Grenades Dropping

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Grenades Dropping
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 48 + (6 × Skill Level)
Fixed Cast Time: 1 seconds
Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
Target: Ground
Area of Effect: 3x3~5x5
Ammunition: 15 1000564.png Throwing Grenade
AP Generated: 1
Night Watch

Grenades Dropping (Alt: Grenades Dropping) is a 3rd Expanded class active skill available as Night Watch.


Throws a bundle of grenades towards the sky and drops them at random locations around the ground, inflicting ranged physical damage to targets within range 3 times.

  • The thrown grenades explode with an interval of 0.25 seconds for 4 seconds.
Level Base Damage (ATK) Grenade Mastery Multiplier Fall Area Explosion Area Hits
1 1,400% 30 11x11 3x3 3
2 2,250%
3 3,100%
4 3,950% 9x9 5x5
5 6,000%
Damage (ATK) = [(Base_Damage + (Grenade Mastery x Multiplier) + 5 × CON) × Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced By

Note: Equips whose image show up broken (<some-id>.png), are not released in iRO yet and should be released in upcoming patches.



  • TBA