Cursed Circle

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Cursed Circle
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5, fixed
SP Cost: 120
HP Cost: (Skill Level)%
Cast Delay: 1 second
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Duration: (Skill Level + 2) seconds
Target: Self
Area of Effect: 3x3 ~ 7x7
Status: Silence Silence
Spirit Spheres: 1 for each target

Cursed Circle (Alt: Cursed Circle) is a 3rd class active skill available as Sura.


Every enemy in the area will be unable to move and attack, as well as receive the Silence Silence status for the duration of the skill.

  • If the caster uses any other skill, Cursed Circle will be cancelled.
  • Each cast uses 1 Spirit Sphere for each trapped enemy and 120 SP regardless of the skill level.
Level Area of Effect Duration HP Cost
1 3x3 3s 1%
2 4s 2%
3 5x5 5s 3%
4 6s 4%
5 7x7 7s 5%


  • If more enemies are caught within the area of effect than the amount of available Spirit Spheres, some enemies may not be affected.
  • Skills already casting will not be canceled.


Enhanced by
