High Speed Cart Ram

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High Speed Cart Ram
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10, fixed
SP Cost: 15
Cast Delay: ASPD
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Status: Stun
Add-on: Pushcart
Status Icon:
(Merchant) Mammonite Lv. 10, (Blacksmith) Hammer Fall Lv. 5, (Mastersmith) Cart Boost Lv. 1

High Speed Cart Ram (Alt: Cart Termination) is a Transcendent 2nd class offensive skill available as Mastersmith.


Rams a single target with the equipped Pushcart, inflicting more physical damage as the Pushcart is heavier. It has a chance of leaving the target stunned. Requires the user to have Cart Boost active and each use consumes some Zeny.

Level Damage Mod Chance of Stun Zeny Cost
1 15 5% 600
2 14 10% 700
3 13 15% 800
4 12 20% 900
5 11 25% 1,000
6 10 30% 1,100
7 9 35% 1,200
8 8 40% 1,300
9 7 45% 1,400
10 6 50% 1,500
Damage (ATK)% = Floor[Cart_Weight ÷ Damage_Mod]



Enhanced by

  • Giant Axe - Increases damage by 15%.
  • Giant Axe & Giant's Protection Set - Increases damage by 5% if Giant Axe upgrade level is +7 or higher.
    • Increases damage by an additional 10% if Giant Axe upgrade level is +9 or higher.