Primary Stats
Stats are the six fundamental character statistics that make (or break) a character. Stats start out with a base value of 1 and can be raised as far as 99 (up to 80 on baby classes). Third job characters can increase stats up to 130 (up to 117 on baby classes). Base stats are increased by spending stat points, higher stats costing more to raise (particularly for base stats beyond 100). Stat points are gained with base level increases, the amount increasing with higher levels. Since all stats start as a value of one, the starting stat of one essentially counts as a zero.
The ATK stat is increased by 1 for each 3 LUK. If the player has an ATK of 0, the following would apply. The + (value) next to the farthest left stat number is the stat points added by the players job level bonuses, bonuses due to equipment, and bonuses due to passive and active player skills. Stat bonuses change depending on the job level of the player and the job class of the player.
LUK 1 + 2 = 1 ATK
LUK 2 + 2 = 1 ATK
LUK 1 + 3 = 1 ATK
Strength: This stat affects the "melee" physical power of the character, allowing it to deal damage even if no weapons are equipped if a sufficient amount of STR is invested. The STR value is also multiplied to the Weapon ATK value for even more damage increase.
When using "melee-type" weapons such as Axes, Books, Daggers, Katars, Knuckles, Maces, Spears or when Bare Handed, every point of STR provides:
- Status ATK +1
- Weapon ATK +0.5% (only on Base Weapon ATK, and this bonus is pseudo-elemental)
When using "ranged-type" weapons such as Bows, Guns, Instruments and Whips, every 5 points of STR provide:
- Status ATK +1
Every point of STR provides:
- Weight Limit +30
- Decreases Extreme Vacuum duration by 0.04s.
STR specific:
- Weight Limit (base stat only)
Agility: This stat affects the speed of the character in many aspects, allowing it to attack faster and dodge attacks more often.
Every point of AGI provides:
- Flee rate +1
- Increases Attack Speed
- Resistance vs. the following Status Effects:
Every 5 points of AGI provide:
- Soft DEF +1
The actual ASPD calculation depends on AGI, DEX, ASPD Potions and skills, the type of equipped weapon, and current job class. It can take between 1 and 20 AGI to increase ASPD by 1. More details can be found in the entry for ASPD discussion.
AGI specific:
- Flee rate
- Does not affect Cast Time or Cast Delay but does shorten "animation delay" between casts
- Does not affect Movement Speed
Vitality: This stat affects the endurance, HP, and restorative power of the character, allowing it to last longer against monsters and to regain more life with healing items.
Every point of VIT provides:
- Max HP +1%
- Healing Items effectiveness +2% (HP)
- Resistance vs. the following Status Effects:
- Stun: -1% chance from being inflicted, decreases duration (exact value unknown)
- Poison: -1% chance from being inflicted, decreases duration (exact value unknown)
- Deadly Poison: -1% chance from being inflicted, decreases duration (exact value unknown)
- Burning: reduces chance from being inflicted, decreases duration by 0.1s.
- Freezing: reduces chance from being inflicted, decreases duration by 0.1s.
- Mode Cold: reduces chance from being inflicted, decreases duration by 0.1s.
Every 2 points of VIT provide:
- Soft DEF +1
Every 5 points of VIT provide:
- Soft MDEF +1
- HP Recovery rate +1
Every 200 of Max HP provides 1 more HP regenerated during natural HP Recovery.
VIT specific:

Intelligence: This stat affects the mental power of the character, allowing to deal magic damage even if no weapons are equipped if a sufficient amount of INT is invested.
Every point of INT provides:
- Status MATK +1.5
- Soft MDEF +1
- Max SP +1%
- Healing Items effectiveness +1% (SP)
- Decreases variable Cast Time (at half the effectiveness of DEX)
- Alchemists: Brewing success rate +0.05% (half the benefits of DEX and LUK)
- Resistance vs. the following Status Effects: (verify for renewal)
Every 2 points of INT provide:
- SP Recovery rate +1 (only if INT past 120)
Every 6 points of INT provide:
- SP Recovery rate +1
When INT reaches 120 or higher:
- SP Recovery rate +4 (going from 119 to 120 INT gives +5 regeneration)
Every 100 of Max SP provides 1 more SP regenerated during natural SP Recovery.
