Cold Blooded Cannon

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Cold Blooded Cannon
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 31 + (3 × Skill Level)
Fixed Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Variable Cast Time: 3 seconds
Cast Delay: None
Cooldown: 0.5 seconds
Range: Magic
Area of Effect: 5x5~9x9
Property: Water
Catalyst: 1 1000567.png Haze of Icy Snow

Cold Blooded Cannon (Alt: Cold Blooded Cannon) is a 3rd expanded class active skill available as Shinkiro and Shiranui.


Throws a 1000567.png Haze of Icy Snow on the ground to summon a cold explosion, which inflicts Water elemental magical damage to all targets within range.

Level Base Damage (MATK) Bonus Damage (Darkening Cannon Lvl) Multiplier Area of Effect
1 350 25 5x5
2 700 50
3 1,050 75
4 1,400 100
5 1,750 125
6 2,100 150 7x7
7 2,450 175
8 2,800 200
9 3,150 225
10 3,500 250 9x9
Damage (MATK) = [((Base_Damage + ((Darkening Cannon Lvl) x Bonus Damage Multiplier)) + 5 x SPL) x Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced by

Note: Equips whose image show up broken (<some-id>.png), are not released in iRO yet and should be released in upcoming patches.



  • 510050.png Solid Dagger [2]
    • For every 2 refine levels, increases damage by 5%.
    • If grade C or higher, increases damage by 7%.
  • 650049.png Furious Wheel Shuriken [2]
    • Increases damage by 10%.
    • If user's base level is 220 or higher, increases damage by 5%.
    • If refine level is +9 or higher, increases damage by 10%.
    • If refine level is +11 or higher, increases damage by 10%.
    • If grade C or higher, increases damage by 5%.

Equipment Sets