Melt Away

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Melt Away
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 35
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Target: Ground
Status Icon:
Shinkiro / Shiranui

Melt Away (Alt: Melt Away) is a 3rd expanded class active skill available as Shinkiro and Shiranui.


Melts one's own shadow and scatters it in front to inflict Shadow elemental magic damage to targets within range.

  • Additionally, the user moves backward for 3 cells instantly and enters Shadow Cloaking Shadow Cloaking state for 2 seconds.
Level Base Damage (MATK)
1 700%
2 1,400%
3 2,100%
4 2,800%
5 3,500%
Damage (ATK) = [((Base_Damage + 5 x CON) x Base_Lv ÷ 100]%