INT specific:
Dexterity: This stat affects the accuracy (HIT) of the character in many aspects, allowing it to land hits easier, among other things. It is also the primary stat for "ranged" physical power, and the primary stat for decreasing variable cast time.
When using "ranged-type" weapons such as Bows, Guns, Instruments and Whips, every point of DEX provides:
- Status ATK +1
- Weapon ATK +0.5% (only on Base Weapon ATK, and this bonus is pseudo-elemental)
When using "melee-type" weapons such as Axes, Books, Daggers, Katars, Knuckles, Maces, Spears or when Bare Handed, every 5 points of DEX provide:
- Status ATK +1
Every point of DEX provides:
- Hit rate +1
- Decreases variable Cast Time
- Increases Attack Speed
- Thieves: Steal success rate +0.1%
- Rogues: Divest success rate +0.2%
- Blacksmiths: Forging success rate +0.1%
- Alchemists: Brewing success rate +0.1%
- Cooking success rate +0.2%
Every 5 points of DEX provide:
DEX specific:
Luck: This stat affects the fortune of the character in some aspects, allowing it to deal Critical hits more often, luckily dodging enemy attacks more often, among several other small bonuses.
Every point of LUK provides:
- Critical Hit Rate +0.3%
- Blacksmiths: Forging success rate +0.1%
- Alchemists: Brewing success rate +0.1%
- Cooking success rate +0.1%
- Resistance vs. the following Status Effects:
- Blind: slightly decreases chance from being inflicted
- Curse: -1% chance from being inflicted
- Frozen: slightly decreases from being inflicted
- Poison: slightly decreases chance from being inflicted (exact value unknown)
- Silence: slightly decreases from being inflicted
- Sleep: slightly decreases from being inflicted
- Stone Curse: slightly decreases chance from being inflicted
- Stun: slightly decreases chance from being inflicted, -0.01 seconds duration
Every 3 points of LUK provide:
- ATK +1
- MATK +1
- Hit rate +1
- Hunters: Auto-Blitz Beat rate +1% (requires a Falcon and the skill Blitz Beat)
- Rangers: Auto-Warg Strike rate +1% (requires a Warg and the skill Warg Strike)
Every 5 points of LUK provide:
- Flee rate +1
- Critical Hit Shield +1
Every 10 points of LUK provide:
LUK specific:
- Hit rate
- Flee rate
- Perfect Dodge
- Status Effects
- Forging
- Potion Creation
- Cooking
- Does not affect Drop Rates
Talent Stats
Talent Stats (alt.Trait Stats) are new stats introduced with 4th job implementation. Unlike primary stats they will only cost 1 T.Status Point to invest regardless of how high your current stat is. Each of those Talent Stats have a cap of 100 points.
Every 4th job character will start with 7 T.Status Point, and you will gain additional points every level past 200. Talent Stats can also affect the damage of some 4th class skills.
- Every level provides 3 T.Status Point
- Every 5 levels provides additional 4 T.Status Points
At Level 250 you will have 197 T.Status Point to spend.
Every point of POW provides
- Status ATK + 5
- Reduce duration of Lethargy
Every 3 points of POW provides
- P.ATK + 1
Every point of STA provides
- RES + 1
- Reduce duration of Deep Blind, Severe Poison
Every 3 points of STA provides
- RES + 5
Every point of WIS provides
Every 3 points of WIS provides
- MRES + 5
Every point of SPL provides
- Status MATK + 5
- Reduce duration of Blaze, Quiet
Every 3 points of SPL provides
- S.MATK + 1
Every point of CON provides
Every 5 points of CON provides
Every point of CRT provides
- H.PLUS + 1
- Reduce duration of Quench, Concretion, Unlucky
Every 3 points of CRT provides
- C.RATE + 1
Additionally, CRT also increase success rate of 4th job crafting skills.
There are also secondary stats which are determined by the primary stats, along with gears and skills.
- Main article: ATK
Attack: The physical attack rating for both ranged and melee weapons. It is listed as A + B in the Status Window, where A represents the Status ATK and B represents the sum of Weapon ATK (base weapon damage and its base bonus damage from refinement) and Equip ATK (bonus damage from equipment and buffs). Only B is affected by Element, except when using Mild Wind. The Status Window does not show the total ATK used for the Attack damage calculation.
