Grand Judgement

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Grand Judgement
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10
AP Cost: 150
Target: Enemy
Area of Effect: 7x7
Weapon: Spear
Status Icon:
Imperial Guard

Grand Judgement is a 4th class offensive skill available as Imperial Guard.


Inflict your judgement upon target enemy, dealing great damage to them.

Level Base Damage (ATK) Damage Against (Plant / Insect)
1 750% 1,100%
2 1,500% 2,200%
3 2,250% 3,300%
4 3,000% 4,400%
5 3,750% 5,500%
6 4,500% 6,600%
7 5,250% 7,700%
8 6,000% 8,800%
9 6,750% 9,900%
10 7,500% 11,000%
Damage (ATK) = [(Base_Damage + 10 x POW) x Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced by
