Flash Combo

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Flash Combo
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5, selectable
SP Cost: 65
Cast Delay: 1 second
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Spirit Spheres: 5~3

Flash Combo (Alt: Flash Combo) is a 3rd class offensive skill available as Sura.


Activate 3 consecutive combo attacks: Dragon Combo, Fallen Empire, Tiger Cannon in extremely fast succession.

  • Each skill activates at caster's max learned skill level.
  • Each cast uses a set amount of Spirit Spheres, depending on the skill level.
  • Other skills and items can't be used until the combo attacks has been completed.
Level ATK Increase Spheres Used
1 40 5
2 60
3 80 4
4 100
5 120 3


  • The skills are instantly cast one after the other with no known Cast Delay.
  • Even though the skills autocast are in the order of an actual combo, the damage of Tiger Cannon will be that of a normal use.