- Main Article: MATK
Magic Attack: The magic attack rating. It is listed as A + B in the Status Window, where A represents the Status MATK and B represents the Weapon MATK (equipped weapon and its refinement rate) and Equip MATK (equipment and buffs). The MATK as whole is affected by Element. The Status Window does not show the total MATK used for the damage calculation.
- Main article: DEF
Defense: The defense rating against physical damage. It is shown as A + B in the Status Window, where A represents the Soft DEF and B represents the Hard DEF. Hard DEF cuts damage relatively, whereas Soft DEF is an absolute reduction with that number.
- Main article: MDEF
Magic Defense: The defense rating against magic damage. It is shown as A + B in the Status Window, where A represents the Soft MDEF and B represents the Hard MDEF. Hard MDEF cuts damage relatively, whereas Soft MDEF is an absolute reduction with that number.
- Note: Each point of Hard MDEF also provides 1% resistance to Frozen and Stone Curse statuses.
Hit rate: The accuracy rating, which is calculated as 175 + BaseLv + DEX + Floor(LUK ÷ 3) + 2 × CON + Bonus
- The chance to land a hit is calculated as
[AttackerHit - DefenderFlee]
%. - When dealing with the monsters, the chance is calculated as
[100 + PlayerHit - HitRequiredFor100%]
%.- HitRequiredFor100% is the value from the monster's table which shows the player's Hit rate required for making 100% chance of landing hits against monster. This value is calculated as
200 + Level + AGI
- HitRequiredFor100% is the value from the monster's table which shows the player's Hit rate required for making 100% chance of landing hits against monster. This value is calculated as
- Note: The chance cannot be below 5% (Except in WoE).
Critical Hit Rate (CRIT/CRI): The Critical Hit rating, which increases damage by (40 + C.RATE)%. Offensive skills do not take CRIT into account except for a few exceptions like Focused Arrow Strike. Critical Hit also ignores Flee rate but not Perfect Dodge nor DEF. Critical Hit Rate is doubled when wielding a Katar type weapon (not shown on Status Window). Critical Hit rate is reduced based on the enemy's Critical Hit Shield.
- Note: The Crit rate being displayed in the Status Window isn't the true value which is applied against monsters. The "status crit" is calculated by dividing current LUK by 3 and adding the Crit rate bonuses from equips/cards. The real Crit rate is a little different, as
LUK × 0.3 + Bonus
. - Critical hit can proc physical autocasts (such as CD in Mouth), so 100+ crit for autocast builds like SC/Sorc is a viable way to make up for a low DEX build.
- Critical damage always goes with the highest weapon level variance. Weapons under the safe refine level will always have the same exact damage. Refinement bonus variance, on the other hand, will vary.
- Critical damage modifiers like Aunoe Card/Temporal Luk Boots goes right after the original critical damage, it goes like
Final Critical Damage = Highest Weapon Level Variance Damage × [(140 + C.RATE) ÷ 100]% × Critical Damage Modifier %
Ex: your critical damage goes for 500 with a clean Faceworm Queen Leg [2], if you put 2 Aunoe Cards inside it, your critical damage will be 700.
- Main article: FLEE
- For the Monk skill, see Flee (Skill)
Flee rate: The dodge rating. It is shown as A + B in the Status Window, where A is calculated as 100 + BaseLv + AGI + Floor(LUK ÷ 5) + Bonus
and B represents the Perfect Dodge, which is a direct percentage of dodging any regular hit, including Critical Hits.
- The chance to dodge a hit is calculated as
[100 − (AttackerHit − DefenderFlee)]
%. - When dealing with monsters, the chance is calculated as
[95 + PlayerFlee - FleeRequiredFor100%]
%.- FleeRequiredFor100% is the value from the monster's table which shows the player's Flee rate required for making 95% chance of dodging the monster's attacks. This value is calculated as
170 + Level + DEX
- FleeRequiredFor100% is the value from the monster's table which shows the player's Flee rate required for making 95% chance of dodging the monster's attacks. This value is calculated as
- Note: The chance cannot be above 95% (Except in WoE). Also, there is a huge penalty to Flee rate when attacked by over enemies at same time.
- Main article: ASPD
Attack Speed: The hit/second rating. It depends on the player's class, equipped Weapon Type, Speed Modifiers, AGI and DEX. ASPD increases hits/second exponentially. It has a limit of 190 for non-3rd classes and 193 for 3rd classes.
