About Comodo

Comodo is a beach located at the far south region of Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. To get there, you have to go through a wild marsh area, across a large river and a giant cave where aggressive monsters reside in. It is also home to the Dancer and Bard guilds. It is the Ragnarok Online equivalent to Las Vegas, with gambling, colored lights, and partying everywhere. Due to the local region, the sun does not shine in Comodo. You will be dazed by the glow of the blue moon, and drawn in by the enchanted night life in Comodo.
To go here, use the Kafra Employee in Prontera to teleport here.
South of Prontera, and past Morroc further east in the desert exists a pleasant beach and the city Comodo. Comodo is famous for having all sorts of entertainment, certainly breaking the laws of the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. But because it is so far from the capital, Prontera, the laws are not enforced as strictly.
- 1 - Beach House (270,272)
- 2 - Casino (140,112), (125,98) and (154,97)
- 3 - Chief's House (115,290)
- 4 - Deck House #1 (145,327)
- 5 - Deck House #2 (193,294)
- 6 - Deck House #3 (237,297)
- 7 - Kafra Corp. Western Branch (129,194)
- 8 - Tool Shop (93,128)
- 9 - Weapon Shop (265,75)
- x - Dancer Stage '--- has no entrance, only accessible through Bor Robin
- Billboard (210,148) - Gives background information on Comodo
- Guide - Native Kokomo (322,178)
- Guide - Native Nutcoco (176,350)
- Guide - Native Papaya (37,219)
- Show on minimap: Casino, Hula Dancing Stage, Weapon and Armor Shop, Tool Shop, Tourist Shop, Kafra Corp. Western Branch, Chief's House, Pub, Camp Ground
- Kafra Employee (195,150)
- Save, Kafra storage (80z), Teleport service, Rent Cart, Reserve points
- Missing NPCs
- Upgrading NPC, Level 1/2 metal NPC, Level 3/4 metal NPC, Repair NPC, Inn NPC, PVP NPCs
Store NPCs
- Souvenir Merchant (296,125)
- Clam Shell, Crab Shell
- Armor Dealer (Weapon Shop)
- Cap, Helm, Buckler, Shield, Boots, Muffler, Manteau, Adventurer's Suit, Silk Robe, Mantle, Coat, Thief Clothes, Padded Armor, Chain Mail, Full Plate
- Tool Dealer (Tool Shop)
- Iron Arrow, Red Potion, Orange Potion, Yellow Potion, White Potion, Concentration Potion, Awakening Potion, Berserk Potion, Fly Wing, Butterfly Wing, Magnifier, Trap
- Weapon Dealer (Weapon Shop)
- Mandolin, Lute, Guitar, Rope, Whip, Wire Whip, Rante Whip, Javelin, Spear, Pike, Guisarme, Glaive, Partizan, Trident, Hallberd, Lance
Trade NPCs
- Hair Ornament Girl - (228,159)
- Cross Hat for 1 Rosary, 500 Destroyed Armor
- Bulb Band 1 Circlet[1], 20 Glass Bead for
- Stripe Hairband for 1500 Worn-out Prison Uniform
- Blue Hairband for 1 Bandana, 1 Cobalt Blue Dyestuffs, 300 Anolian Skin
- Kachua - (219,158)
- Random weapon for 1 3 Carat Diamond
- Random armor for 1 3 Carat Diamond
- Random garment for 1 3 Carat Diamond
- Random headgear for 1 3 Carat Diamond
- Random footgear for 1 3 Carat Diamond
- Random shield for 1 3 Carat Diamond
- Meruntei - (237,217)
- Indian Headband for 1 Indian Fillet, 1 Striped Hairband, 10 PecoPeco Feather and 10,000z
- Munak's Grandma (112,182)
- Her Heart for 1 Daenggie, 1 Girl's Diary
- Old Man - Elder Creek (68,195)
- Old Blue Box for 50 Cyfar, 10 Brigan, 15 Clam Shell, 10 Crab Shell (Quest has been removed)
- Traveler - Isac Mari (273,137)
- Mine Helmet for 1 Safety Helmet, 1 Candle, 1 Crystal Mirror, 25 Steel
- Parcel Hat for 150 Fabric, 100 Resin, 1 Cobaltblue Dyestuffs
- Grief for Greed for 1 Circlet[1], 1 Gold, 20 Steel, 80 Feather, 800 Sticky Mucus
- Opera Phantom Mask for 1 Opera Masque, 50 Horrendous Hair
Quest NPCs
- Bismarc (158,342)
- Part of Blacksmith job change quest
- Roaming Bard - Lalo (226,123)
- Bard job change NPC
- Aile (Dancer Stage)
- Dancer job change NPC
- Bijou (Dancer Stage)
- Part of Dancer job change quest
Travel NPCs
Other NPCs
- BBQ Boy (213,310)
- BBQ Boy - Rinta (221,310)
- BBQ MAMA (215,307)
- BBQ PAPA (216,310)
- BBQ Visitor - Razy (218,309)
- Camp Ground Boy - Rochito (206,310)
- Camp Ground Boy - Rotute (209,314)
- Camping Maiden - Emralhandas (209,305)
- Camping Youth - Rockha (204,310)
- Devellin (204,148)
- Haith (171,137) --- Buying the "information" costs 1,000z.
- Hullaris (187,153)
- Kichiri (169,284)
- La Ed (170,137) --- Buying the "information" costs 1,000z.
- Magatu (163,280)
- Rakusa (164,291)
- Sonotora - Athena Sonotora (180,153)
- Suspicious Guy - Cain (210,154) --- Buying his tip costs 500z.
- TORUNA (88,97)
- Won (232,87)
- Chief - Tausupa (Chief's House)
- Deniroz (Casino)
- G. J (Casino)
- Iriya (Deck House 2)
- Kafra Employee - Kafra Misty (Kafra Corp. Western Branch)
- Loyar (Casino)
- Man - Royal Myst (Casino)
- Manzi (Casino)
- Martine (Casino)
- Moo (Casino)
- Niels (Deck House 2)
- Roberto (Casino)
- Scoursege (Casino)
- Shalone (Casino)
- Stonae (Casino)
Beach Dungeon
There are dungeons to the left, top, and right of Comodo that are known as the Beach Dungeon.
Illusion of Luanda
A revamped version of Beach Dungeon, collect Illusion Stone and craft Illusion Gears.
Countries & Towns of Ragnarok Online | |
Rune-Midgarts Kingdom | Prontera • Izlude • Alberta • Payon • Archer Village • Morroc (Destroyed) • Geffen • Al De Baran • Comodo • Umbala |
Republic of Schwartzvald | Juno • Einbroch • Einbech • Hugel • Lighthalzen • Verus |
Arunafeltz States | Rachel • Veins |
New World | Rune Midgard Allied Forces Post • Manuk • Splendide • El Dicastes • Mora Village • Eclage |
Standalone | Lutie • Jawaii • Nifflheim • Malangdo • Dimensional Gap • Lasagna |
Global Project | Amatsu • Kunlun • Louyang • Ayothaya • Moscovia • Brasilis • Dewata • Port Malaya • Rock Ridge |