Imperial Guard Job Change Guide

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Imperial Guard Job Change Guide
Base Level: 200
Job Level: 60(70 strongly recommended, will never recover lost skill points otherwise. But you will have 70 before getting to 200 base lvl)
Job Class: Royal Guard
Item(s): 490087.png Hourglass Necklace
Quest Reward(s): Job Change to Imperial Guard
* Note: This quest can be skipped, refer Fourth Class Job Change Quest Skip before talking to the job change npc.
  1. Go to Prontera Palace, turn to the right in the intersection, enter the second room and talk with King's Knight prt_cas18110 and select "I'd love to".
    • NOTE You need to be in a party before this step.
  2. Go to the northwest of Prontera, near the Knight guild and talk with Knight of Devotion at prontera58364.
    • Select "Faith and loyalty" then "Yes".
  3. Go to the northeast of Prontera, behind the Church and talk with Knight of Armament at prontera277354.
    • Select "Faith and Loyalty" then "Yes".
  4. Go back with King's Knight prt_cas18110 and talk with him. Talk again and select "Request Tourney Hall of Trials" to create an instance.
  5. When the instance is ready, talk again with King's Knight to enter the instance.
  6. Inside the instance, talk with King's Knight and the Knight of Devotion will appear. She has 4.8M HP.
  7. After defeating her, talk with King's Knight and the Knight of Armament will appear. He has 5M HP.
  8. After defeating both Knights, talk with King's Knight to be promoted to a Imperial Guard and get sent back to the Palace.