Cardinal Job Change Guide

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Cardinal Job Change Guide
Base Level: 200
Job Level: 60 (70 strongly recommended, will never recover lost skill points otherwise.)
Job Class: Arch Bishop
Item(s): 490087.png Hourglass Necklace
Quest Reward(s): Job Change to Cardinal
* Note: This quest can be skipped, refer Fourth Class Job Change Quest Skip before talking to the job change npc.
  1. In Prontera Church prontera237316 , go into the room at top right prt_church114122 and talk with Priest Jergus.
    • He will ask you to read some books distributed in different maps.
  2. Go to Payon Dungeon F1 southwest corner pay_dun001630 . Walk near and talk to Book of Illusion Vol. 1.
    • Select "Yes".
  3. Go to Orc Dungeon F1 at 12 O'clock orcsdun0193169 . Walk near and talk to Book of Illusion Vol. 2.
    • Select "Yes".
  4. Go to the northeast corner of Old Glast Heim Monastery F1 gl_church299292 and talk to Book of Illusion Vol. 3.
    • Must have less than 90 items in your inventory.
    • It will ask you to kill 30 monsters on this map.
    • Must be in a party by yourself to talk to the book.
  5. After you defeated all the monsters, talk to the book again, and choose "I can".
  6. Talk again to the book and select "Request Last Ordeal" to generate the instance. Then talk to it again and enter.
  7. Inside the instance, talk to Book of Trials and before the dialogue end, an enemy named Dark Illusion will appear.
    • NOTE: The monster damage is fixed to 1 and has about 2000 hp.
    • The easiest way is to wait ~30 seconds after battle starts and its hp will drop to 1. Then smack it.
    • Standing on the other side before talking to the book will keep you safe.
  8. After you defeat the Dark Illusion talk with the Book of Trials to get your job changed to Cardinal.
    • Talk to the book again and will teleport you back to Glast Heim Monastery.