- Main article: Max HP
Hit Points or Health Points. It is how much life points the character has or the amount of damage the character can sustain before dying. Max HP is mainly derived from the class of the character, VIT and any equipment that may affect HP.
- Main article: Max SP
Spell Points, Spell Power or even Mana. It is how much mental points the character has for performing skills. Max SP is mainly derived from the class of the character, INT and any equipment that may affect SP.
- Main article: AP
Activity Points.
- Main article: ATK
Power ATK acts as a % amplification to final physical damage output.
- Main article: MATK
Spell MATK acts as a % amplification to final magic damage output.
- Main article: RES
Resist is another layer of defense that works similarly to DEF as damage reduction to physical damage but is only commonly seen in Lv.200+ content.
- Main article: MRES
Magic Resist is another layer of defense that works similarly to MDEF as damage reduction to magic damage but is only commonly seen in Lv.200+ content.
Heal PLUS acts as an additional % amplification to Heal based skill.
Critical Damage Rate increases the base crit damage (140%) with additional 1% for every 1 point of C.RATE. For example with 20 C.RATE, base critical damage will be 140% + 20% = 160%.
The following are values which, while not directly visible in the Status Window, are directly measurable and can have just as big an impact on gameplay.
Attack Range
Attack Range is the maximum distance an attack or skill can be made from the player. For most weapons, the attack range is 3 cells. However, If the player attempts to attack while outside of Melee range, the client will move to 1 cell away. Bows get a base range of 5 cells and some special weapons have longer range (Such as the Long Mace). Additionally, all skills have an Attack Range too.
A monster's attack is considered Melee if the attacker is below 4 cells away from the target when attacking. A monster's attack is considered Ranged if the attacker is above 4 cells away from the target. While, a player's attack depends on the weapon or the skill used.
Cast Time
- Main article: Cast Time
Many skills, and not just magic skills have a Cast Time. This is indicated by the green "progress bar" above the character's head. Cast Time is split into two parts, "Variable Cast Time" and "Fixed Cast Time". The variable portion is directly affected by DEX and INT (at half the amount of DEX).
Cast Delay
- Main article: Cast Delay
During Cast Delay (or Global Cooldown or Global Skill Delay or After-cast Delay or Global Cast Delay), the character can move and attack freely, but cannot use skills. There is no visible indication of Cast Delay except the grayed out skill icons of all skills in the Hotkey bar.
- Main article: Cooldown
During Cooldown (or Skill Re-use Delay), the character can move and attack freely, but cannot use the same skill again. They can however use other skills. There is no visible indication of Cooldown except the grayed out skill icon of the just used skill in the Hotkey bar.
Almost all 1st and 2nd Class skills have no Cooldown
Critical Hit Shield
This stat reduces the attacker's chance of landing a Critical Hit on the enemy. It is calculated as: floor(EnemyBaseLevel ÷ 15) + floor(EnemyLUK ÷ 5)
For example, Kiel-D-01 is level 125 and has 180 LUK, therefore his Critical Hit Shield is 36. If the player has Critical Hit Rate of 96, then the player's Critical Hit Rate against Kiel-D-01 is (96 - 36) = 60.
Perfect Dodge
- Main article: Perfect Dodge
Perfect Dodge allows the player to dodge a physical attack by a chance in percentage corresponding to the second value from the Flee rate. The LUK stat affects the Perfect Dodge value of a character directly.
Perfect Hit
- Main article: Perfect Hit
Perfect Hit allows the player's physical attack to always hit by a chance in % corresponding to the Perfect Hit value, basically ignoring accuracy check. This value is not shown on Status Window.
Weight Limit
- Main article: Weight Limit
The weight limit is how much a character can carry. The STR stat affects the Weight Limit value of a character directly.
Movement Speed
- Main article: Movement Speed
Movement Speed is the speed the player walks at. It is NOT affected by AGI, only by certain skills and items.
Status Effects Resistance
- Main article: Status Effects
Many stats affect the resistance of certain Status Effects, and even immunity to the effect can be achieved.
