Abyss Chaser Job Change Guide

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Abyss Chaser Job Change Guide
Base Level: 200
Job Level: 60(70 strongly recommended, will never recover lost skill points otherwise. But you will have 70 before getting to 200 base lvl)
Job Class: Shadow Chaser
Item(s) (Consumed): 7799.png 5 Crystal of Darkness
6089.png 20 Dark Piece
Item(s): 490087.png Hourglass Necklace
Quest Reward(s): Job Change to Abyss Chaser
* Note: This quest can be skipped, refer Fourth Class Job Change Quest Skip before talking to the job change npc.
  1. Inside the Shadow Workshop located in Rachel rachel181116, speak to Vicente s_atelier12359.
  2. Go to Rachel's market district on the southwest, and speak to Julie rachel5448.
  3. Walk to Veins Field 2 below Rachel, find and speak to Mulie ve_fild0253189
  4. After Mulie and Peter leave, investigate the Pale Shadow ve_fild54187 near where the kids where.
  5. Go back to Rachel's Shadow Workshop and report to Vicente. He will request the following:
  6. Bring him the items and he's going to tell you to visit Doomk at Veins Field 05.
    • To go to Veins Feild 05, go to Veins, then take north portal, then follow path to enter other portal.
    • Or can use Eden Dungeon Teleporter, warp to Thor's Volcano, exit, then head 1 map south.
  7. Talk with Doomk ve_fild05313110 to create an instance.
    • Make sure you are in a party as the party leader.
  8. Talk with Doomk again to enter the instance, 10 minutes to finish it.
  9. After entering the instance, talk with Doomk.
  10. Go to the tree at the west to investigate a Shadow (78, 49).
  11. Talk with the Shadow and it will manipulate Verkhasel to attack you.
  12. After defeating Verkhasel talk again with Shadow to change your job to a Abyss Chaser.
  13. Talk with Doomk to leave the instance.