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Type: | Offensive Skill |
Levels: | 10 |
Target: | Self |
Area: | 11x11 ~ 27x27 |
Property: | Neutral |

Earthquake (Alt: Earthquake) is an offensive skill exclusive to monsters.
Inflicts 3 separate instances of Neutral property magic damage, based on the user's Physical Attack, to all players in a set area around the user. The damage inflicted is split across all players hit by this skill.
Level | Damage (ATK) | Area of Effect |
1 | 300% | 11x11 |
2 | 500% | 15x15 |
3 | 600% | 19x19 |
4 | 800% | 23x23 |
5 | 1,000% | 27x27 |
6 | 1,200% | 11x11 |
7 | 1,300% | 15x15 |
8 | 1,500% | 19x19 |
9 | 1,600% | 23x23 |
10 | 1,800% | 27x27 |
- When the monster using the skill goes into Power Up, the damage of this skill is also multiplied by 3.
- This skill works by targeting its caster and will take elemental weakness into account, before splashing it as Neutral damage as single-targeted magic to each enemy in range. Damage can be increased by its caster wearing an armor with weakness to the caster's elemental weapon, e.g. water armor with a wind weapon.
- Alice-carded shield will also amplify the damage if the caster has that equipped and caster is not boss type.
- Having the most players possible in the area is ideal, as the damage will be more spread out.
- Mercenaries and homunculi also count as valid targets and will reduce the damage taken.
- Damage is recalculated on each of the three hits. If characters die during the first or second hit of this skill, the damage of subsequent hits will no longer be divided amongst them.
- Neutral element (non-armor), ranged, hard M.Def, Race, Size, and boss type reductions do not reduce Earthquake damage received:
The following skills reduce Earthquake damage:
The following skills do not block Earthquake:
Magnetic Earth - It appears that as of the 200/70 update, ME is blocking Earthquake
Safety Wall
Magic Rod
Blinding Mist
The following skills can block one hit of Earthquake:
Note that these skills can only prevent the first hit, leaving them vulnerable for the next two hits.
The following skills can dodge Earthquake by chance:
It's possible to dodge all waves by chance
The following skills can block Earthquake:
Maelstrom - You must place this under the caster not on yourself. Not working, bugged since April 2023.
White Imprison - You must cast this skill on yourself to work.
Rune Mastery - Using Millenium Shield with
Verkana Runestone. Partial or full block depending on the amount of shields.
King's Grace - All players in the buff will be protected from earthquake damage.
Earth Drive - Up to 3 hits can be blocked if each are timed correctly, much easier done with high ASPD and no cast delay nor cooldown.
The following skills can nullify, reduce, or amplify Earthquake depending on the Earthquake caster's armor element:
Sorcerer places the elemental insignia level 2 under the Earthquake caster to change caster's weapon element. For example, placing Fire Insignia level 2 under Ifrit will make his Earthquake do 0 damage.
Ghost armor element can reduce Earthquake damage:
- Ghostring Card's Ghost property reduces Neutral skill damage by 30%
- Some armors can be enchanted with Ghost property such as Overwelm Stat Armors or Geffen Magic Tournament armors.
Single-target magic reflecting equips can block Earthquake damage:
It's possible to dodge all waves by chance
- Magic Reflector [1] - 5% chance
- Frus Card - 2% chance per armor refine
- Maya Card - 50% chance
Magic nullifying equip blocks Earthquake damage:
- Golden Thiefbug Card nullifies magic damage
Bestowed from
- Ifrit Card - Level 2; Autocast on enemy when physically attacked
- Sealed Ifrit Card - Level 2; Autocast on enemy when physically attacked
- Faceworm Queen Leg - Level 1; Autocast on enemy when physically attacking
Known by
- Baphomet
- Orc Lord
- RSX 0806
- Valkyrie Randgris
- Ifrit
- Wounded Morocc
- Incarnation of Morocc (Golem)
- Hardrock Mammoth
- Nidhoggur's Shadow
- Wandering Purple Dragon
- Kraken