Red Flame Cannon

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Red Flame Cannon
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 42 + (2 × Skill Level)
Fixed Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Cast Delay: None
Cooldown: 0.7 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: Magic
Area of Effect: 5x5~7x7
Property: Fire
Catalyst: 1 1000566.png Haze of Prominence

Red Flame Cannon (Alt: Red Flame Cannon) is a 3rd expanded class active skill available as Shinkiro and Shiranui.


Uses a 1000566.png Haze of Prominence to emit powerful flames from the target which inflicts Fire elemental magical damage to the target and its surroundings.

Level Base Damage (MATK) Bonus Damage (Darkening Cannon Lvl) Multiplier Area of Effect
1 1,250 50 5x5
2 1,800 100
3 2,350 150
4 2,900 200
5 3,450 250
6 4,000 300 7x7
7 4,550 350
8 5,100 400
9 5,650 450
10 6,200 500
Damage (MATK) = [((Base_Damage + ((Darkening Cannon Lvl) x Bonus Damage Multiplier)) + 5 x SPL) x Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced by

Note: Equips whose image show up broken (<some-id>.png), are not released in iRO yet and should be released in upcoming patches.


  • 510050.png Solid Dagger [2]
    • For every 2 refine levels, increases damage by 5%.
    • If grade C or higher, increases damage by 7%.


Equipment Sets