standard setup of an effective party:
Healer / Primary Support:
One Arch Bishop (two recommended, three can be nice too)
Guillotine Crosses can sometimes act as a "puller" to mob monsters for the party. Make sure they mob them onto another class that can tank or tank the monsters themselves, and do not let them mob the monsters into the party, especially the more squishy classes.
Any class has the capability to tank, provided they are wearing reduction gears and also have an adequate amount of healing items
Secondary Support:
Sorcerers are very popular in parties because of their ability to give SP to party members with Soul Exhale. Also has other useful support skills such as Striking.
Maestros using Magic Strings can increase the DPS of the party by quite a bit. Also very helpful for the Arch Bishop to cast skills faster and with less delay in between.
Wanderers with Gypsy's Kiss are great for party members to conserve SP. Sorcerers usually cannot replenish an Arch Bishop's SP pool fully because Soul Exhale only gives half of the Sorcerer's SP, so a Wanderer's Gypsy's Kiss is actually very good support for an Arch Bishop.
SP Conservation / Restoration
One of the biggest issues new priests have when playing the class is maintaining their SP. There are many ways for priests to ensure that they always have SP for those dire situations. These are some important methods on maintaining SP:
Always ensure that Magnificat is on at all times. This skill will not only keep a much higher regeneration rate of SP for the Priest, but also to the killers in the party that rely on SP for skill use as well. Keeping this buff up will make parties much smoother for everybody. Try not to wait until SP is bottoming out to cast this spell, because at that point it will already be too late.
Make use of the Assumptio (Transcendent only) or Kyrie Eleison (often abbreviated as "KE") skills. These skills are incredible for keeping people protected and will drastically save SP on healing in the long run. These skills can help fragile AoE killer classes such as Rangers or caster classes (Wizard / Sage) a lot. These defensive skills can also help the party tank quite a bit. Note that any character cannot have both buffs on at the same time. An Arch Bishop can also use Praefatio, which will give KE to all party members. If the Priest notices that certain party members are lagging behind, using KE on them will give them time and leeway to retreat back to where the party is.
Stack SP Regeneration or Max SP increase equipment. Gearing a Priest up with equipment that will increase their SP regeneration or SP pool will vastly help a player to maintain SP at all times.
Always have SP regeneration consumables on hand. All players should have SP consumables on hand at all times to regenerate SP, at least in emergencies, and this includes Priests as well. As most classes should have HP healing items of some sort on them at all times, Priests should also have SP rejuvenating items on them.
Some common items that can be easily obtained for SP regeneration include:
Coluseo Heal: AoE Heal with a boosted rate based on number of party members. It is very useful but can be SP consuming; it should be used scrupulously as needed.
As an extension to the Priest class, Arch Bishops still rely on some first and second class skills in order to maximize efficiency and conserve SP.
Meditatio: This skill should be maxed. Increases the player's Maximum SP and SP regeneration rate. Meditatio also increases the amount of HP that is restored using the Heal skill.
Heal: cheaper to use than High Heal and good when a party member has taken only very little damage.
Magnificat: Priests rely on this heavily for SP regeneration.
Resurrection: Mandatory for PVM / MVP party situations, as deaths are inevitable. Always have this skill maxed for instant resurrection.
Some Useful Tips
Arch Bishops should remember that Lex Aeterna loses its rather long after-cast delay if used under the effect of Magic Strings, to the point when it can be constantly casted. This is a great way to double the damage output of parties, especially in single target situations such as MVPs.
Some skills in the priests arsenal may not serve a strong use while still leveling as a Priest, but many may have uses in MVP situations or other specific scenarios. These should be hotkeyed as well, and often an Arch Bishop will have all four rows of hotkeys used up. Some of these include:
Pneuma: a very powerful and necessary skill for Endless Tower runs as well as when fighting ranged mobs within a party. Certain ranged mobs and ranged skills are very powerful and this spell can save players a lot of stress. Make sure the party members are positioned correctly. Nine people can actually fit into one Pneuma's area of effect!
Aspersio: This skill will greatly improves a party member's physical damage when the monsters are weak to the Holy element, as they are.
Status Recovery and Cure: Priests must pay attention to debuffs used by monsters and should use the two skills on their party members accordingly.
Sanctuary: This spell has great healing power for a low SP cost (but uses one blue gemstone). Heavily recommended to have this skill at level 7, as that already provides the maximum healing power already (8-10 is just longer duration).