Leveling Up
- Before Level 100, going from Level
toX + 1
givesFloor(X ÷ 5) + 3
stat points. (ex. from Level 94 to 95,Floor(94 ÷ 5) + 3 = 21
stat points are gained) - From Level 100 to 150, going from Level
toX + 1
givesFloor(X ÷ 10) + 13
stat points. (ex. from Level 141 to 142,Floor(141 ÷ 10) + 13 = 27
stat points are gained) - From Level 151 to 200, going from Level
toX + 1
givesFloor((X - 150) ÷ 7) + 28
stat points. (ex. from Level 171 to 172,Floor((171 - 150) ÷ 7) + 28 = 31
stat points are gained) - Going from Level 1 to 99 gives a total of 1225 stat points.
- A character has 48 stat points to invest at Level 1, for a total of 1273 stat points.
- A transcended character has 100 stat points to invest at Level 1, for a total of 1325 stat points.
- Going from Level 1 to 150 gives a total of 2497 stat points.
- A transcended Level 150 will get a grand total of 2597 stat points, while a non-transcended Level 150 will get a total of 2545 stat points.
- A transcended Level 175 will get a grand total of 3330 stat points.
- A transcended Level 185 will get a grand total of 3647 stat points.
- A transcended Level 200 will get a grand total of 4151 stat points.
Raising Stats

- Reference: Total stat point requirement
- Raising a stat from
toX + 1
costsFloor[(X − 1) ÷ 10] + 2
points. (for X = 1, 2, 3, ..., 98, 99) - Raising a stat from 1 to 99 costs a total of 628 stat points.
- Raising a stat from 100 to 130 is possible for 3rd class only and cost more stat points.
- Raising a stat from
toX + 1
costs4 × Floor[(X − 100) ÷ 5] + 16
points. (for X = 100, 101, ..., 129) - Raising a stat from 99 to 130 costs a total of 787 stat points.
- Raising a stat from 1 to 120 costs a total of 1079 stat points.
- Raising a stat from 1 to 130 costs a total of 1419 stat points.
Stat Reset
A character's stats can be reset in a few ways:
- Rebirthing to prepare for transcendent classes (can only be done once, and does not apply to classes that cannot transcend).
- The Sam Status NPC in can reset a character by paying him
Magical Stone. Note that the Sam Status NPC is covered by the tree and may only be visible if rotating the camera.
- The Magical Stone cost is different depending on the character's current level:
Level Range | Req. Amount of Magical Stone |
1 ~ 40 | 1 |
41 ~ 70 | 2 |
71 ~ 90 | 3 |
91 ~ 110 | 4 |
111 ~ 125 | 5 |
126 ~ 140 | 6 |
141 ~ 150 | 7 |
151 ~ 160 | 8 |
161 ~ 170 | 9 |
171 ~ 180 | 10 |
181 ~ 190 | 11 |
191 ~ 250 | 12 |
- Stats Soul Potion can be used to reduce a stats by 1 point, and return it to unallocated stat points.
- Mesmerist in Eden Group will reset both stats and skills at the same time only once. Sometimes during skill improvement updates, they will give another.
- Doram get free Stat and Skill resets until Base level 49 from the Hypnotist of Lasagna.
- The Santa Klaus event NPC had appeared as part of past Christmas seasonal events in 2023, 2021 and earlier. He provided a one-time-only reset of both stats and skills. However, there's no guarantee he will be part of future Christmas events onwards since he didn't show up for the 2022 event.
Base Stats vs. Total Stats
Base stats mean the stats alone without the bonus part (which is indicated by +X
part in the Status Window). Total stats include both base and any bonus stats the character may have.
Warning: any investment in primary stats cannot be reversed except through a stat reset.
Game Mechanics | ||
General | Levels • Experience • Attacks • Skills • Elements • Drop System • Monsters • Items • Status Effects | |
Stats | Primary Stats | STR • AGI • VIT • INT • DEX • LUK |
Talent Status | POW • STA • WIS • SPL • CON • CRT | |
Substats | ATK • MATK • DEF • MDEF • HIT • CRIT • FLEE • ASPD • P.ATK • S.MATK • RES • MRES • H.PLUS • C.RATE | |
HP / SP / AP | Activity Point • Max HP • Max SP • HP Recovery • SP Recovery • Healing Items • Restoration Calculation | |
Quasi-Stats | Attack Range • Cast Time • Perfect Dodge • Perfect Hit • Weight Limit • Movement Speed |